Character Interviews!  

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Character Interviews!  

Character Interviews!  

This is a little bit like the threads where CBers are interviewed except instead of CBers, their original charries will be interviewed. I'll do all the interviews, unless someone would like to help out. You ask for one of your OCs to be interviewed, and I'll post a set of questions for them to answer. I thought this could be kind of fun, since it's a way to get to know your charries better, and see what other people's charries are like. 

Here's a link to a CBer interview thread: 

submitted by Mirax T. , age 12, Thyferra
(December 15, 2016 - 9:34 pm)

Also, all the fashion design stuff in your character post has me hooked! It sounds a little like Dragon Slippers (which I loved). 

submitted by Rose bud
(December 17, 2016 - 1:10 pm)

Oooooh this sounds fun! Can you do questions for the main character, Korrana in the book I am currently writing? 

submitted by Ember
(December 18, 2016 - 9:57 pm)

Here are questions for you, Ember:

1. Is there something like a pet peeve that you can't stand?

2. Who are your family members/friends/aquaintances/significant other(s)?

3. What is your favorite celebration or tradition? Do you have one?

4. What kind of world do you live in? Do you have a home? 

5. What are some things that set you apart from others? Is there anything about you that makes you unique, physically, mentally, or spiritually? 

submitted by Bluebird
(December 19, 2016 - 7:24 am)

Ok so this is my OC, Korrana, from my book Elfrim. Thanks for asking the questions!


1.Well, maybe it would be quicker to say what's not my pet peeve... Anyway, I don't like the Guard (ya know, cause they killed my parents.), and I can't stand pink!! Or really anything frilly. Or girly. 

2. Well, I guess Aaron and Sora Dagor qualify as my friends. They're siblings and make it annoyingly known. I guess I'm pretty close with Tanya Rathbone too.

3. Tradition? I'm just trying to overthrow an evil government. So, no, no tradition. I'd rather people not know when my birthday is.

4. Hmmm... (It's a fantasy btw) let me just say this: evil government killing off castaways like me. No explanation needed.

5. I suppose my fighting abilities. I don't know. I'm the only Castaway in our group who doesn't have their powers yet, and yet I'm the leader of the group, and one of the best fighters, not to brag. And, as my friend Aaron says, I'm in survival mode. Only mode available anymore. 


Wow that was fun! Thanks! If you want to give more questions, I'd love to answer more about my character! 

submitted by Ember
(December 19, 2016 - 1:42 pm)

This looks interesting! Could you do an interview for the main character in a book I'm writing with a friend? Her name is Celaena Ashryver, but she thinks her last name is Gordain. It's somewhat complicated. :)

submitted by Kestrel
(December 19, 2016 - 8:33 am)

Okay, Kestrel! By the way, Celaena Ashryver is a great name.

1. What is one memory you have of your childhood?

2. What is your style like? Do prefer bright or dull colors? Do you wear a lot of accessories? Are you forced to wear a certain thing?

3. What type of weather is your favorite? Do you have an 'element' that you like?

4. Do you like to fight? If so, what is your weapon?

5. What are a few habits (bad or good) that you have?


submitted by Bluebird
(December 19, 2016 - 1:58 pm)

Okay, sorry it took a while to reply. Give me a moment to start thinking like my character.... Alright

1. What is one memory you have of your childhood?

What childhood? You cannot have a childhood if you've grown up in the Vigilante's Circle. *sigh* If I must answer... There was once a time when my birthday was actually acknowledged. Nine years ago, at my eighth birthday, the closest thing to parents I've had, Fenrys and Lorcan, handed me a locket the colour of my eyes with a white stag carved into the front. When I put it around my neck, I felt a jolt in my gut, like suddenly a well of power opened up inside of me. The next thing I knew, I had incinerated half of the library. That's when I first realized I may not be just another assassin.

2. What is your style like? Do prefer bright or dull colors? Do you wear a lot of accessories? Are you forced to wear a certain thing?

 Hmm.... I like practical stuff for when I conduct business. But I do care about what I look like. I love dresses in bright colours, but during training, I'll wear black silk. When Fenrys and Lorcan have... guests, I am expected to wear certain kinds of clothes. If you could even call them that.

3. What type of weather is your favorite? Do you have an 'element' that you like?

I love crazy weather. Tempests. Wildfires. Thunderstorms. I like watching destruction, but I hate seeing people get hurt. I'd rather not go into that. My favourite element is ice, because it is the exact opposite of mine, fire.

4. Do you like to fight? If so, what is your weapon?

My entire survival is based on fighting. I can fight with a wide variety of weapons, but my favourite are daggers.

5. What are a few habits (bad or good) that you have? 

Bad habits; when I get angry I tend to start throwing the nearest object. Usually, it's a knife.

Good habits; I enjoy making music.



submitted by Kestrel
(December 26, 2016 - 6:00 pm)

Wow, this is a really good idea! Very helpful with character building and analysis! At the moment, I am planning a fanficition, and some character analysis would be nice...but I really need to focus on my ski lodge. But this is really cool. I'll help keep it topped!

submitted by Owlgirl
(December 19, 2016 - 10:09 am)


submitted by Top!
(December 23, 2016 - 11:40 pm)