Hello. I'

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hello. I&#39


I'm Will...or William. 

I wish I had known about chatterbox when I was younger, but by now I guess that I'm probably older than most of you. 

I thought about calling myself Tomb Hunter...but I figured you guys would just be creeped out by that...wow...I should shut my mouth....

Anyway, I like writing, books (as in all of them), music (as in I might start typing random song lyrics that none of you know...), sports and a bunch of other stuff...but I'm really here to learn more about you guys! So...hey! 

Until next time. 

Welcome, William. We're pleased to meet you. We have another boy here who goes by Will, so please use William or William K. or something different than Will anyway. We don't post real last names either.


submitted by William Chase K.
(May 31, 2017 - 8:49 pm)

Thank you, I look forward to getting to know you.

submitted by William K.
(June 4, 2017 - 4:32 pm)

Hi, William! My CB name is Moonlight, but my real name is Natalie. I'm an Inheritance Cycle addict and I'm obsessed with fantasy. If you go digging through old threads and see Natalie, Jack-a-Nat, or CNN Reporter, those were my old CB names, so that's me too!

It's very nice to meet you and I'm sure you'll love the CB!


<3 Moonlight  

submitted by Moonlight , age 12, Ellesmera
(June 7, 2017 - 2:40 pm)