Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket


AE CRUSH PT 2!!!!!!

ok, the last AE crush thread died so i am starting a new one. (mostly because Grey is upset because he wasnt in the last one) so, all AEs are sent mysterious letter that read this

dear AEs,

this letter is being sent to inform you that YOU have won a ticket to the Altargo Island Resort. our facilities span a small island resort with 5 star ratings. Please join us!

sincerely, Altargo Resort Manager

i hope everyone likes! to join the thread just fill out this AE sheet




Any Previous crushes?:


ok, here is Grey's sheet

Name: Grey

Gender: Boy

Description:Tall night elfe with midnight black skin and white hair. he wears a long sleeve black  shirt and brown pants

Any Previous crushes?: nope


we will start whenever the AEs want. (otherwise it could have concequences, never mess with an impatiente AE) also, the actual specifics can morph around as much as we want. i did not make it very detailed.

submitted by DRAGON, age 15, the library
(October 13, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Name: Frosty

Gender: Male

Description: Silver hair, ice blue eyes, pale, teenage

Any Previous crushes?: My first crush was on Puck. That's over now and I'm going for P---well, you guys know.


Name: Chilly

Gender: Female

Description: Long blonde hair, used to be braided, now loose, ice blue eyes, pretty shy and innocent looking. Instead of what I used to be...

Any Previous crushes?: ....I'm sorry....


Name: Temmie!

Gender: TEMMIE! (girl, I think?)

Description: TEMMIE! (a little white cat with red hair on top and earmuffs if you really wish to know.)

Any Previous crushes?: I had one on the annoying dog. It was Icy's OTP! Now I'm looking for any fellow CAPTCHAs.

There you have it! Introducing Temmie! I'm not going to use her for anything serious, but she's my new CAPTCHA (we sent Snowy to boarding school) and is supposed to be a bit weird to break the Icy-Chilly-Frosty-Snowy cookie cutter.

Who the heck is thing?!

I'm freaked out? 

submitted by Chilly, Frosty, and?
(October 14, 2016 - 10:23 am)

Hooi!!!! i'm tEm! iSSa niCe to meet yooou!

oHh... you gotta dog residues... tEm wanNa buy da cRIcket magassiine... bUt...


submitted by tEm, tEm shoP
(October 14, 2016 - 10:30 pm)


submitted by DRAGON
(October 14, 2016 - 5:38 pm)

*Cough, Cough* I'm going to sign up Ariel, Puck, and Diovald, just cause well, you know. 

Name: Puck

Gender: Female

Description: Raven wings on her back, wears purple, purple satchel slung across her body, green eyes, long brown curly hair. Twin sister to Ariel. 

Any Previous Crushes?: Um, let's just say many boys have had crushes on her. . . and she ALWAYS has a hard time choosing. But she claims that her heart belongs to ONLY Devil Owl, (St. Owl's AE) 

Name: Ariel

Gender: Male

Description: No wings, but he CAN hover. Green eyes, wavy sandy brown hair, (with a couple of blonde streaks). Saphire pendent hung around his neck. Blue shirt, white cloak, and jeans.

Any Previous Crushes: Nope. When I first made him, he claimed that "He cares for no one, except his sister Puck and his CBer Joan." But that all changed when he met Saphira, his GIRLFRIEND. ;)

Name: Diovald

Gender: Male

Description: Shape shifter, but his preferred form is a crow. Long stringy black hair that covers his blue eyes, and occasionally he combs it back. Black jacket, black shirt, black boots, and black pants. 

Any Previous Crushes?: Nope, nada, nat. His current crush is Elsa, (Cho C's AE) but has never been able to tell her how he feels.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(October 14, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

Puck!! It's so good to see you! *hugs* *sees Diovald* *giggles* Hiii, Diovald.


submitted by Elsa
(October 15, 2016 - 7:39 am)

Puck: Elsa!! *Hugs back* Yeah, it's SO GOOD to be back. I missed you! Now all we need to do to stay is make sure my CBer doesn't get "addicted" *Stares at Joan* 

Joan: What?!?! Why do you ALWAYS blame stuff on me?!?!

Diovald: *Squeaks* *Turns into a cat* Uh. . . Hi Elsa? *Blushes* 

Puck: *Pushes him towards Elsa* Come ON you fraidy cat! You KNOW you want to get to know her! 

Diovald: All right, all right, I'm going. *Huffs* *Walks up to Elsa* *Calms himself down* Hello Elsa, it's nice to see you again.  

submitted by Puck and Diovald
(October 15, 2016 - 12:19 pm)

Yes!!! If Cho's not careful, she'll have similar consequences. Her parents (READ: mom) don't like her being on the computer so much, but it's really only on weekends anyways. 

Well, you ARE in control of the computer for the most part.

*blushes* Hi, Diovald. It's nice to see you too. Erm ... I'm afraid I don't know much about your intrests. I'm a Disney fan, ennjoy doodling, and Minecraft. Just to get things started. I also wish I lived in the Victorian era, as a lady of high esteem. 'Fraid that can't happen, though.

*shakes head* Sillies. 

submitted by Cho & Elsa
(October 15, 2016 - 3:41 pm)

*Squeaks* Um. . . interests? 

Puck: *Snickers in the background*

Diovald: Hush Puck! Well, I'm a shape shifter, so I like practicing my shape shifting, and wait a sec, *Reads over the post again* You are a Disney fan too?!?!? So am I! Well, of course you're a disney fan, I mean, your name is based off a disney character. . . *Starts stuttering* *Sighs* I'm rambling again, aren't I? I'm sorry.

Anyways, do you have a favorite Disney movie? I personally like Frozen, *Blushes* Wall-E, Star Wars, and the movie I'm based off of: "Maleficent."  

submitted by Diovald
(October 15, 2016 - 5:33 pm)

*hides smile behind hand*

Ooo, yes. Frozen and Star Wars are some of my favorites too! And Disney is like books: You can't have a favorite. And I will have to admit I've never seen Maleficent. Cho's parents didn't want her to watch it, because they said it wasn't very good.

But if it had the charrie that you were based off of in it ... I'm sure it was wonderful. *smiles*

Hey guys, whatcha doin'? 

None of your buisness Pinkie. Please go away.


I'm busy.

Pffft. Yeah right. 

submitted by Cho & FRIENDS!!!!!!!
(October 16, 2016 - 7:47 am)

Aw, Temmeie sounds cute!! (and like a shopkins. One of Coco's friends is OBSESSED with them.)

Name: Elsa

Gender: F

Description: Elsa, but a cat-girl. Speaks in itallics.

Any Previous crushes?: (She is secretly torn between Torstyn and Diovald. Shhhh ... Question: Why is my AE crush life so much like my IRL one?)


Name: Thorn

Gender: M

Description: Thorn. I know, I'm so creative.

Any Previous crushes?: Yes, Lyra. But that is. Over.


Can I do this one pleeeaaase??



Name: Pinkie PIEPER!!!

Gender: FEMALE.

Description: All cakes are pies?

Any Previous crushes?: Eh, not reeeaaalllyyyyy.

submitted by Cho Chang
(October 14, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

Name: Mrs Elton

Gender: Female

Description: Long blonde hair in a very complicated updo. She has large violet eyes and very pale skin. She is skinny and wears fluffy pink dresses with lots of bows.

Any Previous Crushes: I have never had a "crush " besides Thorn. 

submitted by Mirax T. , age 12, The Errant Venture
(October 14, 2016 - 8:35 pm)

Name Zekrar

Gender: Male

Description: Elf. Finds humans very annoying.

Crushes: None 

submitted by Zekrar
(October 14, 2016 - 10:33 pm)

Ohh. A description of Zekrar's appearance: Tall, wears wooden armor and carries a stone sword.

Also, DRAGON, could we ship Zekrar and Grey? 

submitted by Gared
(October 14, 2016 - 10:36 pm)

Name: Sriracha Andromeda III

Gender: Female

Description: Tall girl with red-orange hair in sausage curls. She wears long, lacy dresses.

Personality: Gossipy, pretty, crush-loving.... Except when she's insane, random, loud and smart. She's a bit confusing. 

Any previous crushes: Nova, but people were uncomfortable with that on the chatterbox, so she's over that.

submitted by Sriracha, Applejaguar's AE
(October 15, 2016 - 8:34 am)
Name: Bolton (Bolt)
Gender: M
Appearance: black hair, green eyes, freckles
Personality: A gentleman, protective, kind and compassionate
Revised Personality: flirty, unstable, cowardly.
Crushes: Beth/ currently Anna. 
Talks in: BOLD
Insanity Level: 6/10
Name: Beth
Gender: F
Appearance: Long blond hair with light blue eyes, clear white skin
Personality: shy, sweet, gentle, insecure
Crushes: Bolton/ currently Bombett
Talks in: italics
Insanity Level: 2
Name: Burt
Gender: M
Appearance: Auburn curly hair, Hazel eyes.  
Personality: professor-like, criticizes everything, know-it-all, offending 
Crushes: Echosong
Talks in: BOLD italics
Insanity Level: 3
Name: Bombett (Bomb for short)
Gender: Male
Insanity level: 1
Personality: kind, quiet, wise, tender, gentle, cool, confident, assured.
Appearance: same as Burt's. Basically, I'm replacing Burt. Just with a different name and different personality. So brown hair, brown eyes. 
Crushes: Beth
submitted by Daisy + ALL her AEs
(October 15, 2016 - 8:34 am)