Kimberly B:):):)

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Kimberly B:):):)

Kimberly B:):):)

I'm doing Grace's idea too.:):):) Hi everybuggy!:):):) My name is Kimberly, and I'm a 13-year-old, 7th-grade, homeschooled triplet.:):):) I LOVE Cricket Magazine, and Cricket Chatterbox!:):):) I also love reading, writing songs, books, poems, and stories, chatting with my great friends on the Chatterbox, sewing, singing, playing the guitar, piano, and flute, riding my horse, taking pictures, drawing, baking, cooking, playing outside, making crafts, swimming, grooming my horse, and a bunch of other things!:):):) I'm the lead singer/songwriter of a country band that my brother, sister and I made, and I LOVE writing songs!:):):) We have A LOT of pets at our house-3 horses, 12 chickens, 4 dogs, 4 cats, 15 fish, 2 goats, and 3 pigs!:):):) Our house is kind of like a small petting zoo!:):):) Also, as you can tell, I'm quite a big fan of smileys.:):):) As my smiley buddy Paige P. can tell you, I make smiley faces almost after every word!:):):) I LOVE Cricket!!!!!!!!!!:):):)  

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!!!!!!:), California
(November 29, 2008 - 10:50 am)

Seasons GreetingsWhat cute names!!!!  I love Suki!  That's so cute!!!!!  My cat's name is Cat..............................................................................  :D:D:D:D  What do the cats look like?  As you probably know, Cat is a long haired tuxedo who sheds everywhere...... :):):):)

P.S. I copied the smiley off of Mathilda B.'s posts.  I have no idea how she got them!

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(December 11, 2008 - 10:45 am)

Seasons Greetings              Awesome!:):):):):):):):):)             Seasons Greetings

Nessa and Suki are both long-hair calicos. I love how Suki has an ink-black nose!:):):) She also has the highest meow in the world!:):):) I'm pretty sure Fender is a tabby. He's orange with white stripes.:):):) He's so cute!:):):) The mommy kitty is a calico, too.:):):) All of the kittens are even bigger then she is now!:):):) Suki and Nessa are the only ones that have long hair. They stay outside, so they don't shed in the house!:):):) They're so cute!:):):) Meow!:):):)


submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!!!!!!:), California
(December 11, 2008 - 6:37 pm)

Cute!  This is really random, but my brother's friend used to have this ADORABLE tabby named Stubs. (Her tail was a stub.)  All of her kittens have stubbed tails, too!  Stubs was completely sweet and would jump into Clay's arms!  Sadly, she got run over by a car. (Clay cried!!!) :(:(:(

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(December 14, 2008 - 1:18 pm)

Hee hee hee!  We're on at the same time!!!

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(December 11, 2008 - 6:44 pm)

Yeah, we have so many animals!:):):) Anyone who wants to be a smiley buddy can be one!:):):) I love being smiley buddies with Paige!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!!!!!!!!, California
(December 4, 2008 - 7:49 pm)

Oh, and no, I don't have any siblings besides my triplet pals!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!!!!!!!!, California
(December 4, 2008 - 7:55 pm)

That would be fun to be a triplet!!!!!  Oh well, I like my brother!! :):):)

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(December 6, 2008 - 7:49 pm)

i LOVE being a triplet!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!!!!!!!!, California
(December 7, 2008 - 10:46 am)

Once I met baby goats who were quadruplets! They were really cute. I totally rebelled against the idea of eating our sweet, adorable, innocent baby boys, so we sold the first three as blackberry eaters/pets and we just kept the last one. (He was our only baby last year, and I can't stand the thought of getting rid of him!) 

submitted by Willa C., age 12 5/4, On the border o
(December 8, 2008 - 9:10 pm)

I know a girl who eats them.......  It's SO sad!  She was saying how good they taste!  It's AWFUL!!!!! Cry

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(December 10, 2008 - 5:21 pm)

Aw, I LOVE baby animals!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!!!!!!!!, California
(December 10, 2008 - 8:05 pm)


submitted by Willa C., age 12 5/4, here
(December 12, 2008 - 6:42 pm)

What???? Not to eat!!!!!!!!!:0 I love how cute they are!!!!!!! Did you think I meant that I love to EAT THEM??????? I'm confused!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!:), California
(December 13, 2008 - 11:55 am)

I know you would never eat them, Kimberly! I was Surprised-ing at Paige's comment about the girl who eats them. Confusing!! :P :)

submitted by Willa C., age 12 5/4, Here at home
(December 13, 2008 - 7:07 pm)

:)D)D)D I can't even imagine Kimberly eating a baby goat! :D:D:D Isn't it sad!?!?!?!?!?!  It's as though she's eating her baby sibling!!!!! :(:(:( It's so sad!!!!! (It made me cry!)

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(December 17, 2008 - 11:58 am)