
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Hello, all you wonderful CBers that I actually really do not know at all... in case you guys didn't know, I'm Indigo. I joined a few years ago, and around that time made a vow to myself never to leave... so, I'm technically still here. Every so often I attempt to get myself back into the CB-ish life style. *spoiler alert: it never works* Anyhoot... November is one of my favorite months. In addition to being pleasently close to Christmas, and having Thanksgiving, and Fall being a nice season, and plenty of new books coming out... NANOWRIMO! 

This year's Nanowrimo is especially special, as they will be creating a completely new version of the Nano YWP website. Usually, they do a few simple edits, but this year it's going to be a complete redo! Think the difference between repainting your house, and all out remodeling it.

I just wanted to bring up this thread so that it can later be topped or remade as a place to tell around your new usernames. I for one will be changing mine to my new pen name. It will probably be somewhere along the lines of 866LucyBlue or Lucy_Blue or something like that.  

My life is wonderfully busy- I have to figure out a Halloween costume, I'm going to a Comic Con this Saturday, and one of my friends is bugging me to come hang out with her at the school dance this Friday- so I'm not sure if I can really pull off Nanowrimo. In addition, the past few years, I've always done 20k more than the last year. The first year I did 30,000. The second I did 50,000. And this year... well, 70,000 is such a nice number, isn't it?

To figure out if I would totally run myself into the ground doing 70k, I decided to do a week long "Nano" in which I would write the amount I would have to write during a week of Nanowrimo if I chose 70k as my word count goal... and I must say, I'm doing splendidly. Despite the fact this post is, really, just me procrasinating on both homework and doing more world building and writing... and I do a lot of procrasinating...

Anyway, have you guys every done Nano? What's your goal going to be, is so? Are you excited for the new website?  

submitted by Indigo
(September 20, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

I have. I didn't know they were revamping the camp website. I'm not exactly excited, but I'm interested into what it'll look like. I have my book 5/7 way planned out, and ya know what's it gonna be about, Indigo ;)

submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(September 20, 2016 - 11:47 pm)