Hey, this is

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hey, this is

Hey, this is really embarrassing but I need some help... I have had gender dysphoria for a while and feel non-binary, but I don't know how to tell people... I tried to tell one person that I thought i could trust, but she just brushed off my feelings like they were nothing... How can I get over my dysphoria/ make it better?

(sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, I'll move it somewhere else if it doesn't go here) 

submitted by Anonymous, age ???
(September 17, 2020 - 12:43 am)

I know this is a tad old, but I haven't seen anyone mention this yet.


If, when testing reactions, you think that your parents are going to not accept you, or worse, do something rash like kick you out, DO NOT COME OUT TO THEM!

It's tough, life might suck for a bit, but wait until you can move out to fully be yourself, because it will be better for you in the long run to finish growing up without hate from the people who are supposed to love you the most. When you're 18, or able to move out, you will be able to live as your full self, but for now, your safety is most important.

In the meantime, come out to any friends who will support you. If you can, and live in an area where lgbt+ people are mostly accepted, try getting your teachers to refer to you by whatever pronouns you like (if you want different pronouns), and you can ask them that when they talk to your parents, to use your assigned pronouns, to keep your identity safe. 

submitted by anon
(September 27, 2020 - 8:36 am)

Thank you all so much for giving me advice. I had to take a break from chatterbox because I was having constant panic attacks and couldn't handle being on any kind of social platform. Someone suggested I get a counselor or a therapist. I wish I could get a counselor, I have asked my mom to book a therapy session for my anxiety and she never does. My mom's side of the family is very supportive but they all will think I'm too young to understand. Thank you all for the suggestions and tips, even if I couldn't use any tips you all gave me, I still feel a lot more loved and appreciated! Thank you all!

submitted by Anonymous
(October 17, 2020 - 1:45 pm)