Should i rejoin

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Should i rejoin

Should i rejoin Kyngdom?   so, i know you guys are probably going to post enthusiastic yeses, but first, please hear me out.


Reason Number 1:I first started Kyngdom-ing (and CB-ing too, i guess) when i was ten (so young, so innocent...okay maybe not innocentUndecided) and i was kinda clueless. i really wonder whether it's really the best place for me, because i was really never that active there.

Reason Number 2: i really have no frickin' idea what the heck is going on and i don't want to go THROUGH ALL THE HUNDREDS OF THREADS!! Geez!  sorry. also, Lydia? yes? who said AEs were allowed here? oh, right *teleports away* ANYHOO... all i really know is that Catapult -or whatever his name is- is trying to take over the world or whatever, and w-i mean you and possibly me- have to stop him.3

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(January 24, 2018 - 3:43 pm)

If you want to rejoin, then my answer is definitely going to be an enthusiastic yes! Kyngdom is super fun, especially once things get going. (It goes through highs and lows of plot advancement.) Just don't let us pressure you into joining. Only rejoin if you want to!

Since a few other new people have recently joined Kyngdom, we've been making a lot of summaries. Kitten made a thread on Inkwell about Kyngdom and I'm pretty sure it's now on the 2nd page. There are some really helpful/informational posts on there. Also, on Kyngdom's main page, there's a 'story so far' thread, which also has useful summaries from both the past and the present. And on the 2nd page of the Kyngdom RP Board, there is a 'Welcome to Kyngdom' thread that's also helpful!

I can try my hand at a summary for you. I'll post it in parts, though, since it might be a little lengthy. (I apologize for that. Everything I write somehow ends up long.) It'll go over everything from the beginning to present day. That way you only have to go through one thread for anything you might want to know!

The Beginning

-Before Kyngdom was even thought of; before the land and the sea or anything, a giant flower bloomed in the darkness. It had six petals.

-When the flower was grown, six baby creatures emerged from the flower, one for each petal. One was a gryphon; one was a clawed serpent; one was a sea dragon; one was a wolf; one was a unicorn, and one was a dragon. These were the Powers.

-From behind the Powers emerged a blue fairy, the PowerFriend, who acted as a sort of mother to them as they grew.

-The Powers created Kyngdom as we know it--Cealani, (the gryphon; Power of Wing), created the skies and gave winged creatures their joy for the skies. The clawed serpent (Power of Claw; his name was Ecio) created the ground, and was ruler of all animals under the earth. The sea dragon made the seas (Power of Fin; Ayearth). The wolf, named Lunee, was the Power of Howl. She made the moon and the night and gave creatures their voices. The unicorn, Sylvia, who was the Power of hoof, created life, including animals and plants. The dragon, Power of Fang, gave creatures the ability to bite and kill for their food. Her name was Claaws, and she controlled some of the impulses that led to biting and killing--namely the darker ones, greed and such.

-The Powers walked the land for many years. But soon trouble began to arise. Claaws began to grow unruly and jealous. Darkness grew within her heart, and she began to feed it. She spoke to it, and it spoke to her...

-Claaws's darkness soon grew so great that she was exiled by the other Powers. In order for this to be balanced, Claaws became the Power of Darkness, while Lunee became the Power of Light. Claaws was forced out of the Powers' abode.

-Alone, Claaws's darkness grew. She could not control it, and soon, it took on an actual form. This form was one of the first Sideaffected Powers. It was a dragon, just like Claaws.

-The Sideaffected Power was named Jaaws, and she held powers of great darkness. She was evil personified, and also a sort of punishment for Claaws, who had caved in to the darkness within her. Jaaws would do everything she could to destroy Kyngdom. Jaaws went around Kyngdom putting true evil into the hearts of humans.

-The Powers decided that humans were too evil to keep on Kyngdom. They began to hate them. Soon, some Powers were killing humans, including Claaws.

-One poor innocent boy's family and town was destroyed by Claaws. His name was Samson...but he soon changed it to Catastrophe.

-Catastrophe, orphaned and alone, went into the forest and befriended a wolf named Froststone. She pretty much adopted him, and nurtured him in his aloneness. Catastrophe also befriended other animals.

-Soon Claaws mastered her darkness and was able to rejoin the Powers. She was once again the Power of Fang; Lunee then returned to being the Power of Howl.

-At this point, however, other Sideaffected Powers had been born. Here is a list of all Sideaffected Powers, just in case you're curious:
CEALANI'S SIDEAFFECTED POWERS: Aya; female; phoenix AND Leptomoris; male; manticore
ECIO'S SIDEAFFECTED POWER: Grondor; male; megatherium (a megatherium is a giant ground sloth)
AYEARTH'S SIDEAFFECTED POWER: Chinese dragon; female; (I forgot her name); was once Ayearth's love but was killed; created hurricanes and bad weather, including snow
LUNEE'S SAP: I don't believe she has any. Great job, Lunee.
SYLVIA'S SAP: Whist; female; deformed owl with scar over eye; has powers over the mist and can create mist animals; can hypnotize minds with her mist
CLAAWS'S SAP: Jaaws; female; black dragon with red eyes; power over evil and can turn people evil, breath purple flames, posess and hypnotize, fade into shadows, speak to the evil part of people
(Sideaffected Powers are created from Powers' flaws and typically strive for destruction. They are not good.)

-This is where Catastrophe comes back in. One day, Cealani killed Froststone and Catastrophe's other animal friends. Catastrophe, broken and alone once more, fled.

-He came across Whist, who attempted to hypnotize him but only partially succeeded. Catastrophe then stumbled into Jaaws's cave. She sensed his darkness--the anger at the Powers for ruining his life, his ambitions to become something powerful, his thirst for revenge--and Jaaws spoke to those desires. She used her powers to turn him evil, into someone to destroy Kyngdom.

-Jaaws helped Catstrophe rise to power. According to legend, if you killed the monster of the mist you would become king. This monster was none other than Whist, and with Jaaws's help, Catastrophe killed Whist and subsequently became the 13-year-old ruler of ancient Kyngdom.

-While Catastrophe was trying to kill Whist, Whist tried to gain control of Catastrophe's mind to stop him from ending her life. Thus, as Catastrophe fought Whist, Jaaws and Whist also battled, for control of his mind. Jaaws won, but a little bit of Whist's essence was left within Catastrophe's head. (This tidbit of info comes into importance later.)

-Catastrophe, as king of Kyngdom, went around using Brazen Goo to kill all the Powers. [Of course, it wasn't called that back then.] Brazen Goo is the only thing lethal to Powers, and it is derived from a flower. (Sylvia created this flower as a failsafe in case any Power went bad and became too dangerous to stay alive.)

-Around this time Catastrophe fell in love with the PowerFriend, whose name was Celesti. gets a little confusing here, so let me just say:
~Catastrophe had a son named Ronan.
~Celesti also had another child, but not with Catastrophe. This child carried the blood of the PowerFriend. Icy, a character belonging to Icy, also carries the blood of the PowerFriend, but I am not sure if she is actually Celesti's daughter or simply a descendant of Celesti's offspring.

-All of that aside, the Powers fell one by one. The last Power to remain alive was Claaws, along with Celesti, Catastrophe's love. If you can believe it, Catastrophe then killed Celesti.

-Note: Powers do not truly die. When they 'die', they simply turn into an instrument, which holds their essence. As each Power fell by Catastrophe's hand, he assigned an animal to guard it. These animals were instructed NEVER TO PLAY THE INSTRUMENTS, or the Powers would get out. These became the Guardians. More about them later on.

-Finally Catastrophe killed Claaws, but in that battle between the two of them, Claaws struck Catastrophe down, and he died as well. (Though not forever. Later on he somehow comes back to life.)

-Since the Powers were all dormant, some if not all of the remaining Sideaffected Powers fell into a deep sleep for the next hundred+ years.


That's about it for Kyngdom's origins. This all took place hundreds if not thousands of years ago in Kyngdom's past. The Powers' instruments were passed down from guardian to guardian during that time, so the Powers remained dormant for a very long time.

So, I know that's a lot of info, but knowing Kyngdom's past makes the present waaay more easy to understand, which is why I wrote this part first. Hopefully it'll help clear some things up (and not just make them more confusing...)

submitted by Micearenice
(January 25, 2018 - 2:10 pm)

* Since the Powers each have a 'normal' animal form that they can shapeshift to, Celesti had a human form. It was then that she was in a relationship with Catastrophe. (Does anyone know who actually thought of that relationship? I'm pretty sure that neither Ronan nor Icy originally thought of it.) He had no idea of her true status, until the end, which led her to be murdered.

* I believe that Icy is a descendant. 

submitted by A CBette
(January 25, 2018 - 9:16 pm)
submitted by Top
(January 25, 2018 - 4:29 pm)

Yeah, I've also been considering joining Kyngdom. Now that Micearenice kinda has me hooked with the awesome backstory to Kyngdom, I think I'll probably definitely join, and I would recommend joining/rejoining to you, Catsclaw, from what I've heard about Kyngdom.

submitted by Aspen
(January 25, 2018 - 5:52 pm)

(Posting under Kyngdom name, but not full. If you knew me, you know what T.W. stands for.)

I left Kyngdom because of four reasons.

A) The story moved too fast for me to be included.

B) Whenever I got back on a thread, I would always post at the same time as someone else, and so my post would be discredited so that people could move on with the story. Nothing against anyone, by the way. I completely understand. :)

C) My main thread got archived.

D) The people that my main "banter" was with, so to say,  left.


Yep. I don't think I'll return, but I enjoyed the time I had, and I played a big part in a B.I.G. raid. Three cheers for FaFA spies inside B.I.G. Miss ya, Tani, Giniva, Seth, Freya....and Elliot. ;) 

submitted by T.W.
(January 25, 2018 - 6:30 pm)

OH MY GANDALF ARE YOU TARDIS RIDER? TRILL? Whoever you are, I missed you! Seth says Hi! Actually, he says "ow" because he was under his desk working on his pen and scrambled up so fast he hit his head, but same thing. 

I really don't know a thing about the new Kyngdom. I was Capense, one of the animal leaders, and Seth, a BIG Scientist. 

submitted by Rose bud
(January 28, 2018 - 9:50 am)

Wow, guessed already? You're right, I'm Trill, but I'm not Tardis Rider, sorry. :P

Lol, close enough Seth. Trill misses ya too. ♡

Same. After the destruction of B.I.G. (and Pheonix's betrayal--NOPE, Trill is STILL not over that xD), I took a weekend break to spend time with my grandparents. By the time I got back, the story had advanced so much that I was completely lost.

submitted by T.W.
(January 28, 2018 - 10:25 pm)

If you want to join, do! It's never too late. You don't have to go through all the threads, either; there's a fairly recent summary thread in the Power of Claw section. But it is a bit of a commitment; this won't be over quickly, and it's best to check in often. If you feel that you don't have the time, that's okay too.

The most recent event is a ball that hasn't yet begun, in which we all plan to relax for once. (So far, every single ball thrown in the story has been crashed.) If you decide to come back soon, meet us there!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(January 25, 2018 - 6:48 pm)

...Would anyone hate it if I listed all the balls that we've crashed? Because I seriously want to look that up and do some thread digging.

submitted by A CBette
(January 25, 2018 - 9:17 pm)

I'm glad you liked the summary, Aspen! Here's part two!

The Power of Wing

Part two of the Kyngdom summary. We pick up many centuries after the previous summary takes place.

-The Powers and Catastrophe were gone. Centuries passed, and over time, knowledge and memory of them were lost. As the instruments were passed down from guardian to guardian, they forgot what exactly they were guarding, only that they must never trigger the instruments. However, not everyone forgot about the Powers. Some guardians still knew who and what they were guarding.

-Sylvia, Power of Hoof, was summoned out of curiosity by the horses guarding her instrument. She made them forget what they did, gave them a fake instrument to protect, and retreated to the farthest reaches of Kyngdom. (No one knows she is active, even to this date, but that is subject to change.)

-Years later, Claaws was summoned. She too spent her time sneaking around in the quiet shadows.

-Catastrophe came back to life, as well as his son Ronan and possibly Icy. The details of how this happened are fuzzy and it is quite possible that these characters did not return to life until much later; basically, just know that these guys came back to life at some point during the next few months.

-Somewhere around that time, the Brazen Inquiry Guild (BIG) was formed. BIG did research on animals and other things, and, as their name suggested, they were bold and without shame in what they did. Many creatures didn't like how BIG treated animals. Lots of them had reason to hate BIG.

-Shortly thereafter, it is presumed that an organization called Fur and Feathers Association (FaFA) was formed. Nobody really knows when FaFA was founded; all we know is they are a group of animal spies that spend their time monitoring BIG's activities.

-The Cypher was invented at a place called Cypher labs. The Cypher can translate animal speech into human speech. Someone named Charlie W. worked there. He was a 'good guy' NPC that was made by the editors/Admins; Charlie kept all the characters who were working against BIG organized.

-BIG made a huge discovery; in the nest of a crow they found the Power of Wing instrument. BIG stole it but had no idea what it was; they only knew that it held very powerful magic. (They didn't even know it was an instrument; it was a stone flute that could only be played by someone with the beak of a bird. To them it probably looked like a rock with holes in it.)

-Now, just a quick note. Each Power has the ability to transform from their original form into a 'disguised' form. Cealani can become a crow. Ecio can become a badger. Ayearth: dolphin. Lunee (a winged wolf): normal wolf. Sylvia: horse. Claaws: panther. The animals who guard the Powers' instruments are the same kind their Power can turn into. Thus, the guardian of the Power of Wing is a crow.

-The crow who was supposed to be guarding the instrument when BIG took it was named Zephyra. Zephyra was a member of FaFA, a frequenter of the Bog and Burrow Inn, and of course guardian of the Power of Wing. BIG knew she was linked to the instrument somehow, so they kidnapped her for information. Zephyra was one of the few guardians who knew what she was protecting.

(Switching to the present tense of narration now. It's easier ;D)

-This is the part where Kyngdom begins. BIG has the instrument. They have the crow who can tell them about it. But BIG has no way to understand what Zephyra has to say, so they send letters out to the young scientists who helped invent the Cypher at Cypher Labs. BIG knows that these young scientists are smart and will be able to use the Cypher to understand Zephyra's speech as well as their wits to research the Power of Wing.

-However, at the bottom of every letter BIG sends is a warning--a muddy pawprint accompanied by writing that says 'don't take the job!' This warning was placed there by FaFA, who knows that BIG is meddling with things that ought not to be meddled with.

-Zephyra's nephew sends out his own set of letters to the same batch of scientists. (I guess the kids at Cypher labs get a lot of mail from animals, since they're the only ones that can understand them.) He tells them about his plight, and asks for help rescuing Aunt Zephyra.

-BIG laboratories and its new recruits continue researching the Power of Wing. Gradually they learn more about it. However, FaFA is working hard behind the scenes to plan a rescue mission for Zephyra. On top of that, some of BIG's new recruits are human spies, who are working with FaFA to make sure BIG doesn't do anything awful.

-This goes on for a long time. Other organizations against BIG are formed; among them are The Animals and Capto Abolere (Capt'n O).

-Another organization that is founded around this time is the Society of Concerned Scientists. (Again, this is just an approximation. They could've formed sooner; they could've formed later.) SOCS is basically BIG's darker counterpart; while BIG is bad, SOCS is evil. They have zoos and do crazy experiments on humans and animals alike. They also have a boarding school that's more of an army camp than anything; they train young girls to fight and kill. SOCS is run by Headmistress Luna Rigga. 

-Zephyra is finally rescued. FaFA & co. attempt to steal back the Power of Wing, but they accidentally take a fake copy BIG created. 

-A double agent spills FaFA's secrets about the Powers to BIG. 

-The Power of Wing is activated by Cornelia Hornshaw, CEO of BIG.

-The spies in BIG's lab get into trouble; their covers are blown and mayhem ensues in BIG's building.

-Cealani blasts out of the instrument and wreaks even further havoc on BIG's building. It's all hands on deck, we shall say, as BIG's lab gets destroyed. Capto Abolere is present, FaFA is present, the spies in BIG are present, and BIG's workers are present, all running around in the chaos.

-The Power of Wing is subdued and caged. FaFA agents and other animals are then sent to talk to the gryphon.

-As all that goes on, certain characters become active. Claaws becomes more active, and she takes up an apprentice named Eliyana Fur, a crazy arctic fox who is also member of Capto Abolere.

-Icy, (who I just read is actually DIRECT descendant of the PowerFriend), becomes active, and seeks out Claaws to learn more of her powers. Icy is a comrade to Capto Abolere and typically travels near Eliyana Fur, who is her best friend, and Claaws, whom she befriends. Icy is one of the only humans Claaws will trust.

-Cealani escapes from his cage and goes off into the wilderness.

-Zephyra previously revealed a snippet of information about the Guardian of the Power of Claw, which contains the essence of Ecio. She urges FaFA and its allies to find the guardian--who is a badger--before BIG does!

~ ~ ~

And that brings the Power of Wing chapter to a close.

submitted by Micearenice
(January 27, 2018 - 4:03 pm)

@A CBette - Apologies; I only just now saw your reply. So Icy is not Celesti's daughter, but a descendant?

Chip says, "Nete." Isn't Kyngdom's history super nete? (It really depends on which 'neat' you mean. Cool and interesting? Yes. Organized and tidy? ABSOLUTELY NOT!)

submitted by Micearenice
(January 27, 2018 - 6:02 pm)

Correct. However, SOCS is run by Rigga’s sister now, and she renamed it. 

submitted by Kyoto (Mina)
(January 29, 2018 - 9:39 pm)

Heeeey! Didn't realize you were Mina!

Admins, is there going to be another cooperative story kinda thing any time soon? 


I don't think there's anything in the editors are planning, but there are many threads of cooperative stories already active on Chatterbox. I'll let the editors know that you're asking.


submitted by T.W.@Mina
(January 29, 2018 - 10:39 pm)

@T.W., yep, she’s me! ^^

@Micearenice, yea, Icy is the descendant.  

submitted by Kyoto (Mina)
(January 30, 2018 - 7:32 am)

Hey! I see Capto Abolere in that summary! I didn't know we were there...were we? Y'know, it's been a long time. Maybe I should bring back Capense, Cyl, and Capri. 

submitted by Rose bud, age 15
(January 29, 2018 - 9:04 pm)