Ok, so this

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Ok, so this

Ok, so this is kind of like a quiz, so no one get to annoyed with me. Here goes...

Chose your favorite out of these:

Chocolate or Vanilla (Chocolate for me)

HP or LotR (LotR)

Sci-fi or fantasy (Sci-fi)

Rings or earrings (Earrings)

Twilight or HM the show (Um... have to go with Twilight)

Alternative or Pop (Sooo alternative...)

Sneakers or Dress shoes (sneakers, preferably Converse)

iPod or computer (computer with iTunes)

Milky Way or Snickers (Milky Way)

Kitten or Dragon (Dragon, lol)

JB or HM (JB, by a little...)

Discworld or Wicked (Ugh! i guess Discworld)

Coke or Pepsi (Pepsi)


submitted by Lovley Lunegood
(February 18, 2010 - 7:29 pm)

Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. 

HP or LotR? HP. LotR was hard to get into. I'll finish the series later. Like, years from now. *guilty*

Sci-fi or fantasy? Too hard! Maybe fantasy?... 

Rings or earrings? Earrings, definitely, though I do have a few rings that I love. 

Twilight or HM the show? Sadly, HM the show. For the lulz. Although Twilight has much lulz as well.

Alternative or Pop? Enh... maybe alternative, although I'm more ambivalent.

Sneakers or dress shoes? Dress shoes. I love high heels despite the inevitable pain... ;)

iPod or computer? Also too hard. Probably computer, but I love my shiny iPod too. :)

Milky Way or Snickers? Snicker! It's an inside joke! 

Kitten or Dragon? I s'pose dragon? I don't really like cats...

JB or HM? HM, definitely. Much as I am not a fan of her, JB is just... grr.

Discworld or Wicked? I can easily say Wicked, having nevah read Discworld.

Coke or Pepsi? Neither. I don't drink soda. *is a nerd* ;D 

Fun, fun. :)

submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(February 19, 2010 - 4:04 pm)

1. Vanllia


2. LotR by far


3. Fantasy


4. Earrings!  I wear them all the time.


5. I know, HM the show.  I don't like twilight.  Sorry.  


6. Pop.


7. dress shoes for the cuteness factor, but sneakers are more comfy.


8. too hard!!!  But I'm thinkin' computer.  


9. Snickers


10. kitten


11. HM, no comment.


12. I've never even heard of Discworld.  I haven't read Wicked or seen it myself, (I'm not into musicals very much) but my sister listens to the music all the time, and it's grown on me.  I would really like to see it in theater.  


13. Pepsi... I think.  :S 



submitted by R~D~
(March 6, 2010 - 11:03 am)

Chocolate or Vanilla?


HP or LotR? O, dunno. LotR are better books, but I haven't been able to finish them yet. :P


Sci-fi or fantasy?


Rings or earrings?
I don't have pierced ears, so I guess rings...but I don't wear those either, really.


Twilight or HM the show?
Ah ... what's HM? I haven't read Twilight.


Alternative or Pop?


Snekaers or Dress shoes? Sneakers.


iPod or computer?


Milky Way or Snickers? O -- Snickers, I guess.


Kitten or Dragon? Dragon, duh.


JB or HM?
Sorry, me no gets your abbreviations.


Discworld or Wicked?
Discworld. (Although I haven't read Wicked...but Pterry is still brilliant.)


Coke or Pepsi? You're not going to believe this, but I've never tasted either.

submitted by ZNZ
(March 7, 2010 - 8:45 am)

HM- Hannah Montana JB- Jonas Brothers

submitted by Lovley Lunegood
(March 14, 2010 - 11:26 am)

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.

HP or LotR: HP. I've never really been able to get into LotR, but my dad is making me read it once I finish my endless stack of books that is piling up in a corner in my room. O.o Sounds spooky. 

Sci-Fi or Fantasy: Sci-Fi, I suppose. Although fantasy is definitely a close second.

Rings or earrings: Neither, I don't like rings and I refuse to have my ears pierced.

Twilight or HM: Twilight, I guess. Is HM Hannah Montana?

Alternative or Pop: Pop, I think. I don't really pay attention to the genre of music that I listen to.

Sneakers or Dress shoes: Sneakers. 

iPod or Computer: iTunes on my computer. ;)

Milky Way or Snickers: Snickers. You see, my friend and I.... *rambles on about something for a good five minutes*

Kitten or Dragon: Dragon. *is a Dragon Cave addict*

JB or HM: I'm guessing that JB is Jonas Brothers and HM is Hannah Montana, so I'm going with HM. Not JB. *shudders*

Diskworld or Wicked: Wicked, as I've never read Diskworld. *reminds self to add to books-in-waiting list*

Coke or Pepsi: Like the book! Both, I can't really taste the difference. ^^


Please tell me if I'm wrong on the abbreviations-- I really need to get out more. Or so my friends say. 

submitted by Ema, age 12, NY
(March 6, 2010 - 9:34 pm)

You is right on the abbreviations-and Dragon Cave is awesome :D

submitted by Lovley Lunegood
(March 14, 2010 - 11:29 am)

Vanilla,HP,fantasy by a long shot,rings(my ears aren't pierced),HP, Pop,sneakers computerw/ itunes, milky way, kitten, JB by a short shot, wicked, and Coke

~Clair~Tongue out

submitted by Clair, age 12 , the middle of n
(March 7, 2010 - 2:33 pm)

Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla

HP or LotR: Don't know what either of those are

Sci-fi or Fantasy: Fantasy

Rings or Earrings: EARRINGS ALL THE WAY!

Twilight or HM the show: HM, never seen Twilight. (please don't call me crazy)

Alternative or Pop: Pop

Sneakers or Dress shoes: Sneakers, slip on ones specifically (or converse)

ipod or Computer: Computer. Has twice as much as an ipod

Milky Way or Snickers: Snickers

Kitten or Dragon: Kitten

JB or HM: No comment

Discworld or Wicked: never read either, but I'll go for Wicked

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi.

Alexa says Hi.

submitted by Olive
(March 7, 2010 - 8:47 pm)

HP=Harry Potter LotR= Lord of the Rings

submitted by Clair, age 12, the middle of n
(March 16, 2010 - 2:08 pm)

Just so you'll know for the future, never expect a Chatterboxer to call you crazy for not having read/seen Twilight. Half of us haven't either, and about 99% of the half who have hated it.

submitted by Ima
(April 9, 2010 - 4:15 pm)

Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate.

HP or LotR
Um... the same?

Sci-fi or fantasy
Fantasy. I seem to read more of those.

Rings or earrings

Twilight or HM the show
Uh... Twilight. The kiten Twilight. But I know what you mean by Twilight. Still, the answer is Twilight, I like boks more than TV.

Alternative or Pop
Alternative. Definitly.

Snekaers or Dress shoes
Sneakers. I do not like dress shoes...

iPod or computer

Milky Way or Snickers
Um... Dark chocolate?

Kitten or Dragon
It depends on the dragon...

JB or HM
I dislike both. But, JB.

Discworld or Wicked
Discworld. More books. :D

Coke or Pepsi
Don't have soda enough to know...

submitted by Meadow
(March 8, 2010 - 12:32 pm)

@Mary W./ZNZ: NO WAY! I thought I was the only person in the world not to drink soda! YAAAAY! I knew you guys were cool! :)

Anyway, about your quiz:

Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. Mmmm...

HP or LotR: Tied, no way I could choose between the two.

Sci-fi or fantasy: Fantasy!

Rings or earrings: Rings. I don't like the idea of piercing my ears.

Twilight or HM the show: Noo idea. What's HM the show?

Alternative or Pop: Depends on the music, I guess.

Sneakers or Dress shoes: Sneakers! Sneakers FTW!

iPod or Computer: Computer.

Milky Way or Snickers: Aaaagh...how am I supposed to choose between the two?! Tied, like with HP and LotR.

Kitten or Dragon: Like Meadow said, it depends on the dragon.

JB or HM: Abbreviations...no idea what you're asking.

Discworld or Wicked: Um. Never read either.

Coke or Pepsi: I hate soda, so neither.

Andy P. says agvp. Agape? Agape at the fact that I hate soda?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 8, 2010 - 3:21 pm)

Wait, I thought JB was Justin Bieber, but thensomeone mentioned the Jonas Brothers... you probably meant the Jo Bro. :) Well, while I don't like JBieb, Hannah, or the Jo Bro *lazy abbreviations*, I still like HM better than both JBs.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.25, NJ
(March 8, 2010 - 5:06 pm)

Yeah... I meant JB as in the ones who now have a /hit show/. *sarcasm*


submitted by Lovely Lunegood
(March 14, 2010 - 11:32 am)

Oh, well, a quiz every once in a while is okay. (: Just as long as it doesn't turn into the trend thing.  Yeah...  W/e.  But actually, that might be okay, considering CaC hasn't really done anything in a while... 

Chocolate or Vanilla (chocolate, but it makes me throw up sometimes lol) 

HP or LotR (LotR!!)

Sci-fi or fantasy (fantasy, probably, but I like sci-fi)

Rings or earrings (must I choose just one? rings, then)

Twilight or HM the show (shoot me)

Alternative or Pop (alternative, I suppose)

Snekaers or Dress shoes (Converse. anything else is a waste of money. Converse can be worn casually or with dresses. they make any outfit complete <3)

iPod or computer (iPod ((btw, I just had to get my iPod Touch restored to its original settings... SAD DAY)) )

Milky Way or Snickers (neither. I believe they're both made by Mars candy, and I don't eat Mars candy)

Kitten or Dragon (oh. that's tough. no answer.)


Discworld or Wicked (...never read either. don't make me feel bad, please.)

Coke or Pepsi (Coke!! I don't like any Pepsi product...)

submitted by Kenzie
(March 8, 2010 - 4:59 pm)