CBer names!S

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBer names!S

CBer names!

So, I was looking through old threads, and apparently I'm not the only one who mentally guesses what your irl names are. Here are some that I've thought about, and if you want me to guess you just tell me and I'll have a go at it!

Viola?- Anna or Maria

Agent Winter- Alex

Alizarine- Emmie

Leafpool- Sophia

Vyolette- Gabrielle (a)

GeneralWaffleson- Matthew

Jwyn- Megan

Satin- Caroline

Secret- Emma

St. Owl- Elizabeth

Bluebird- Joyce

Icy- Harper

Blue Moon- Tess (a)

Autmn Artist- Aubrey

Ty- Patrick

Darkking- Connor

S. Clockwork- Hannah

Elementgirl- Lila

Fireburst- Rachel

Alta- Grey

Kitten- Lizzie

Micearenice- Claire 

Impunity Jane, KtG, Ezra, Aspen, Gracia/Allie, FountainPen/Lucy, and Esthelle- I assume those are your real names. 


Remember, you must never reveal your real name on CB. We're allowing this because it's purely hypothetical, and a cute game. --Admin 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(September 25, 2018 - 7:16 am)

Not a Cameron either

@Cockleburr, is your name Chloe or Sophia/Sofia?


Drink some water and hold your nose

Let's scare her!

She'll choke and we don't need that

She'll be fine just leave her be, it'll dissapate on it's own. 

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(October 4, 2018 - 10:52 am)

Harper? No, but a pretty cool name. Does make me think of Harper Lee.

@Cockleburr: Hm, I'm getting vibes like... Miri. Or something starting with a Y. Do you go by a nickname? 


submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 14, 2018 - 3:55 pm)

Okaay...long list of stuff to say!

@Soren: Kathrine...I know one of those! That’s a nice name, I could see myself as one. And Eliza’s a very nice name. 

@Rogue: Yeah, Seal’s pretty inactive. Bleh.

@Winter: Michiko! I love it! Not my name but still! 

@Coroline: Daisy. Never thought of that. Hmm...

And...the reveal!

Ok, Cockleburr I know you didn’t mention me but I burst out laughing when I read your post because...


Yaay. Said it.

But really, I didn't think anyone would know that. Especially since it’s more commonly male. Well. Bye. Awkward ending.



submitted by Neko Crowntheif
(October 4, 2018 - 7:44 pm)

I read Parker and my first thought was “HaVe I mEt ThE rEaL lIfE pEtEr PaRkEr” curse you my marvel infested brain(not really though I would die without that MARVELous fandomHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH Okay I’m done now) 

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(October 6, 2018 - 11:33 am)

I...got that a lot in 2nd grade. *tries not to laugh at puns* *fails and bursts out laughing* 

Thank you Night! 


submitted by Neko @Night and DK
(October 8, 2018 - 9:17 am)

Oh my goodness that’s such a cool name! I’m honestly jealous xD

submitted by Night @Neko, age -15, Supernatural
(October 7, 2018 - 11:13 am)

@Coroline-Huh, I know someone named Cheryl. Not even close, but thanks anyway! 

@Quill-Ooo Marissa’s a cool name. Not close to mine though.


I have a fairly gender neutral name, thankfully, and it believe that it’s been on this thread before. I’d have to check though.  

submitted by Nighthawk, age -15, Anxiety is Fuuun
(October 4, 2018 - 8:39 pm)

One of you guessed correctly for me. A few of you might know who. Also, I'm stealing a few of these for my list.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 7, 2018 - 11:22 am)

coyotedomino- Ezra

Nighthawk- Ian  

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(October 9, 2018 - 2:47 pm)

Hmmmm I imagine you as an Amy AW or maybe a Samantha.

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(October 10, 2018 - 6:03 pm)

@Darkking Oh, that's funny, I used to pretend to be a rockstar when I was little and I called myself Samantha Sparkles! XD Btw, no one has guessed my name correctly yet, though I like all of the names people have guessed. My real name is not what you would expect.

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(October 11, 2018 - 11:20 am)
Is it... FROBO??? *purposely mispronounces it* XD
I dunno, you seem like a Faith to me. ;3 
submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(October 11, 2018 - 8:59 pm)

@Tyberious Neither of those names are mine, tho I do like them. Are you a Riley perhaps? Or Max? 

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(October 12, 2018 - 7:26 pm)

I am not, though I am good friends with a Riley! Hmm, are you a Riley, Max or a Michelle?

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(October 13, 2018 - 6:32 pm)

I'm not an Ezra, though I know two. It is a cool name, with that Z in middle.

@Agent Winter: Something with a W. W, W... Gah, I can't get ahold of this. You're a girl, yah?

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 14, 2018 - 3:59 pm)