Suggestion Box

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Suggestion Box

Suggestion Box

Hey, kids,
The Cricket Web site has been up for several months now, and everybuggy would like to know what you think about it. What do you like best about the site? Do you have any suggestions for making it better? How do you think the Web site rates on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being the best)? Do you like the different areas of the Chatterbox? How do you think the Chatterbox rates compared to the Letterbox printed in the magazine? Do you like the online contests and Cricket Readers Recommend? Do you think kids new to Cricket would like the Web site?

Thanks for your ideas!


submitted by Cricket and the whol, age it all add, Cricket Country
(November 3, 2008 - 5:21 pm)


I like this site a lot, although I do have some suggestions:

1. Could you make it so  comments collapse? That way, you can open the ones you want to read. (As an example, if you look down this page there are so many different comments that it would take a long time if you're trying to find a certain one.)

2. Also, it would be cool if you could add a bar where you enter a title, rather than using the first words/letters of the post.


submitted by Grace, age 13 today!, SC
(December 16, 2008 - 10:14 am)

Please openening in shewag and gambeer india showerly win all matches

submitted by jasir.j, age 23, kerala
(March 17, 2014 - 4:38 pm)