Cat name help

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Cat name help

Cat name help

guess what! my dad found a cat in the hood of his car and he took it home, unfortunately we can't keep it, we're giving it away tommorow but we have it tonight we made a cage and got food and litter, it's in our basement because my sister and dad are allergic. It's meowing like crazy right now, it's really loud. This cat is super soft, it's a tortoiseshell cat, it's hard to explain what it looks like, so look it up. One of its legs is hurt, we don't know if it's the paw or the leg. I'm sad that we have to give it away, but I'm glad we found it anyways. It's really sweet, it let us pet and pick it up right away. We haven't decided its name yet, we're pretty sure it's a girl though. Our names we've picked so far are Motor Oil, Mo for short, because we found it in a motor and Nova. What one do you guys like best? I'll tally up the scores at the end of Nov. 17 and we'll probably choose the one with the most votes, but please hurry we'll be giving it away soon.


I like Mo, but not Motor Oil. So I guess I'd vote for Nova. I used to have a tortoiseshell cat. We named her Cinder because she looked like a light-colored cat that had been playing in Cinders. She was a stray that joined our family for maybe 7 years or so, an indoor/outdoor cat. Then one evening when we called her to come in, she just didn't come home. Nor the next day . . . nor the next. We decided that she'd just gone back to wherever she'd come from.


submitted by Barnswallow
(November 16, 2017 - 7:07 pm)

Aww, that's cute!

submitted by Crookshanks
(November 23, 2017 - 4:26 pm)