Wings of Fire

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire SI

For those of you who are new this is where you comment with a name related to the theme (in this case, Wings of Fire Characters), and try to guess who other people are.

Reveal date is Halloween... sure why not

Enjoy :D 

submitted by Blister
(October 2, 2020 - 5:44 pm)

Hi everyone, for I, deathbringer am Kitty Cat, I bet you weren't excpecting that! hey that rhymed!

submitted by Deathbringer, age 13 years, Jade Mountian
(November 4, 2020 - 10:53 am)

I am not Feline Fantasy...

I was Jwyn!

Heh. Well that was anticlimactic. 

Turtle is most definitely my favorite/most relatable character next to Moon.

submitted by Turtle/Jwyn
(November 4, 2020 - 2:59 pm)

Uh, so I was the original Darkstalker (the one who was accidentally Tsunami first, yes I did write like that on purpose) but then posts started showing up that were not me, and I guess they were NoOneKnows. So... yeah. Nobody actually ever guessed that I was in this SI at all, so I just let NOK do their thing. 


submitted by Star/origDarkstalker, age whomst, spilling tea with a queen
(November 5, 2020 - 12:00 am)

Whoops, I forgot about this! I was Qibli, my fellow 'Q' name.

submitted by Qibli/Quill
(November 5, 2020 - 4:51 pm)




keeping it simple 

submitted by Sundew, age Im Inari, REVEAL
(November 6, 2020 - 2:56 pm)