I need a

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I need a

I need a hug...

Today has been terrible. 

submitted by Serendipity, the field of nightmares
(October 10, 2022 - 12:33 pm)


*snuggle time with my CAPCHA Nox (she's a cat, not a human, it's not weird)*

If you want to talk about it, I'll listen.

submitted by Hex
(October 10, 2022 - 2:34 pm)
submitted by TOPsyTurvy
(October 10, 2022 - 4:52 pm)

*hugs, hugs, hugs!* Oh, Serendipity, I'm sorry. I am here if you need to talk as well.

My CAPTCHA Benbi says "paofy" Maybe you could use something soft and puffy, like a stuffed animal.

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(October 11, 2022 - 6:41 am)

Oh, Serendipity, I'm so sorry. I hope by now everything has gotten better. Sending you hugs and best wishes!

submitted by Poinsettia
(October 21, 2022 - 6:29 pm)