
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Answer in complete sentences. This is a fantasy quiz. I will give you a fantasy version of yourself. 

Question A: What is your favorite color?

Question B: How many AEs do you have:

Question C: You are surrounded by goblins, how do you escape:

Question D: Your AE has a crush on someone, what do you do?

Question E: You see your best friend falling from a cliff, how do you save it?

Question F: You see a skelaton holding a large diamond. Do you take it?

Question G: You see a rich merchant who offers you a job. Take it? 

That determained your personality. This next quiz will determain your social position:

1: Are you happy?

2: Are you a cruel person?

3: What to you do if there is a tyrant in your village?

4: Do you like big cities?

5: What is your weapon of choice?

Ok, extra questions. Yes, this is a lot. I will use all the data, though.

1: What kind of music do you like?

2: What instrument do you play, or would play:

3: Are you a cat person?

Ok, here are my results: I am a very cleaver person, but I use my intilect to run a criminal network.

Ok, that is all. Please fill this out completely!! Thanks. 

submitted by Gared
(August 11, 2016 - 8:45 pm)

A: Red

B: 3

C: Confuse them, cause chaos, then sneak away.

D: Encourage them, of course.

E: Use whatever I have in my pack to have them grab it, or throw down a tarp or blanket beneath the m do they aren't hurt when they land. 

F: Ummm... yeh. Skeletons don't come to life.

G: Depends on the job.


1: Yes.

2: I hope not...

3: Contact the ruler of the kingdom, ask to send help.

4: Nooooo.

5: Poison or daggers.


1- Classical and 60's

2- Clarinet

3- Yes! I love kitties!!

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(August 12, 2016 - 8:52 am)

You are a sword-for-hire, and you drift around the land searching for a challenge. You are a hardcore realist, and laugh at rituals and tales of ghosts and boogymen. You are rich, though you ignore money to focus on the fun of life.

submitted by Gared
(August 12, 2016 - 11:06 am)


Question A: What is your favorite color?

Sea green (aka teal) 

Question B: How many AEs do you have:

Question C: You are surrounded by goblins, how do you escape: 

I use my deep magical knowledge to confuse them. As I am gifted in cryokinesis and hydrokinesis, I can freeze the soles of their feet to the ground and escape. 

Question D: Your AE has a crush on someone, what do you do?

I allow it, as long as it does not become unhealthy for them 

Question E: You see your best friend falling from a cliff, how do you save it?

I use telekinesis to lift them back up and onto the cliff. 

Question F: You see a skeleton holding a large diamond. Do you take it?

First I would research the diamond and the environment in which it was in. Then I would test it by making a fly crawl on it and see if it died. I would feel guilty if it died, but would know not to take the diamond. 

Question G: You see a rich merchant who offers you a job. Take it? 

I would, only if I fully and deeply trusted the merchant. 

Social Position:

1: Are you happy?

Generally, I am content. 

2: Are you a cruel person?

I hope not. 

3: What to you do if there is a tyrant in your village?

I challenge him/her and hopefully win. Also, I probably live in a sacred grove, not a village. 

4: Do you like big cities?

Not really, except for the libraries and culture. 

5: What is your weapon of choice?

Scimitar or trident 


1: What kind of music do you like?

Classical or techno 

2: What instrument do you play, or would play:

Erm... a lute? In real life, I play piano. I may learn harp. 

3: Are you a cat person?

YES. Cats all the way! 

submitted by Brookeira
(August 12, 2016 - 8:55 am)

You are a general, and though overly catious, your men thank you for their survival in dangerouse locations. You were once a scout, and have wisdom beyond your years. You are hard on yourself, but refuse most of the rewards you could get. You like making a change, and helping those who need it.

submitted by Gared
(August 12, 2016 - 11:10 am)

Question A: What is your favorite color? I like pretty much every colour, except pink, purple and yellow. Wait, nevermind, I do like dark purple.

Question B: How many AEs do you have: One. Stan. I'm thinking of getting another one though.

Question C: You are surrounded by goblins, how do you escape: Fly?

Question D: Your AE has a crush on someone, what do you do? Spend five minutes in shock, then laugh histerically at him.

Question E: You see your best friend falling from a cliff, how do you save it? Fly down and catch her? 

Question F: You see a skelaton holding a large diamond. Do you take it? Is the skelaton alive? 'Cause if it's a creepy living skelaton, then absulutely not, if it's a normal, ordinary skelaton, then... absolutely not as well.

Question G: You see a rich merchant who offers you a job. Take it? Depends on the job. Do I already have a job?

That determained your personality. This next quiz will determain your social position:

1: Are you happy? Mostly

2: Are you a cruel person? No

3: What to you do if there is a tyrant in your village? Leave.

4: Do you like big cities? Yes, but I wouldn'y like living in one. I like when they have theatres.

5: What is your weapon of choice? Probably a bow.

Ok, extra questions. Yes, this is a lot. I will use all the data, though.

1: What kind of music do you like? Hamilton

2: What instrument do you play, or would play: Cello

3: Are you a cat person? Naw, I'm a dog person.

Charles says ukgb. United Kingdom Great Britain? Are you British? I suppose he is, seeing as he's from HP

submitted by The Riddler
(August 12, 2016 - 11:52 am)

You are a spy in the enemy lines, a footsoldier with a connection to the king. You ponder life while living it. And you have your own plans and agenda.

submitted by Gared
(August 12, 2016 - 11:34 pm)
submitted by Yay!, Thanks!
(August 13, 2016 - 4:44 pm)

Question A: What is your favorite color?

Any shade of blue, particularly dark blue. 

Question B: How many AEs do you have:

2 AEs and a CAPTCHA 

Question C: You are surrounded by goblins, how do you escape:

Knock them upside the head with a baseball bat and run like crazy. 

Question D: Your AE has a crush on someone, what do you do?

Eh... Live with it. Support them, tease them, it really depends.

Question E: You see your best friend falling from a cliff, how do you save it?

Falling from a cliff... I would tell them to first, run, second, I would try and grab their wrist and pull them up.

Question F: You see a skelaton holding a large diamond. Do you take it?

Minecraft Skeleton or real? Assuming it's a real skeleton, I'd just walk up and take it. If it was Minecraft, well... Goodbye skelly. 

Question G: You see a rich merchant who offers you a job. Take it? 

Of course! Unless I find something strange about the merchant. 

That determained your personality. This next quiz will determain your social position:

1: Are you happy?

Happy in what terms? Just messing with you, of course I am. 

2: Are you a cruel person?

To bugs I am. To people, no.

3: What to you do if there is a tyrant in your village?

Depends what mood I'm in. One, flee. Two, help the town escape then flee. Three, fight him to death. Or four, try to get on the tyrant's good side, then betray him. Classic.

4: Do you like big cities?

Meh, depends. 

5: What is your weapon of choice?

Hidden dagger, bow, my words, I don't know, anything really. Something light, though, so I can run faster. 

Ok, extra questions. Yes, this is a lot. I will use all the data, though.

1: What kind of music do you like?

A little bit of everthing, EDM, classical, movie/game soundtracks, instrumental cover songs, alternative, things like that. Rarely ever lyrics, though. 

2: What instrument do you play, or would play:

I don't play, so... Violin or piano. 

3: Are you a cat person?

NO. Sorry, but no. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(August 12, 2016 - 12:56 pm)

You are an optomistic wanderer, and you seize fortune by the hand. You are the kind of person people ask for help and information.

submitted by Gared
(August 12, 2016 - 11:36 pm)

Cool, thanks!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(August 13, 2016 - 7:13 pm)

A: Turquoise! 

B: 3

C: I send out a lightning storm and they all get electrocuted and die.

D: I try to make them a couple and have them go to the prom, date, etc. 

E: I move her with telekinesis to me. 

F: Obviously not! I've seen Indiana Jones, I've seen the other movies.

G: No. He doesn't seem trustworthy.


1. I think

2. I hope not, I'm pretty sure that I'm not.

3. I tell someone and go on with my normal life

4. They are fun, but I don't like crowded places much. I'm in between.

5. I don't like weapons going into people's body, so I would choose magic. If really, really necessary, I'll choose now and arrows. 



1. Pop, Hamilton, Jazz, Jam, Rock, Classical, Bluegrass, Slamgrass, Country, Hip Hop, EDM, etc.

2. I play the violin

3. No. I love dogs.

submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(August 12, 2016 - 1:25 pm)

You are a high wizard, the royal sorcerer. Ypu are powerful and mysterious.

submitted by Gared
(August 12, 2016 - 11:37 pm)
submitted by Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(August 13, 2016 - 4:23 pm)

Question A: What is your favorite color?


Question B: How many AEs do you have:

Technically three, but I only use 2. I'm gonna get rid of Burt.  

Question C: You are surrounded by goblins, how do you escape:

Goblins aren't real. But I guess I would just surprise them by running away.  

Question D: Your AE has a crush on someone, what do you do?

Duh, encourage it! I am a bit of a romantic person.  

Question E: You see your best friend falling from a cliff, how do you save it? 

Scream and faint and jump after them.  

Question F: You see a skelaton holding a large diamond. Do you take it?

Yeah. If it was a pretty diamond. Skeletons don't bother me.  

Question G: You see a rich merchant who offers you a job. Take it? 

If he pays me a lot and gives me free stuff.  

That determained your personality. This next quiz will determain your social position:

1: Are you happy? 


2: Are you a cruel person?

No. No. No.  

3: What to you do if there is a tyrant in your village?

Fight him, of course!! 

4: Do you like big cities?

no, country girl am I.  

5: What is your weapon of choice?

either bow and arrow or dagger, but I'm not too violent  

Ok, extra questions. Yes, this is a lot. I will use all the data, though.

1: What kind of music do you like?

Taylor Swift and Pop.  

2: What instrument do you play, or would play:

I used to play the piano, would like to play the guitar, but I sing.  

3: Are you a cat person?

um, I don't have a preference really, between cats and dogs. They boy have pros and cons.  


submitted by Daisy
(August 12, 2016 - 2:36 pm)

You are the chatty princess, the popular girl who has a hidden wit.

submitted by Gared
(August 12, 2016 - 11:39 pm)