Secret Identities, now

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Secret Identities, now

Secret Identities, now until...*checks what will be two weeks from now* June 22nd. Haha! I started it fir-irst, I started it fir-irst...


Anyway (do not read this unless you don't know what Secret Identities are):


Basically, Secret Identities are something that we do here on CaC. We all post under false names, ages, and locations, and then, at the end of two weeks, everybody guesses who everybody else was. It's great fun. Oh yeah, Secret Identities for short is S.I.


I will be on here too. Feel free to guess me!


Andy P. C. says bpnc.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, CaC!
(June 8, 2010 - 12:47 pm)

Yes! Meadow and WolfGirl are right. I was Alli and Alanna, and someone else, too. Who?

Wow. Aetc says 'nxxb' for the second time!

submitted by ❀ⒾℳǞ❄♬
(June 24, 2010 - 1:38 pm)

I think you were Bellenelle, because of Bellenelle's similarity to TCO. You were TCO.


Andy P. C. says xzte.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, CaC!
(June 24, 2010 - 4:43 pm)

I am not Madbun, even if the names are alike!  Are you...  Obi-Nara, Imi, Admin?  One of those, maybe even two of them?  Is Mary Liz Dramilsta?  Clues of mine: I wasn't annamay, Rosie or Madbun.  And all the information you got out of that is that I capitalized me name, and used spaces.  And I am/was one person.  

submitted by Meadow
(June 24, 2010 - 3:15 pm)

What do we do on this thread??!!

submitted by Vida
(June 24, 2010 - 4:24 pm)

Who was I? I was only one person. 

submitted by ZNZ
(June 24, 2010 - 8:43 pm)

I wasn't any of the characters guessed! Except for the ones already confirmed, of course. Unless UZNZ guessed me; her comment isn't up yet.

Vida, SI is a game we sometimes play. We invent an imaginary character (or characters) and post as them (on this thread only, unless the creator of the thread says otherwise) until the deadline is up, when everyone tries to guess who was who.

submitted by Ima
(June 24, 2010 - 9:22 pm)

I wasn't Mary W! Who do you think I was?

submitted by Dramilsta
(June 25, 2010 - 2:30 pm)

@Dramilsta: Are you...  ZNZ?  Wolfgirl?  Ima? 

submitted by Meadow
(June 27, 2010 - 6:36 pm)

I was Obi-Nara and Admin! YES! GOOOOO MEADOW! LOL.


Andy P. C. says nrao.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, CaC!
(June 28, 2010 - 12:56 pm)

I seem to be quite a good guesser...  XD  GOOOOOO  PEOPLE!!!!!  (I really did laugh out loud.  My dad used to think 'LOL' meant 'lots of love...'  A lot of people loved his sense of sarcastic humour...)  Clues to who I was: Alanna said I was conceited...  I did a good job at being annoying...  HaHa!

submitted by Meadow, age 12, I'm on CaC, too
(June 28, 2010 - 2:16 pm)

You're Bellenelle! And yes, I was ZNZ, WolfGirl67, or Ima. Which?

submitted by Dramilsta
(June 28, 2010 - 8:37 pm)

@ Dramalista: Are you ZNZ?  Wait, maybe you're Ima, because, well, I have my reasons. ;)  I think my final decision is Ima.  Am I right?

Try and guess me now!  You guys are doing so well to guess everyone else!  Okay, I should be less impatient, but I'm curious to see what everyone thinks!


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(June 28, 2010 - 8:50 pm)

I am not alliterating!!!!! I am in an unscryable room-NOT in a tower!!!


ALLANA. A-(whatever ur name is). DRAMILSTA. lets start an RP, like NDT said!!!

submitted by Banerthful B. Barrs, Nowhere you can
(June 29, 2010 - 1:54 pm)

You haven't guessed me yet!!!

submitted by Madbun!!!!
(June 29, 2010 - 6:40 pm)

Yes! Leaf was right; I was Dramilsta! Were you... Um... *takes a random guess* Are you Rose McPosie? Or Madbun? Or - *stops self from listing everyone, which would be pointless*

Banerthful, an RP would be fine! I'd have to do most of the posting, though, being 3 people. But if anyone else joined... We'll see. Would Rosie McPosie like to join? I'm sure I can get Alanna into a situation where she's forced to transform Rosie back into a person, so that she could talk. But Alanna already put you in a tower. You are in one. And you can't have been in an unscryable room, because you always said you were on a boat. Making something unscryable would be very difficult, especially as Alanna is an accomplished witch with the highest quality scrying glass. You'd have to hire someone even more powerful than she to make scrying impossible, and it would cost very much. If you have enough money to make something unscryable, surely you could have bought your own bananas? And Alanna already said you were in a tower, so you are. You'll have to find a way out. Not now, though; do it on the thread. I'll make it once someone guesses who you are. To make that faster, I'll start, even though I have no clear idea. NDT? No; you talked about him in 3rd person. That could have been a trick, though. If you aren't NDT... CJ? But you don't seem like CJ. Um... This is hard. ;)

submitted by Ima/Dramilsta
(June 29, 2010 - 6:08 pm)