@nightsky/sky nightstar/w

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

@nightsky/sky nightstar/w

@nightsky/sky nightstar/whoever you are

Please make name chnage threads from now on. its getting sooo confusing ugh.

anyways here is my question;

what is your current name? i think its like, nyx-hemera or something but on the hotel ski lodge you showed up as hemera and 'nox' filled out the form, teling people that they were running from 'lumos and nyx' or something like thta? idk plz tell me what ur name is and make a name change thread.

okay thanks bye spirit/nightfall/dream fire/NDF/starwatcher/nightsky/sky nightstar/????

submitted by question...
(March 29, 2021 - 3:22 pm)

i wuz wondering the same thing lolololol

submitted by wr
(March 30, 2021 - 11:03 am)

also my captcha thinks im male




submitted by i agree
(March 30, 2021 - 12:42 pm)
submitted by LazerTOP
(March 30, 2021 - 3:01 pm)

I think it's currently Sky Nightstar, or SNS for short bt it could have changed again. :)


submitted by Feline Fantasy, A Toast Fairy Village
(March 30, 2021 - 8:00 pm)

oof sorry...

yeah, nyx-hemera was my first namechange choice, but there was already a person named nyx...hemera doesn't fit well w/ my personality, so im using nox now. Lumos and nyx are two of my ocs :) 

and here's all the usernames i ever used here, publicly~

spirit, nightfall, song, dream fire, nightfall dreamfire, ndf, starwatcher, nightsky, sky nightstar, sns, nyx-hemera, hemera, and nox. 

If you want all of them it's probably more than twenty. 


submitted by Nox/SNS
(March 31, 2021 - 11:58 pm)