CBers as PLACES!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBers as PLACES!!!

CBers as PLACES!!!

Hi everyone, I just thought of putting CBers and famous landmarks and places together! What do you think other CBers are? Here are my thoughts... 

If you don't know what some of them are, just google it. Hope you like it! 

Mei- Eiffel Tower

Abigail- mount Rushmore 

LilyPad- Buckingham Palace

St Owl- The White House

Owl girl- Big Ben

Booksy Owly- Taj Mahal

Embers in the Ashes- Niagra Falls

Nebula- Stonehenge

Element girl- Sydney Opera House

Over the Rainbow- The Golden Gate Bridge

Ashlee G- Times Square

The Riddler- The Great Wall of China

General Waffleson- Alhambra (I was born near here, and it's super cool! Btw, I don't live there now. I'm in the U.S.)

Leafpool- Machu Picchu

Leeli- The Statue of Liberty

Kaleidoscope Gryphon- Mount Fuji

Brookeira- Iguazú National Park

Claaws- Yellowstone National Park 

Killim- Mount Etna 

Rose Bud-  La Louvre


submitted by AutumnArtist:), age 12 1/2
(February 24, 2017 - 7:53 am)

Where would I be?

submitted by Icy
(February 27, 2017 - 10:36 am)

Icy: Potomac river

I live near that river!My family and I sometimes go there and get ice cream! 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan/Tux, New name people
(February 27, 2017 - 3:28 pm)

Icy: North Ice, Greenland

Top! Top! Toppity Top! Top! Top! 

submitted by AutumnArtist:), age 12 1/2
(February 27, 2017 - 3:52 pm)

I never thought of myself as an Arabian city, but I think it might fit! Even though I've never been to the middle east, and spent more time in Durham, England. I've kind of thought myself as Edinburough, Scotland, but I think you might be right!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(February 27, 2017 - 4:59 pm)

@Icy, I think you would be Eiffel Tower or London Eye.

I think I would be Tokyo Tower or Arc de Triomphe. 

submitted by Killim
(February 27, 2017 - 5:52 pm)



submitted by AutumnArtist:), age 12 1/2
(February 28, 2017 - 10:03 am)