Proud to Be
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Proud to Be
Proud to Be Smartphone-Free Thread!
Let's make being phoneless a "cool" thing! Since so many CBers don't have any smartphones, we need a thread where we can celebrate having resisted the ~Lure of the Smartphones~ and still being tuned into the real world instead of a screen *cue ominous music* Seriously, though, smartphones are so bad for your physical and mental well-being - I'm never getting one, and I know there might be other CBers who also feel like it's kind of pointless to have one. On this thread you can also get support if you want a phone but don't have one, or if you have a phone but want to stop using it! Basically it's for all of us Phone Opposers, whether phone owners or not!
Iffy says <tmceo>. Trademark CEO? Well, she's definitely spouting some kind of business jargon :)
(June 20, 2023 - 7:27 pm)
Alright, I'm responding to this again not to be argumentative, but because I think healthy debate is a really good thing!
@Amethyst - While there are alternate forms of communication, phones make it much easier and more convinent, which is a good thing! I'm able to connect with my friends much better through texting and social media than I would be able to without a phone. I understand your point about it making communication much simpler, but that's really not true. I use text lingo all the time in phone communication, but am also a writer! The two can coexist.
@Pangolin - I don't really get your point about blue light, since laptops are also a source of blue light and most phones have a "night shift" option that reduces blue light exposure. I do agree with you that there's a certian level of maturity needed to own a phone, and some people unfairly judge others because they don't have phones.
@Poinsettia - As I said before, from my experience, having a phone has improved my communication with friends and family members. For example, during summer I've been able to keep in touch with school friends I can't easily hang out with in person outside of school. Additionally, social media doesn't really limit expression at all, I don't understand where you're getting that information. Your point about "social akwardness" is actually a bit frusterating to me, as someone with social anxiety. I've spent my life mostly socializing in person rather than over the phone, and that hasn't changed anything about my social anxiety. It also seems very counter-productive to mention that you only have a few friends while not having a phone or social media... the CB could count as social media anyway, since it's a forum. It's definitely part of the internet, so again - counterproductive.
Responding to your response to Sine - I'm currently slouching while typing on my laptop, which has a blue light screen. I don't really see the health differences. Additionally, I have other social media but I've learned that being in the moment and appriciating it is better than worrying about taking pictures to post!
@Everyone - I totally agree that phones and social media do have downsides! However, pretty much any kind of technology is going to have both positive and negative sides. As much as I'd love to return to a time before tech, it has improved my life in many ways.
(June 22, 2023 - 11:20 am)
Yeah, I love healthy debate too :))
Okay, I guess social media doesn't limit expression as such, but in some cases, people might decide to say what's popular and what will earn them more "likes," instead of saying what they really think. Goodbye to all chances of healthy debate, unlike the CB :/
You're also right that a person could struggle with social awkwardness without having social media. I guess it's kind of a natural human occurence. But it might be exacerbated, or maybe more people struggle with it, due to social media. This is just my theory, though :)
Ah yes, that is kind of counterproductive. Still, if other people weren't so focused on the people they know on social media, they would have more incentives to get to know new people in real life, and I think there would be a stronger community feeling in my neighborhood, meaning that I would know and be friends with more people. For instance, kids might gather to hang out at the library instead of just texting each other from home.
Laptops do emit blue light and cause you to slouch *straightens up hastily* but at least you can't take them everywhere you go quite as much as you can with a phone... And you're right, the CB does count as social media, I guess... but it has such a different format from other sites, like how there isn't any way to "like" a comment. I love its format :)
(June 28, 2023 - 2:33 pm)
I don't have a phone, and I don't really want one, either! I just don't see a reason for having one. I can communicate with my friends just fine in person, and if I can't see them face-to-face, I'll just use a computer! Plus, phones have a lot of negative effects, which has already been mentioned. Being on screens too much makes me feel kind of icky, and I don't want the temptation of a smartphone. I understand that phones are necessary to some people for communication and other things, but I don't need or want a phone, so I'm not going to get one!
(June 22, 2023 - 12:21 pm)
I do not possess a smartphone and honestly I'm frightened of getting one because of what it might do. Luckily, I won't get one for a while, since my mom keeps on telling me that I have to have a job first so I can pay for it myself. It's extremely tempting to be online for too long, once you've started.
@Zealatom, I have had a similar situation as yours except with my computer instead of a phone. I had to hide my keyboard to avoid just aimlessly being on the computer or the CB.
And not just social media can cause depression. For three years, I was doing distanced learning on zoom and got really depressed. The moment I stopped doing all my homework assignments online my depression suddenly vanished...By the way, I'm not saying communication or screens are bad, just that without moderation and self control, they can be detrimental to health. I have three health problems which all decreased considerably once I limited my screen time.
It makes me sad sometimes that everyone is always on a phone. They just feel so...distant. I have a cousin whose mom gave him a cell phone and she says that he doesn't talk as much anymore.
In my opinion, I believe that people should not have phones until they have the responsibility to set limits for themselves. Or set a computer time limit. I have a fifteen minute timer for the time I'm on CB, and my parents installed an app so my computer locks after a certain time limit.
(June 22, 2023 - 5:03 pm)
I actually enjoy using my phone a lot, it's easier to text and call friends, look up things, and play music on the go, than using an iPad or a computer. However, I do see where you guys are coming from. I'm not as affected by my smartphone as other people, though, because I have very strict screen time limits.
I just wanted to say, the downside of having a phone and being in a conversation with someone else, (this has happened to me before), is that sometimes they'll flat out ignore you or not show interest in the words you're saying because they're too preoccupied scrolling through social media or doing something else. It's annoying when you're at a party or something, and since people can bring their phones anywhere, not like computers or iPads, mentioned above lol, they can just kind of deflect you? I don't think that's the phrase, but open and face-to-face conversation can get really hard when they're only half there.
(June 23, 2023 - 2:12 pm)
Well, I think parties are annoying in general because they're too loud and have that bland "American" culture embedded into them.
(June 23, 2023 - 8:16 pm)
Not having a cell phone IS cool - or definitely should be! I think a lot of phone-free CBers are tired of being ignored or left out of things by their friends because "they don't have smart phones and aren't 'cool'". I think it's time for us to start being proud of the fact that we've been strong enough to not have smart phones despite that. However, if you have one, it's your decision and I'll respect that :)
(June 23, 2023 - 2:17 pm)
Ok. However, on this thread I feel you've been turning it around and saying that having a phone is not cool.
(June 23, 2023 - 4:51 pm)
@Amethyst, I agree with you that there is some peer pressure to get a phone, and I like this thread because I don't feel like I'm the only person who doesn't have a phone.
@Sine, I don't think that anyone implied "that having a phone is not cool," like you said. I think that nothing in particular is "cool" and that classifying something as "cool" depends on a person's perspective and interest. For example, some people might think that um...*thinks* cat mermaids that have a unicorn horn and are rainbow colored are considered cool, but I personally don't. I don't think what's "cool" matters. It depends on what each individual prefers, as well as their personal opinion.
(June 23, 2023 - 5:48 pm)
To everyone, I feel like this is a bad time to pop in, but I can't resist this. I feel like this conversation is starting to head in the direction of phones=technology/internet/health problems. Some people might be trying to say that they rely on phones too much than they prefer to and would like to quit (or already have), while others might be just pointing out the reasons they don't want smartphones, yadda yadda. There's no need to take it personal if you have a diffrent opinion or situation. Calm down, have a cup of tea. Or a milkshake, if you're not lactose-intolerant. No one is trying to hurt anyone on purpose here. It's the CB!
On a semi but not completely related note(Ah, you can stop here if you were focused on the debate), I do agree with Amethyst that peer pressure is a issue that influences the matter of phones, and I also had more arguments with my parents about getting one(If you're wondering, the phone now converted unwieldy alarm clock was an old smartphone, so I was thinking of getting a better one back then). And it is very, very infuriating- No just kidding- um, very awkward when 95 percent of my whole grade is on phones or tablets during the boring parts of a graduation ceromony when all I have to pass the time is a very bashed up copy of Good Omens and a pen. One tends to feel left out and really I relate to that.
[The ceremony went quite well though, when things got warmed up.]
(June 24, 2023 - 8:50 am)
i find this thread very interesting. my parents have a lot of hesistation regarding technology and the like. I do have a smart phone, but it is exremely limited. I'm only allowed one social media platform and even that has a thirty minuite time limit on it. Other apps have time limits as well. I really only got it becuase I started a new school this year and its an hour away. My parents didnt feel comfortable with me taking the nyc subway an hour to and an hour from school all alone without any means of communication. Last summer a friend of mine showed me how to download apps without my parents' consent. I downloaded one app and after a day of mindless scrolling I felt sick, headachy and like I had no contorl over my life. While that is true, I dont think socail media is entirely awful. I think spending a small amount of time a day to check in on what your friends and family are doing and to let others know what you are doing as well is fine. I often feel left out when most of my friends do this and know about that because they're phones arent striclty for music, communication, and transportation. I also dont have to worry about kids using thier phones in school because my school frowns upon technology and only us high schoolers are allowed laptops and even those are only if we get a teachers permission to use it.
@Sine I have found lots of ways to cut down on screentime. First, a very obvious choice is set screen limits for the apps you use the most. You can crete your own password so that you can always just log back into the app and use the screentime as a healthy reminder that you should take a break or you cna have your parents create the password and therefore you have no way of reentering the app until the next day. I also have a downtime set on my phone. After 9:00 pm I can only contact my family members and use essential apps like google maps, music, wallet, settings etc. (yes music is essential.) It turns off for me at 12:00 AM the next day. Therefore I get a whole night and morning free of technology. Of course there are other ways but those are the only two i can think of right now. I'll get back to you if i think of more. :)
@everyone I dont think those of us who do not have phones should chastise those of us who do and the other way around. Also, I had to do a research paper with my friend and we chose the topic of "How does social meida, technology, and social exclusion effect the developing teenage brain" and we conducted inerviews with college professors and journalists who wrote about the topic. Should anyone want to know more, I would be happy to give an info dump :)
(June 25, 2023 - 4:08 pm)
UGH! Ok, so I just wrote a super long comment in response to all of this that I was very proud of, then accidentally deleted it, so let's see if I can recreate it! Sorry for the long post, admins!
Ok, so, almost exactly 1 year ago, I was totally opposed to all things technology (except for school-related tech obviously), ESPECIALLY phones . TOTALLY. I vowed that I was never gonna get a phone, nope, not me, not ever. And then I signed up for a summer photography class that I was really excited about. And guess what? The requirement was to have a phone. Well, not rly actually, but we didn't have a camera and you had to take pictures so... my mom made me take her old phone, which I said no to (and btw, this really annoyed my brother, who rly wanted a phone but was too young, and then here I was refusing one) oc, but, in the end, I had to take it. And here's the sad part. I ended up really, really, liking it. All those vows about not following a bunch of ppl and getting a phone and becoming one of those phone obsessed people, gone (mostly). I mean, the phone had so much information and I could take pictures (if you can't tell, I love photography) and talk to my friends, and now, oc, it has the CB! And I'm still OPPOSED to Social Media and WILL NOT have ANYTHING to do with YouTube no matter WHAT and I DO NOT play video games (and am succeeding so far unless you count math related or word related video games, and Nintendo Switch bc my brother begs and it becomes a family event). But, what I'm trying to say here, is I think ppl without phones are cool. In fact, ppl opposing technology are AWESOME. But phones? They're pretty cool too. But congratulations to all those who have not (yet?) fallen under the spell of the phone, I respect you immensely!
In reading all the comments (so many good points for both sides!):
@Darkvine, maybe you could do a photography class! :)
And @Amethyst, wow. Good point about the posture/constantly looking down thing. But... I'm constantly looking down anyways, because I am ALWAYS reading (yep, even while walking. I am a master. DON'T READ WHILE CROSSING THE ROAD THO!!)
@Pangolin, I agree with the phones in classrooms are distracting thing. I don't do that personally, but I know others who do. And wow. I've never had anything negative happen to me bc I did/didn't have a phone but that's terrible for ppl who have! Your social life shouldn't be based on whether or not you have a phone, that's just messed up! And you're right about how ppl who don't have phones shouldn't be left out, it wasn't much of a problem at our school bc all the students had school emails and we created a class chat, but I can see how that might happen.
I've noticed lots of people are talking about Social Media, so at least I don't use THAT! BOOOOO Social Media!
@Poinsettia, you have a good point about not living the full moment when you're behind a phone, I find that I'm affected by that too, bc sometimes I see a scene that's so amazing, and I find myself picturing how it would look in a photo. But that just doesn't compare to the real thing! So I'll try to look out for when I do that more, as someone who loves nature, thank you for pointing that out. What you said about communicating being harder through phones is a valid point too, but as someone who's very best friend moved to another city, the phone is oftentimes my only connection/communication with said friend, and this may be unique to just us, idk, but we talk in emails exactly the way we do irl. And I have had no problem at all expressing myself/getting my point across on my phone so far, and I'm not talking about emojis (for some reason I WILL NOT use emojis tho I DO use emoticons). I like to use all caps and stuff, and plus, I think ppl are pretty good at getting their point across on the CB. But no offense to anyone, btw, sry if I offend you. And about using the computer instead... my brother HOGS the computer so that is not an option for me. Phone it is!
@Sine, WOAH!! Thank you SO MUCH!! I've been trying to find a way to combat the blue light problem and then you mentioned glasses and I was like DUH! I have blue light Reflection glasses ALSO! Can't believe I didn't think of those sooner! Also, for phone tips, I personally like to punish myself if I go past a certain time limit or break one of my rules (I'm very self-motivated) but I don't know if everyone would like doing that. I also like to try to talk to myself in a reasonable voice, explaining why I should get off my phone RIGHT THIS SECOND but that only works half of the time. If it doesn't work, I also just like to shut off my phone without thinking, kinda like jumping into the cool water in a pool. I read a study that there's a molecule (that starts with a d?) nicknamed the happiness molecule (though it may not be) that's the cause of these addictions, and if you can somehow get away from the addiction for at least 5 min (preferably not having it in your line of sight), after the 5 min, your addiction is faded. This worked rly well for me (woah. I never thought I'd be talking about me having phone addiction!! Book addiction, yes, phone addiction, no.) Maybe have a phone free time or go for a walk in nature/do something else whenever you have an urge to pick up your phone?
@Sterling, in the post that starts with "Alright, I'm responding to this again not to be argumentative, but because I think healthy debate is a really good thing!", I agree with everyone you said, except for maybe the social media parts and also the link between friends and phones/social media part. As someone who's actually very shy, technology makes it rly for me to not be shy and contribute to conversations/share my points. In fact, it may have actually helped with my social life bc by talking to classmates via email I got more comfortable talking to them irl! Wow, I just realized that. However, I don't take pictures to post, just to enjoy cool/beautiful stuff personally forever.
@Poinsettia again, yeah, I can see how ppl may say something popular rather than true bc of Social Media, again, BOO Social Media! And what you said about gatherings makes sense, but the thing is I use my phone to PLAN those gatherings with my friends, so... And I do love the CB so I'm making an exception (my first ever!) for it if it really is Social Media. BOO Social Media except for the CB!
@Lyric, I definitely agree with everything you said!
@the-antiquarian-, I can see where you're coming from too
and just to make this clear, I think you're cool whether or not you have a phone or want one!!
@Zealatom, yep, sry you feel left out. However, and this probably isn't your point but yay for having a book instead of an electronic! That's so much better (I think)
Wow. A lot of ppl are feeling left out bc of the phone thing. That's TERRIBLE!! I honestly don't know what to say to that, I never thought of that before. I shall do some research and come back later.
@oldish books, yeah, I find this thread very interesting too, and I would LOVE an info dump! And I agree with the screen limits, I think that for screen limits you should have ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS to breaking the limit, if you rly rly want to, maybe talk with your parents so the decision isn't as biased and is more reasonable.
And speaking of screen limits... I should probably go bc it's late so bye! Sry of there're any typos or of I'm missing anyone, I'm just gonna post this and go
(June 29, 2023 - 2:52 am)
Thanks, Celine! BTW, the happiness molecule is called dopamine.
(June 29, 2023 - 5:39 pm)
What the... Admins, what is going on?
What's going on with what? This thread looks fine to me.
(June 29, 2023 - 5:44 pm)
The crazy posting time, not the thread. 6 MINUTES, I tell you. SIX MINUTES! So fast.
(June 29, 2023 - 6:14 pm)