Party Coordination

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Party Coordination

Party Coordination

Do you need your party coordinated? Got a thing to celebrate, but don't know how to celebrate it? No worries! The party coordination team has got your back!

We -

*Phone begins to ring*

Sorry, I have to take this.

Hello? . . . Oh dear, I'm very sorry. . . . well, yes, but, you wanted an aquatic theme . . . Marshland is quite aquatic! . . . sued? Now why would you be sued? . . . but they wouldn't hurt a fly! . . . what do you mean, am I a licensed alligator trainer? Of course I have a license! . . . No, you can't see it, we're on the phone . . . what do you mean, you can see it in court? . . . No, no, you're the one being sued! . . . My fault? How is this my fault? . . . And same to you!

I'm very sorry. The people you get around here, eh?

Now, what party can I throw for you? 

submitted by Party Coordinator, age Ssssh, Anywhere convenient
(September 4, 2017 - 3:38 pm)