Fantasy Quiz!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Fantasy Quiz!

Fantasy Quiz!

Yes, I know there are a lot of these out there, but I really wanted to make my own, so why not? Feel free to guess me at any time, and remember, have fun!

1. Male or Female?

2. A dragon is terrorizing your village. What do you do about it?

3. If you could have one power for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4. Warriors or Wings of Fire?

5. What is your favorite book?

6. An army of monsters is racing towards your village. What do you do?

7. Would you sacrifice your life to save your family? Why or why not?

8. If you could trade places with a fictional character, who would it be and why?

9. Sword or Bow?

10. If a demon threatened to destroy you and your family, what would you do?

11. Cake or pie? 

submitted by The Quizzer
(August 15, 2016 - 7:07 pm)

1. Female 

2. Set a trap for it then ask it why it's terrorizing my village . If it has a good reason, I let it go but make it promise never to terrorize my village again. If no reason... then it DIES! I get to bite it when it's not so dangerous. 

3. To be able to go into a magical world with magical and awesome things and creatures. 

4. Haven't read either, but... basically cats (Warriors) or dragons (Wings of Fire), right? If so, then Wings of Fire, I guess.

5. This is hard! Um... Anne of Green Gables series? Or maybe Heroes of Olympus series? (Not the first series. Didn't really like them as much) One of those two, I guess.

6. Hide with my family or run away with them, and after the monsters leave, get more trained people to destroy them for me. 

7. Yes... I guess, because I just couldn't live without them and knowing that I could have saved them! And because I love them A LOT.

8. Anne Shirley! Because she has a way to make everyone like her, and stays optimistic all the time! And is so outgoing... HOW DO YOU DO THAT?! SHE IS JUST SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! 

9. Bow, I guess. 

10. If it was up close, BITE IT UNTIL I TASTE BLOOD! Then kick and hit it and growl at it until it dies or I get a chance to run away with my family. If far away, then get help from more trained people. 

11. Seriously? THIS IS HARD! Um, cake, if it's the right kind, I guess.


submitted by Alexandra
(August 15, 2016 - 10:54 pm)

Here are your outcomes, Alexandra.

Name: Kyia Slaydraken

Gender: Female 

Species: Human/fox hybrid

Appearance: You may be short, but that doesn't stop you from doing anything. You have firey red hair and pale skin with a few freckles here and there. With mischivious hazel eyes and fox ears and tail, you seem like a trickster, but that's not the true you. You're muscular and fit, but you're also agile like a cat.

Personality: You're smart and kind, but you're not afriad to look Death in the face. You like to make people laugh, but you can be serious at times. Being optimistic and outgoing, you're defiantly a extrovert. If danger comes your way, you're not afraid to fight, but if things start looking ugly, you'll ask for some assistance. You love adventure, and you're feisty and fiery at times. Your family comes first, and it may come down to sacrificing your life for the,

Powers: Teleporting into a magical realm

Hope you like it! 

submitted by The Quizzer
(August 16, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

Thanks! Love it!

submitted by Alexandra
(August 17, 2016 - 6:02 pm)
submitted by ToppityTop
(August 16, 2016 - 8:57 am)


submitted by TOP!
(August 16, 2016 - 3:50 pm)

1. Female

2. I hypnototize it into stopping, and then it decides to be our friend!

3. Water (water, clouds, ice, snow, mermaid)

4. Neither

5. Twilight series, Divergent series, Hunger Game series

6. I electrocute them until they do (I say this everywhere XD)

7. No. I'm too selfish. :/

8. I don't know; my favorite charries live bad lives

9. Bow 

10. I would electrocute it until it's dead 

11. Cake. Yummy!!!

submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(August 16, 2016 - 8:24 pm)

Here you go, Jack-a-Nat.

Name: Créy Nucheir

Gender: Female

Species: Wa'at

Appearance: You're long, like an eel, and you have finned arms. You have a fish tail, with fins sticking out of it, and your razor-sharp fangs can do some deadly damage. With blazing yellow eyes and dark aqua scales, you look menacing, and that is true. Your fins are aqua, and they're semi-transparent. You have a short snout with small whiskers sprouting out of it, and large nostrils for sniffing out prey.

Personality: It's every-man-for-himself in your life, but you're secretly lonely. Your mood changes from time to time, swinging from aggressive to kind to goofy. You're smart and as sharp as a tack, and you usually think things through. You don't like to share, but sometimes you give in. If someone gets on your nerves, you're not afraid to whip out your storm powers and electrocute them, but sometimes you realize it's not worth it. You can be grumpy, but you have a soft spot for sea orcs,* as you find them cute. Danger is your middle name, and you love adventure.

Powers: You can summon storms and shock people with lightning

*sea orcs are a type of dragon 

submitted by The Quizzer
(August 17, 2016 - 6:58 am)

1. Male or Female?


2. A dragon is terrorizing your village. What do you do about it?

Send an army of flying monkeys at it 

3. If you could have one power for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I'd like to fly... 

4. Warriors or Wings of Fire?

Hmmm... They're both equally good, but I've only read one wings of fire book, so I'd have to say warriors 

5. What is your favorite book?


6. An army of monsters is racing towards your village. What do you do?

Mind control them. With flying monkeys. 

7. Would you sacrifice your life to save your family? Why or why not?

Ooooooh I don't know!!! 

8. If you could trade places with a fictional character, who would it be and why?

Hermione! I want to go to Hogwarts! But I would be more athletic and play Quidditch.

9. Sword or Bow?


10. If a demon threatened to destroy you and your family, what would you do?

Release my evil demon killing flying monkeys.

11. Cake or pie?

Pie. Just barely. (What does that have to with personality?) 

submitted by The Riddler
(August 16, 2016 - 8:57 pm)

1. Female

2. First I'd see if I can talk to the dragon, try to find out if he's upset about something, and if I can persuade him to leave. If that doesn't work, and he just tries to kill people and destroy stuff, I'd find out a powerful sleeping spell or potion to sedate the dragon. Then the town can decide what to do with it--they'd probably decide to kill the dragon in its sleep through a kink in its armor. Sorry, dragon. I tried reasoning with you.

3. Gosh, I really don't want powers, as one would usually think of powers. I'm afraid they'd corrupt me, that I'd abuse them. I don't want invisibility, DEFINITELY not telepathy, or telekinesis, and I wouldn't really get to use flying. Hm. I'd want a really random, small, harmless power. Either the magic power to be able to get tickets and see whatever musical I desired (DON'T JUDGE)....or maybe magic super-amazing-singing power. 

4. I have not read either.


6. Heh. So I could say something  funny to get out of this question like, "I'd have them make me coffee XD" or "send my flying monkeys" but *sigh* I'm too practical for that. Um. Gather all of the Wizards in the village to make a barrier. Then I'd use the same sleeping stuff, only I'd make it a spray, and Is make it poison, to kill the monsters. I'M SORRY I AM NOT BEING CREATIVE.

7. Questions like this always scare me because: I don't know. I should like to say "Uh, of course!" because it's the right thing to do. But I've never been in that situation, so I really don't know. I don't know if I'm brace enough. I think I'd I were in that situation I'd just freeze up and ...not to anything. I really don't know. ITS PATHETIC WHY AM I ANSWERING  THESE QUESTIONS SO HONESTLY? 

8. Amanda Ellerby from the Willow Falls series! She lives in a world with just a touch of magic, with great friends, and Leo is awesome, and she lives a great, fun life.

9. Sword.

10. Yell, bite, kick, punch, hit it with anything in the room until it's mortally wounded or unconscious or I can shove it away from the doorway so my family and I have enough time to escape, then we can ask for help and maybe contact Ghostbusters (BOTH crews, male and female) or something. 

11. Cake 

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 17, 2016 - 8:58 am)


2.Tame IT!!!


4.Warriors cus I never read WoF.

5.The Old country by Mordicai Gerstein.

6.Turn into a dragon and set them on FIRE!

7.Yes because I love my fam and I where im going if I die.

8.Fire heart


10.Pray to Lord Jesus!

11.Cake. Then if its apple pie then pie TOTALY!

LaughingWinkTongue outSmile 


submitted by Tuxedo kitten
(August 19, 2016 - 3:24 pm)

1. Female.

2. WHY ARE YOU TERROIZING MAH VILLAGE?!?!?!?! And I probably don't have the resorces I would like ...

3. Animus powers? No, too dangerous. None?



6. Take my most valuble possesions and flee. Until I devise a good plan to attack them. :D

7. Yeeess? No, most definetly yes. Because I LOVE 'EM!

8. HECK YA!!! Glory, because sheisAMAZINGandhasmagicaldeathspitandshe'stheQUEENofthebesttribesandshehasDEATHBRINGER!!!

9. Bow.



submitted by Cho Chang
(August 19, 2016 - 3:31 pm)