Reunion SI!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Reunion SI!

Reunion SI!

For the Valentine's Day reunion, I have volunteered to create an SI. Now, I know that there are multiple other SIs right now (there's one with your IRL nickname, with your IRL real name, with the alphabet, with Harry Potter characters...), but this one is special.

Post under whatever name you like, but you must give three fun facts about yourself. This is to help out all of those people who may be coming back tomorrow for the reunion who won't know as many of the newer CBers and vice versa. 

Here are mine:

1. I am incredibly tired of snow at the moment.

2. I have always wanted to write a novel, and I consistently write a few pages of said novel before giving up until the next great idea appears in my head, when I write a few pages of that idea and promptly give up/forget about it/realize I didn't actually think it through very well.

3. I really want a cat but cannot have one due to my mom having an allergy. 

submitted by The Creator, age CB Reunion
(February 13, 2019 - 12:10 pm)

@ Secret Agent Man:Soren Infinity?

submitted by Someone, age Age, Location
(February 14, 2019 - 4:36 pm)

1. My 3rd CBversary was February 2nd

2. I love musicals and am currently in my school’s production, Footloose

3. Once a hippo almost stepped on my head 

I don’t do SIs very often, but this is a special occasion and it’s good to see everyone again! People have already guessed all of my suspicions, and I have a lot of homework that I haven’t started yet, so I’ll pass on the guessing part for now.

submitted by Enigma, age 16, In high school
(February 13, 2019 - 10:13 pm)

The Riddler?

submitted by Moi
(February 14, 2019 - 7:06 am)

1. I'm extremely tall irl

2. I'm obsessed with remixes

3. I'm currently in the middle of writing a novel that's 83 pages long as of last night (I stayed up to like 10:30 writing) 


submitted by Kaskade
(February 14, 2019 - 8:43 am)

1. I have a scar on my thumb from when I tried to jump onto a teacher’s desk and banged my hand into the corner. 

2. The sound of metal forks on ceramic is painful to me.

3. The teaser trailer for Frozen 2 came out earlier today, and I think it looks amazing. 

J-Dynne, are you Leeli? 

submitted by LavaLamp, Mount Doom
(February 14, 2019 - 12:21 am)

*Trying to contain excitement so noone can guess who I am* Yes, the Frozen 2 trailer was nice.


submitted by Someone, age Age, Location
(February 14, 2019 - 3:55 pm)

Holy smokkkesss its been a loonnggg timmemmememee. Lol like five people on this website will recognize me. I wasn't planning on coming back to visit; I, quite frankly forgot completely. But I remembered tonight in my hotel room. I'm away for home because of a cool event that if i tell y'all what it is anybody who knows me will guess.


!: I am really tired. Also of snow, which is why it is nice to be away from my home that is FULL of snow. But I am mostly just tired.

2: I share a Cbversiary with another CBer.

3: I had another fact but I just sat here for five minutes and completely forgot what I was doing. Oh! I'm 16! 

submitted by Aaaaaaaaaaaaa
(February 14, 2019 - 12:34 am)

@xxNostalgicxx, are you Danie?

@Amanda E, are you Twirlgirl?

@J-dynne, are you Leafpool?

@Silly Box, are you Micearenice?

@Moi, are you Leeli?

@Hope, are you Felicity?

@Engima, are you The Riddler? 

submitted by Esmerelda
(February 14, 2019 - 1:53 am)
submitted by Nope!, Moi
(February 14, 2019 - 6:16 pm)

Oooo, its been a while. :D

1. I’m bilingual and am currently working on my third language.

2. I have been out of the country multiple times, mostly to Asia.

3. I was on here for a while and did leave with a formal goodbye 

submitted by I missed you guys
(February 14, 2019 - 6:35 am)

I must say my name is sadly true, although I’m only 11. 

Three facts!

1) I’ve changed my name three times on the CB

2)I have a dog named Turtle

3) I’ve never played Monopoly  

submitted by AloneonVday, age CB, Soimon
(February 14, 2019 - 7:05 am)

Are you Soren, aloneonvday?

Ah, that name is sad. 

submitted by Someone, age Age, Location
(February 14, 2019 - 3:59 pm)

@Silly Box, are you Micearenice?

@Someone, are you GW?

@J-dynne, are you Jwyn or Aquamarine?

I'll do 3 more facts, mine were very vague before...

1) I'm a singer!

2) I go on Last to Post often.

3) my favorite color is blue.  

submitted by Hope
(February 14, 2019 - 7:57 am)

1. I'm eating a strawberry right now, hence my name.

2. I'm very flexible, but I wasn't born that way at all. I had to work for it.

3. I am incredibly tired of snow at the moment too.

@Hope, are you Rogue? Jwyn?

submitted by Strawberry
(February 14, 2019 - 8:46 am)

1) I chose my name kind of randomly, but because it’s one of my favorite names ever. I don’t why that is, but I just really like it for some reason.

2) I adore animals and nature and all living things.

3) I love Winter! It’s probably my favorite season. I hate heat, and I love the snow and the holidays that happen then (Christmas, my birthday...[that was sort of a double hint to make up for the first hint, which wasn’t very good.])

@Enigma, you’re the Riddler, aren’t you? 

@Silly Box, are you Micearenice?

submitted by Rowan
(February 14, 2019 - 8:55 am)