
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Does anyone else here take Latin? At my school it is mandatory for 7th and 8th graders, but I think I want to continue it for Language Option in high school because it's really fun.

This is my first year doing it, so I'm not too advanced. Last year I thought Latin would be really hard and boring, but it's incredibly interesting. (We also do Mythology in the class.) Plus, my teacher is awesome! She's really funny. :P

On the subject of Latin, SCRAM was yesterday! (It's a super-fun SoCal Latin convention, and it was at my school! So if any of you went...) 



submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(November 13, 2016 - 10:47 pm)

I'm part of a homeschool latin mythology and classical history group. 

submitted by Elvina
(November 13, 2016 - 11:46 pm)

Latin is offered at my middle school along with Spanish and French. I take Spanish. I'm not very advanced at it, but I'm good at what I've learned so far. I want to learn how to speak Spanish fluently because I think my town's high school has an exchange student program so that people who take Spanish can go to Spain. (and so people who speak French can go to France)


submitted by Dragonrider
(November 14, 2016 - 7:44 pm)

I do Latin! :)

submitted by Daisy
(November 14, 2016 - 8:27 pm)

I just started this semester, and I'm still at very basic level stuff, but it's fun. It also can be super tedious. (Translating English to Latin is kinda boring. XD) It kind of frustrates me that Latin is very helpful for languages like French, Spanish, and the like, but it's not as helpful if you want to learn Dutch or German (Both languages I'm interested in), and Russian has like nothing to do with it. (Russian is another language I'm interested in.)  

submitted by Mirax T. , age 12, The Pulsar Skate
(November 14, 2016 - 9:47 pm)

I wish I could take Latin! At my school (which is Catholic) we have to learn this song in Latin for our Christmas Program thingy. That's it.

submitted by Bluebird
(November 15, 2016 - 7:16 am)

This is my first year taking Spanish. Not the best at it, but I do like it!

submitted by Indigo
(November 15, 2016 - 9:34 am)

l've been taking Latin for my homeschool program for about....three years. They teach it so that you can (somewhat) read Latin, which l can to some extent. 

Hahahaha.....and you think it's fun. Just wait till you get to the grammar part. It makes about zero sense.

On a different note, l'm learning German outside of my schoolwork and it is fantastic. Germans words tend to be pretty amusing at times...... 

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(November 15, 2016 - 1:33 pm)

I don't do Latin, but I am studying Spanish and French. I've got almost exclusively german and polish heritage, so I would really love to learn german. So far, all I can say in German is "ja" and "Nien" :)

submitted by Maggie H., age 12, Michigan
(November 15, 2016 - 2:36 pm)

My mom does a Latin thing with me. It's pretty good; I've been doing it for nearly a year now.

Amo, amas, amat, amamus amatis amant.*

Sum esse fui futurus!

Italia Italiae (Italy)

Mensa mensae (table)

Nomen nóminis! (name)

Flumen flúminis! (river)

Caput cápitis! (head)

Lumen lúminis! (lamp)

Servo! Amici! Unusduotresquattourquinquesexseptemoctonovemdecem! 


*Latin Babbling Services is not responsible for any Latin mistakes that may occur, or when you take an example from us but instead of saying "Throw the ribbon at me" you say "Throw the machete at me" and get bad results. 

submitted by Leafpool
(November 19, 2016 - 3:20 pm)