Re-Introduce Yourself!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Re-Introduce Yourself!

Re-Introduce Yourself!

You may have noticed that I have taken quite a long break from the CB recently. I have been extremely busy, but no matter what I will always manage to come back at some point and find time for the CB.

I just wanted to say that there is no other community like the chatterbox. You inspire me on a daily basis and you are all amazingly talented and special, diverse people who will one day go on to do great things. 

As I haven't been active for a while, I would like to introduce myself to any new CBers. My name is Coroline, and I love sports, particularly soccer and athletics, singing, dancing and the environment. Nice to meet you! 

I would like to take this opportunity to make a re-introduce yourself thread! All CBers, young and old, I am excited to meet you (again)!

Here's the template if you would like to fill it out.




Favourite Quote:

Favourite Colour:

Favourite Word:

What you are wearing right now: 


submitted by Coroline
(June 8, 2019 - 9:26 pm)

Name: Secret

Age: 12ish

Hobbies: Biking, skating, sketching/drawing, writing cartoons, reading, writing, dancing, listening to music and baking. 

Favourite Quote:"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it's that quiet voice inside that says. 'I will try again tomorrow.'"- Mary Anne Radmacher and "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."-George Bernard Shaw.

Favourite Color: Navy Blue!

What you are wearing right now: My outdated pajamas that still have the logo on them XD.

Æs: Ann. Brooke, and Elaine, but I'm thinking about getting rid of them. 

CAPTCHA: Dream, my flying snowkitten

Other: I apologize for being gone, I went to a summer camp for a week. 

Dream says oifi. Oy, fly? Fry?  

submitted by Secret
(June 16, 2019 - 6:36 am)

Wait, I've decided I have another favorite quote:

"This isn't possible."

"No. It's necessary."


submitted by spiffycat, age 12
(June 14, 2019 - 11:27 am)

Hmm, okay.

Name: Viola?

Age: Secret

Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing, singing, baking, watching YouTube, thinking

Favorite Quote: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep." --Robert Frost

Favorite color: Gosh, I don't know. I like a lot of colors. Right now it's mostly the kinds you find in spring leaves, and not just green--I mean those musty golds, the mottled reds, the near-purples. I love a bloody red. I love a glass blue. I love sunlight on wood, armfuls of clover flowers and the shirt I'm wearing right now. 

Favorite word: I don't think I have one, but I do like thunder.

What you are wearing right now: A shirt described as "fitted", "crew neck" and "antique pine", blue jeans labeled "real straight" (which cracks me up because I am not), and dark gray hiking socks, machine-knitted from soft wool. My ace ring, a plain but shiny affair that I got in... Norway, I think?

AEs: Sea Glass and Nymph.  

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 16, 2019 - 7:54 pm)
Name: Coconut - "the dog" is clarification. Not to be mistaken as the fruit/nut Coconut. Does it fall under fruit or nut??
Age: No, thanks ...
Hobbies: I read a lot, write, play the Pokemon TCG (& TCGO), draw, play BOARD GAMES YES BOARD GAMES <3 We just got Sycthe for Christmas, it's awesome!! I really like Dominion, more of a card game though, Seven Wonders is always fun, King of Tokyo is fun too, and honestly? We have a closet full of games and a lot more in storage, so I'd better be quiet. *coughs* Dragons is a hobby. ^^ I've started baking/cooking lately, because I was reading Dealing With Dragons and Cimorene makes mousse, so I was like "Hmm! I should try!" My mousse needs work, but I'm really  good at making brownies and pound cake, I made my first pie for Father's Day (it was apple, and I used store bought filling, but I did make the crust and it was yummy!!), I do those scratch art thingys, I play Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon FireRed on my uncle's old GameBoy Advance (which is now mine), and I climb trees(/read books in trees).
Favourite Quote: I like the J.R.R. Tolkein quote, "All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost, the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost."
Favourite Colour: I like aquamarine, blues, greens (especially forest green!), and red!
Favourite Word: I can't pick a favorite ...  
What you are wearing right now: Jeans with holes in the knees, ankle socks that're striped neon orangey pinkish, white, and darkish blue that have grey toes and heels, a light blue flecked with dark blue skirt with a lace-ish dark blue heart in the middle and for sleeves, and my (now rather dirty, scratched, and falling apart) pink/purply watch. I wish I could say I'm wearing my black "Trust me I'm a Jedi" shirt with the lightsaber underneath. But it's in the wash. XD
AEs: Feisty, Licorice, and Kandy Kitty who used to exist. Then she sort of faded. 
submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(June 24, 2019 - 10:06 pm)

I'm casstastrophe. I like swimming, cello, piano and reading (obviously). I recently learned how to ski, which is fun. My grandma got invited to ski in the Olympics. I want to swim in the Olympics some day. My favorite song is Alive by Empire of the Sun. I wish that I could be invisible. I don’t like living in the city. My favorite class is orchestra. I like the smell of freshly mown grass. My family and I have a pact that whenever the cat is on someone’s lap, the rest of the family has to bring them stuff, make sure that they are comfortable, and do their every bidding. 

submitted by casstastrophe , age 12, Here&Now
(February 21, 2020 - 2:37 pm)