CBer Names!I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBer Names!I

CBer Names!

I figured I would recreate the thread I made a few months back where we try and guess each other's first names. Here we go:

EG: Alicia? I picture you as an Alicia.

Claaws: Laura?

Doctor Who?: Melanie

Quill: Sally?

HAB: Nathan

KtG: Lauren

Pheasantwithbooks: Sophie

Zues: Jane

Danie: Annie

Brookeria: Charlotte

Skylla: Isabella

Savvy: Hannah

MJ's Friend: Tailor

Cockleburr: Opal

Mei: Lily

AppleJaguar: Tiana

Bluebird: Abigail (I think I already new that but whatever)

Viola: Hermione

Vyollete: Martina

Kitten: Emma

Pepper Star: Cynthia

Coyotedomino: Allysa

Starseeker: Edith

Satin: Caitlin

Bookworm: Alice

Silverwaxwing: Jamie

Ashfang: Lorien

Shade: Layla

Leeli: Pearl

Leafpool: Emily 

Autumn Artist: Ruth 

IJ: Matilda

June: Rose

Ashlee: Well, Ashlee? But if I didn't know your name I would say Nicala

Abigail: Tina. I know your name's Abigail but I would say Tina if I didn't know.

Lucy: Same again, but I'm gonna guess Annabella

Nighthawk: Jess

Phew, that's a lot. I will do more later, though. Enjoy! 


submitted by LilyPad
(October 21, 2017 - 6:05 pm)

*rolls up sleeves*

Jwyn: Ellis

Allie: Rebecca 

Vyolette: Gemma

GreenMango: Joy 

AppleJaguar: Addison

Autumn Moon: Aryah

Leafmist: Angela

Catsclaw: Asher 

rthebwayfan: Audrey (I'm so stuck on A names, sorry)

St. Owl: Breanna

Barnswallow: Sorry, are you a boy or a girl?

Starseeker: Winter

Autumn Leaves:Magdalen

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 13, 2017 - 1:44 pm)

I like Winter a lot! *sigh* I wish that was my real name. Unfortunately, mine is something much less mystical and much more normal.

I picture you as something kind of ethereal, but grounded at the same time. Willow, again, almost fits, but it's too loose for you. Hmm... Cassandra? Serena? Calista? Rhiannon? *sigh* none of those are exactly right for you, but close. Does anyone know what I mean when I say that? That names have to be exactly right, or they don't fit? I dunno. It's probably just me.

On the bright side, however, I found the perfect name for Danie: Bryony! It fits perfectly. :)


submitted by Starseeker, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(December 13, 2017 - 6:07 pm)

Oh, cool! I mentioned in the SI that I love the name Rebecca!

submitted by Allie
(December 14, 2017 - 8:33 am)

Asher. huh. i like it but i've never seen myself as an Asher (though i do see myself as an Ian.) 

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(December 16, 2017 - 2:27 pm)

sorry I'm sort of late, I just found this thread today, but I'm a girl

submitted by Barnswallow
(January 7, 2018 - 8:04 am)

Gemma, Abigail and Connie! All lovely names, all very bright and cheerful!

@Starseeker- Yes! I feel the same way! Names have to fit just right. I usually have to think for a while before I start guessing people's names, because the first one that pops into my head does'nt quite fit.

Shoshannah- Emmeline

Allie- Francine, maybe?

Starseeker- Lorraine? No, maybe.....well, something sophisticted, that yet still sounds imaginative and alive. I may come up with something later.


submitted by Vyolette
(December 14, 2017 - 4:31 pm)

Yes you get me! I thought you might, since you commented on the AE ball (whoops, stillllll need to post) that Trevor's name needed to be just right. I'm glad someone else feels the same! Do you agree with Danie as Bryony? It just feels right somehow.

Ooh, Lorraine? Not the name I would have chosen for myself but I still like it!


submitted by Starseeker@Vyolette, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(December 14, 2017 - 5:35 pm)

Oooh, Francine? Cool, that's a really unique name! I like it!

submitted by Allie
(December 14, 2017 - 7:03 pm)

Do you pronounce Bryony as Bree-o-NEE? Or Brie-on-ee? Both ways do seem to suit Danie quite well! As for the AE Ball, do you think it  may be time to wrap it up? Save it for another Ball? Its seems as though it's dragging on a bit, but you decide.

submitted by Vyolette@Starseeker
(December 14, 2017 - 8:27 pm)

Allie: Jemima

SopranoTwo: Jemma or Logan (as in the girls name) 

submitted by LilyPad
(December 15, 2017 - 9:52 pm)

Oh, wow, hip and cool -- not my name, but that was to be expected. I love these threads XD

submitted by SopranoTwo
(December 16, 2017 - 1:51 am)

Okay, here we go!

Legendria- Ava or maybe Lily.

Rae- Bethany.

Happy- Caroline.

Pizzaboy- Charlie.

Winterbranch- Annalise.

Jywn- You're a girl, right? Maybe Bella.

September- Louise.

Tuxedo Kitten- Hannah.

Bluebird- You do seem like an Abigail.

Satin- Summer.

Queen Isabella- Sarah.

Danie- Bryony is good, but maybe a Rachel?

Unsuspectinstrytllr- Hrmmmmm, maybe a name like Jen?

Lilypad- Emliy, or Em for short.

St. Owl- Brittney or Britt for short.

Shoshannah- Charlotte.

submitted by Vyolette
(December 16, 2017 - 1:08 pm)

@General Waffleson i see you as a Gillis, because you remind me of someone named that. ( your randomness, you love doctor who, Etc.

@Allie um... is your name Allie? 

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(December 16, 2017 - 2:32 pm)

No, my name is a variation of Allie.

submitted by Allie
(January 7, 2018 - 8:54 pm)

No, it’s not Aryah. 

Starseeker; Rachel

Lucy B; Aluani 

submitted by Autumn Moon, age 11, Here
(December 16, 2017 - 3:37 pm)