I spring through

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I spring through

I spring through the snow, my black boots crunching as I bounce. Today is an amazing day. 

The sun sparkles through the ice encrusted leaves.

My silvery hair glints off the snow's reflections.

And my jacket pocket is warmed by the presence of a freshly baked cookie. I can't wait any longer and unzip the pocket. Heat billows out, warming my icy hands. I grab it and close my eyes, savoring the moment before I take a bite... 

My jaws crash together on empty air. "Ow!!" I screech! I hear a chuckle of laughter but by the time I open my eyes,  there's no one there. I cry a scream of frustration and smell the scent of the cookie. Like a dog, I follow it.



Yep, this is a catch the cookie thread! Whoever has the cookie by the end of the Olympics, let's say the 25th, WINS.


submitted by Inktail
(February 12, 2018 - 8:46 pm)

Ohhhhhh... OK...

I was walking through the halls of the old mansion early in the morning. It was a Thursday. I suddenly felt a cold draft and realized the intracitely decorated window was open. Before I could close it, a fox leaped through and dropped a strange item at my feet.

0 ~

A steaming cookie, suprisingly free of mud.

The fox leaped out of the window and somehow closed it behind him. Standing on the roof overhang, he whispered through the crack:

"We shall not let Inktail rise to power! Never loose The Cookie!"

I shrugged, nodded, and then suddenly realized that The Cookie was materializing out of my hand, leaving only a few crumbs...






"Seriously?" the fox groaned."Well, magic baked goods always cause alot of trouble."

"'Alot' isn't a word. You're supposed to say 'a lot'.

The fox rolled his eyes and jumped off the roof into a fluffy snow drift, struggled away, and ended up with a cookie in his jaws.

I watched as he trotted away.


submitted by Alizarine
(February 13, 2018 - 7:26 am)

Haha, that's good, Alizarine! :D



I scamper quickly through the snow, marching along at a steady, fast pace. How dare someone steal my cookie?! I suddenly slide to a halt. A mansion? In the middle of nowhere? How...

I shake my head. Never mind that. I must rescue my cookie! I raced to one of the windows. It was open just a crack. I narrow my eyes. Someone had been there. Whipping my head around, I grin slowly.

"Bingo." Fox tracks. I took off, following the snow trail.

It didn't take me long to find the fox--he hadn't gotten far. I fall on top of him.

"Watch where you're--hey.." he growls.

We stand silently, watching each other for just a moment. Then all at once, I tackle him. He squirms out from under me easily, but I come up smiling. I have gotten the cookie back.

"THE COOKIE IS MINE!!!" I scream as I run back towards the mansion, throwing open the sash fully wide and jumping through. I shut the sash tightly behind me. I'm so enamored of my cookie that I don't notice the shadows moving ever so slightly...

submitted by TOPtail!@Alizarine
(February 13, 2018 - 1:39 pm)

I glanced out the window, amused. Talking foxes, magic cookies... then again, this house I oversaw was tinged with magic. Even finding your way around was a pain in the neck.

I heard a loud thunk downstairs. The shadows warped a bit. Some may call this a foreshadowing.

I was grinning at my pun when I heard a growl from behind me.

"He got it back."

I spun around and, once again, saw the fox.

"You," I said, "are making a mess. How'd you even get in here? You probably crashed through the window."

"Whith all due respect, miss human person, I teleported," he snapped, without any due respect whatsoever.

"You don't have proper english. It's 'with'."

"I have pauws, okay? I think i'm allowed to make a couple of typos."

"What do you mean, typos? We're in a mansion."

"Well, I don't no about you, but I'm am aware that I am a character in a thread who you added for your own amusement."

"Who do you think-"

"I think you are imcompitent."

"I think you spelled that wrong."

"Stop arguing with me!"

"Stop breaking the fourth wall."



Suddenly Inktail appeared in front of us.

The fox growled and snatched The Cookie.

"Well, that was rude," I told the fox.

Inktail was about to say something when the walls warped again. After a loud WOOOOUWMP the fox and I were deposited onto the roof.

The fox broke into a weird little dance where he hopped twice on both of his left legs, and then hopped twice on both of his left legs.

"I haave The Coooookiiiiiie!" he sang.

"What's the big deal with that cookie anyway?"

The fox glared at me. "Becawse," he said,"it's The Cookie. Why do you even live here?"

"What's your name?"

Sometimes, when someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, the best response is to ask a completely unrelated question. This trick is very helpful, and while it never works on me, I use it all the time. Fortunately, it also works on the fox.

"My name," the fox said proudly, "is Pablo Luigi DeNardo the third."

I sighed. "The only reason I asked is because I was getting tired of typing 'the fox'. 'Pablo Luigi DeNardo the third' is much longer."

"Who's breaking the fourth wall now?"

I sighed.

"All right, Pablo-"

"Pablo Luigi DeNardo the third."

"Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V."


Pablo yanked my arm and suddenly we were in the woods.

"Now, we shall eskape... WITH THE COOKIE!!!!"

"You use too many big words for hardly being able to spell."

All of a sudden, Inktail burst out of the mansion.

"To the backyard of the manshun, where there is a moderutly sized hedge maze!!!" Pablo exclaimed.

I felt The Cookie being thrust into my hand, and I ran for the observatory.


Not sure how many enourmous (Pablo's fault) posts I'll be able to do... this is getting good though. :)

submitted by Alizarine, age unknown, the mansion
(February 13, 2018 - 6:46 pm)

Oh my stars xD This is just out of control!


I burst out the front doors. Where in the world did that fox and that girl go? I heard scrambling on th roof and followed it. To the back of the house! I flaT out ran around the side of the house and stopped short. A flash of brown hair sped into a...

Hedge maze. Oh darn it.

I sped after the hair flash, just barely able to follow it to a huge building. When she opened the door, she slowed, and I sped up and plucks the cookie out of her hands. Panting heavily, I turned around and sprinted back through the maze.

Hah! Mine now, fox!!! 

submitted by Inktail
(February 13, 2018 - 10:42 pm)

Oooh fun!!!

I bound through a field in my wolf form, the wind whipping through my silvery-gray fur, towards the mysterious maze. Suddenly, a silvery-haired girl with a cookie clutched in her hand darts out of the beginning of the labrynth of hedge walls. On an impulse, as she runs out, I take a running jump in front of her, and snatch the cookie right out of her hand with a triumphant, playful yip right before my jaws close in on the prize.

Too bad so sad!! She won't be able to keep up with me while I'm in my wolf form! I could keep up running like this for hours!!! HA! 

submitted by Aspen
(February 14, 2018 - 10:55 am)

I bask in the sun at the top of a tree, thinking of stories, when distant screams break into my peaceful thoughts. I distinctly hear the word 'cookie', so I launch myself out of the tree, powerful wings splaying open behind me, and soar towards the noise. I see two people and a fox running towards a hedge maze, one holding aloft a delicious looking, freshly baked cookie. As I observe, one of the humans snatches the cookie from the other one's hand and sprints off down a forking path through the hedge. The other human and the fox stare after the thief, distraught, as she twists and turns through the maze in an attempt to lose her pursuers. That strategy might work from the ground, but is no match for my aerial view. I dart after the cookie bearer, following from above until she meets a dead end. Before she can turn around and go the other way, I dive in front of her, blocking her path. 

"The cookie is mine!" I shriek, snatching it from her and soaring upwards, out of the reach of her grasping fingers. I fly as quickly as I can away from the maze, then hit the ground running for the safety of the trees. Just when I take out the cookie and prepare to take a bite, something slams into me. I hit the ground and feel the cookie fly from my fingers. I was so close! 

submitted by Cockleburr
(February 14, 2018 - 9:21 am)

I zipp towards the cookie, catching it just before it hits the ground, and raise it triumphantly in the air. My powerful wings carry me high above the trees, and I prepare to eat the cookie. Suddenly a strong gust of wind strikes me, and the cookie falls towards the ground. I watch in dismay as it disappears into the trees.  

submitted by Marie Nightwing , age 13
(February 14, 2018 - 3:15 pm)

I scramble down the slope after the cookie, just pushed from the bird's beak by the wind. It is mine now! It skids down the hill, getting covered with snow. I try to grab it, but it slips out of my hands. No!

submitted by Inktail
(February 14, 2018 - 6:25 pm)

I grab one of the sleds leaning against the wall and shoot down the hill like a bullet.

And I get to the bottom first.

I hold The Cookie up in the air and yell to the fox, "Now what do I do with it?"

"Just dont' eat it!!!!!"

"That's not very helpful!"

"Yes iit is!! Even the most unlikely are tempted by The Cookie! Soon you will be as well!"

"Why would I want to eat this? It was in your mouth!"

"Soon it will hit you!"

"Don't be so philosophical! You sound like-"

I wait to see if he's right.












"Whatever's the deal with this cookie of yours, it doesn't appear to be working on me!"

"Inposible!!" spat the fox. He was about to say more when a sound like a gunshot echoed throughout the forest.

I flinched, and when I looked back, The Cookie was gone.

Just... gone.

"Who Has the Cookie?!" Pablo screamed.

Everyone mumbled in confusion and shook their heads.

" No won has the cookie."

Everyone shook their heads again.

"I will find it first!"

Everyone stared at the cookie flying above the roof of the mansion.

"I found it furst!!!" Pablo exclaimed.

General chaos insued as people ran to different places.


This is inane, I thought. It's literally just a cookie. Wait, but what if...

I ran for the back door.


submitted by Alizarine, the front yard
(February 15, 2018 - 8:06 am)

I grab the cookie out of the sky, smirking down at the mansion. I open my mouth and pause, wondering how many people have touched the cookie. After a short pause I prepare to take a bite. And of course, a rock flies through the air. “Storm it!” I scream as the cookie falls towards the ground. I look at the small rock in my hand, an throw it in disgust. “My cookie!!!!!” I scream as I dive towards the ground.

submitted by Marie Nightwing , age 13
(February 16, 2018 - 8:51 am)

i'm walking along when i see a girl diving for a cookie that has fallen from her grasp, i yell "ACCIO COOKIE" and the cookie is mine MINE MINE!!!! and then of course somebody HAS to swoop by on a broomstick and snatch it. darn.

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(February 17, 2018 - 9:22 pm)

Haha! Now the cookie is mine! I dart through the woods on the broomstick with all the grace of Harry Potter. I think I lost them...

submitted by Inktail
(February 19, 2018 - 3:55 pm)

She thinks she's lost me, but i shapeshifted into a cat and i'm now following her, jumping nimbly through the trees! Hah-ha! she opens her mouth to eat the cookie, but I SWOOP FROM THE TREES AND GRAB IT!!!! i shapeshift back into a human, taunt her a little, and then race away. i yell "THE COOKIE" i pause for dramatic effect, the yell louder then before "IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(February 19, 2018 - 9:35 pm)

I'm just innocently 

You're never innocent.

What? You're even less innocent. Please shut up. As I was saying, I'm just innocently walking through the woods when I hear a peculiar sound. "THE COOKIE IS MINE!" Not another catch-the-cookie thread! In the last one the cookie turned out to be all gross. How should I know this one won't turn out to be the same? I'll just keep on walking...

What? You're just going to abandon a perfectly good cookie?

Nothing's keeping you from going after it yourself. Although it isn't going to be a perfectly good cookie.

Eloise? Surely you'll help me get the cookie?

Sorry, Joy, but I agree with Kitten.

Okay, fine! I dash through the woods toward the cookie-holder and grab it out of their hands. I turn to get away and find a safe place to take a bite,

but I'm in her way and she can't escape that way.

I like your plan, Eloise! In the millisecond while she's trying to find another way out,

I take a bite!

No, you don't,

someone snatches the cookie from your hands and runs away before you can tell who it is. 


submitted by Kitten
(February 20, 2018 - 1:12 pm)

I sat underneath a tree, humming under my breath. A collection of single writes was held in my hands--a collection that I was happily reading.

Suddenly, leaves crunch in the distance, as if someone was running. I instantly cower, worried that some bookly enemy might have come--but no, someone calls out, asking "What? You're going to abandon a perfectly good cookie?"

I crept silently through the woods until I spotted the cookie-holder, then took a deep breath. Using any of my magic has gotten harder and harder as the days pass by; I'm getting more physically weak, but my ice magic demands strength and perfect poise. I straighten myself up and begin to whisper an incantation, then point towards the cookie-holder's heel.

A patch of ice spread out beneath his foot and he stumbled for a half second, allowing me to dash forwards--though my strength was sapped because of that one small ice spell--and grab the cookie.

I smiled proudly before running off through the woods and leaning forwards to take a bite of the cookie when I was alone.

However, I realized my mistake--the spell had sapped too much of my energy. I plummeted towards the ground as the world blurred and dimmed, sending me unconscious.



[My CAPTCHA says boop. Is that adorable or what?]

submitted by Icy, age 13..., The Forest
(February 21, 2018 - 1:25 pm)