CBers as colours!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBers as colours!

CBers as colours!

Pretty self explainitory. One rule: be creative!

Abigail: A pinkish red

Ashlee: A warm, sunny yellow

Autumn Artist: All Autumn colours, red, orange, golden. I imagine you as a tall girl with deep red hair and a long dress made from Autumn Leaves. Random.

Autumn Leaves: Sunny, Orange-yellow

Bear of Intelligence: Blue and deep green

Bibliophile: Bright red

Booksy Owl: A mix of cool colours, green, blue, purple...

Brooklyn Newsie: Lilac and purple

Brown Bear: turquoise, suprisingly

Butterfly: royal blue

Caroline: teal

Cayke: A pleasent, calm yellow

Claaws: Red and green.

Clouded Leapord: salmon-y pink

Cockleburr: Golden

Crookshanks: dark green

Dandilion: Sunny yellow

Destiny: swirled blue, purple and white and black

Diamond Bright: Orange

Dragon rider: Deep purple

Element girl: red, orange, yellow and a hint of blue

Embers in the ashes: Dim, soft red

Esquire of Rohan: deep red

Esthelle: calm blue

Fireburst: Purple. Unexpected, I know, but I'm trying to describe your personality, not your name.

Firefly+: Royal blue

Gared: orange

General Waffleson: lush, living green

Green Mango: yellow, green and red swirled together

Hermione F: Pink. Bright, happy pink.

Horse Spirit Girl: Rainbow! 

Hot Air Balloon: Yellow, red and blue.

Please feel free to post your own! Enjoy!

By the way, I will do the rest of the CBers later! 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 13, 2017 - 8:21 pm)

So cool, LilyPad! Here's a couple of mine:

Sho: Yellow. Obviously. You are so happy and bright all the time. Whenever I come on the CB for inspiration, your comments are some of the first things I find. Stay sunshiny!

Quirker: Black with purple and pink sparkles. Like a galaxy! I have no idea why that is the picture that comes into my head when I see your name, but I think that it fits you perfectly. Keep on keepin' on!

I'll do more later. See you later, colorful friends!

submitted by Rae
(April 14, 2017 - 8:05 am)
submitted by Top
(April 14, 2017 - 1:27 pm)


Lucy B: Purple. I just always think of purple. Simple as that.

AutumnArtist: Orangey green. I'm not sure what you call the color, it remins me of how alive things are, even in Autumn.

Starseeker: A super shiny yellow, like a star. I also sometimes think of a dog for some reason.

DiamondBright: A silvery-blue color that reminds me of a diamond.

Elementgirl: Sky-blue. I thik it really suits your personality!

Treble Clef: A kind of gold, but worn down like a brick. It's kinda hard to explain, but if you look at the Minecraft: Story Mode title, it's the lower bit of it. That color.

I might do more later!

Kilp syays nato. I think he's studying politics again. 

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(April 14, 2017 - 4:29 pm)

@General Waffleson:

Thanks! Yellow... I like it!

I picture you as a sort of purple, with the color yellow (like the shade of waffles) swirled in.


PS My CAPTCHA, Starfire Scales, says "azrn". A zen. Do you want to go talk to Zen? 

submitted by Starseeker/Halt A, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 14, 2017 - 7:52 pm)

Thank you, Rae!!  

Rae: Green, not neon but still bright, because it's cool but also fun. Maybe also because I remember you posting "Happy St. Patrick's Day!" a lot :))

Greenhood: Well, green is the first thing that comes to mind :P. A dark, foresty green.

Esquire: Purple or red. Or maybe blue. I'm so indecisive; you can choose your favorite!

Lilypad: Yellow, with a hint of light purple.

Poetic Panda: A sky blue, or a bamboo green. 

submitted by Shoshannah
(April 14, 2017 - 4:24 pm)

Green is one of my favorite colors!

Leeli: yellowy-green. I don't know why.

submitted by Crookshanks, age 2nd year, Hogsmeade
(April 14, 2017 - 4:59 pm)

Sho: Lavender

Rae: A Rust Red

Lilypad: Pink and Green 

I'll post more later! 

submitted by Quirker
(April 14, 2017 - 7:59 pm)

Thank you so much, LilyPad! Here's some of my own:

LilyPad: A bright yellow like what you chose for me

Gared: A dark green

Green Mango: Orangeeee

Elementgirl - a bright, powerful, playful red

CL - a sky blue swirled with cloud white

Booksy - A dark blue with gold flecks

Oregano - Poppy orange

Cockleburr - Swirling sea blue with gold

HAB - Yellow and red together

Brooklyn - Blue and bright orange (a lot of orange for everyone! xD)

Abi - Light pink swirled with blue, or you know, the other way around

I'll do some more later! Thanks again, Lily, for the playful color! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(April 14, 2017 - 9:47 pm)

@Starseeker, so kinda like that wierd peanut butter that is also jam that you sometimes see in stores? Cool!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(April 15, 2017 - 5:16 am)

These were just the first colors that popped into my head

Autumn Artist: grass green and reddish brown (comes from a memory of mine that I think of when I read your name)

Brown Bear: Warm coffee brown and baby blue swirled together(I don't know, your name just sounds very comforting or something, and those colors are very comforting to me).

Cockleburr: Like the yellow of an eagle's beak, except more vivid(yes, that's really what I thought of), mixed with beige streaks

Diamond Bright: rose quartz pink

Esquire of Rohan" royal purple


submitted by GreenMango
(April 15, 2017 - 6:23 am)

Thanks Lilypad! I see you as a soft pink. 

GreenMango: Neon green

General Waffleson: The color of the shades on sunglasses

Ronan: A light brown

Nighthawk: The darkest navy you can find

Icy: Pale blue

AnimeStuff: Maroon

The Artist: Red, the color of leaves in autumn

Cayke the Cooke: The color of vanilla cake batter

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 15, 2017 - 7:16 am)

Zeus: A cloudy gray

Zen: Light, peaceful green 

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 15, 2017 - 12:40 pm)

Icy: Suprisingly, a warm sunny orange. It may not be your name, but its your personality!

Imputy Jane: Deep blue

Inktail: Is there such a colour as royal purple? Well, Id say purple

Joan of Arc: Bright red

Kelidiscope Griffon: Living green. Like the the sort of foresty colour

Killim: Orange

Kitty Lover: Green and orange

Kestrel: Silver-blue 

Lap: Blue

Leafpool: Royal blue

Leafmist: Silver-green

Leeli: Bright green

Lightning: yellow

Lynx: orange and white

Mei: deep purple

Micearenice: Silver

Moonlight: dim yellow and silver

Ms. Banana: Light blue

Nebula: Rainbow! A mix of every colour swirled together 

Nianad: Chocolate brown. No idea why

Nighthawk: Purple and silvermy (my fave colours)

Over the rainbow: rainbow-joking! Silver, red and green

Owlgirl: Green and red swirled together

Pastella: Yellow

Pepperstar: light pale pink

Pizza boy: red and yellow

Poetic panda: Purplish pinky (new word!)

Quirker: orange

Random person: violet

Rae: blue and pink

Ronan: bright red

Rosebud: silver and blue and white

Savvy: yellow and blue

Scyllla: orange and purple

September: light pink

Shoshannah: yellow and pink


The Artist: turquise 

TheColourofQuantom: Violet

The riddler: royal purple

Treble clef: orange


Viola: purple

Zuez: bright green


submitted by LilyPad
(April 15, 2017 - 8:14 pm)

Did you use your original list? Because that was missing a few CBers.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 16, 2017 - 3:28 pm)

What about me?☺

submitted by Satin, age 11, The dance studio
(April 16, 2017 - 8:45 pm)