Random Test! These

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Random Test! These

Random Test! These are something Kenzie invented a  long time ago, when she was Paige. If anyone has played the game Scattegories, it's like that. There are these categories, and you have to say something that falls into each category and starts with a certain letter. In Scattegories, a die decides the letter. For random tests, we use the first in our names (unless it's too hard or easy and you don't want to use it, in which case you can use your middle name, or your penname on a different website, or whatever you want, really. If you go by a name on Chatterbox that isn't the same as yours in RL, you can use either. So anyway, here are the categories (which I chose at random, not giving myself any sort of deliberate advantage, although I suppose that's impossible as I love these so much I always answer them multiple times, with multiple letters) (sorry if they aren't particularly good; I've never made a quiz of any kind before and I admit to copying from Scattegories whenever I can remember to, but I'm mainly just using whatever comes to mind first):

1. Mammals:

2. Birds:

3. Book titles:

4. Things that are round:

5. Things found at the circus:

6. Things found in a medicine cabinet:

7. Things that have to do with writing:

8. Things found on a beach:

9. Authors (first or last names):

10. Halloween costumes:

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself):

12. Painting (interpret that however you like):

13. Food:

14. Things that have to do with the CB:

15. Mythical creatures:

My answer (using K, as my real name is Katie--Katherine, really, but I haven't been called that since I was a baby, unless you count roll call with new teachers and doctors)

1. Mammals: Koala

2. Birds: Kookaburra

3. Book titles: Kirakira

4. Things
that are round: Koalas (ish... If that doesn't count, koalas' heads)

5. Things found at the circus: Kaitlin Krith? (just a random name because I could think of nothing else...)

6. Things
found in a medicine cabinet: K..... *can think of nothing*

7. Things that have to do with
writing: Um... Kwill pens? Can we misspell things?

8. Things found on a beach: Koolaid drinkers, possibly

9. Authors (first or
last names): Katherine Hannigan

10. Halloween costumes: Kangaroo

11. Things you can see
in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself): Kaleidoscopic colors

12. Painting
(interpret that however you like): Kaleidoscopic colors. I like using the same thing many times.

13. Food: Koolaid (See?). Or can you use beverages? If not, kabobs.

14. Things that
have to do with the CB: Kimberly? Can I use you, Kimberly? Because I don't know what else, besides another person.

15. Mythical creatures: Kraken! That was definitely the easiest question for me.

I didn't answer those particularly well, but in my defense, K is a difficult letter. So I hope that's why, and not the questions themselves, or any inadequacy in answering on my part... But I'm coming again, to answer it many more times with different letters, and I'll see. I love these things. I can't wait until I do my middle name. It's N. I have a very good, lazy strategy for N.

submitted by Ima
(June 30, 2010 - 4:31 pm)

If you want, you can just pick a random letter and use that. Or N. Or you can just not do it.

submitted by Ima
(August 4, 2010 - 10:08 am)

OK, I'm using M, which is the first letter of my first name, Mary...


1. Mammals: Manatees! They're mammals, right?

2. Birds: Mockingbird!

3. Book titles: Metamorphosis! Haha! You don't have to have read the book, do you?

4. Things that are round: Moon!

5. Things found at the circus: Mighty strong men! ;) Although I've never actually been to the circus.

6. Things found in a medicine cabinet: Um...medicine?

7. Things that have to do with writing: Markers! Markers are important when you write.

8. Things found on a beach: Moats for sandcastles!

9. Authors (first or last names): Madeline L'Engle!

10. Halloween costumes: Metapod!

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself): Markerboard!

12. Painting (interpret that however you like): Mine! Haha. I have my own painting in my room. ;)

13. Food: Meat!

14. Things that have to do with the CB: Month! As in This Month!

15. Mythical creatures: Mermaid!


@ZNZ: Use N. N is in the middle of your name...


Andy P. C. says poun. Pun. He's telling a joke!

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, I could tell yo
(August 4, 2010 - 10:34 am)

I shall use R, since my middle name is Ruth and E is a hard letter to work with.


1. Mammals: Rabbit

2. Birds: Rhea. Looks rather like an emu/ostrich and lives in South America.

3. Book titles: Runny Babbit

4. Things that are round: Rollerblade (well, the bottom's round.)

5. Things found at the circus: Red (that's the signature circus color, isn't it?)

6. Things found in a medicine cabinet: Rite-Aid lable

7. Things that have to do with writing: Round-Robin story

8. Things found on a beach: Red skin, from sunburn

9. Authors (first or last names): Rowling, 'course.

10. Halloween costumes: Robin Hood

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself): Reading material (bookshelf behind me)

12. Painting (interpret that however you like): Raphael's Woman with a Veil (I luvs it! Squee!)

13. Food: Razorback tuna (or whatever is razorback. Or razorfin. Don't remember. I'm not much good at fish.)

14. Things that have to do with the CB: Rachel

15. Mythical creatures: Little Red Riding-Hood, sort of.


submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks, NV
(August 5, 2010 - 10:50 am)

Ooh, this looks fun!  I'm doing 'L' for Leaf, though that's obviously not my real name (thought it would be awesome if it was).


Mammals: Lion! *roar*

Birds: Lark!

Book titles: Little Red Riding Hood!  (does that count?) If not, The Looking Glass Wars (though I haven't read it... I need to!  Aaaahhh)

Things that are round: Does a lemon count?

Things found at the circus: Lemonade! (At least I hope they sell lemonade at circuses.)

Things found in a medicine cabinet: L..l..l..l...liquids!

Things that have to do with writing: Letters!

Things found on a beach: Liquid!  (again... you know, the water?)

Authors: C.S. Lewis or Lewis Carroll  

Halloween costumes: Um... a leopard!

Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in (besides yourself): Lotion

Painting: Lines

Food: Loquats!  (Though I've never tried them before.  Are they good?)

Things that have to do with the CB: Letterbox... which is what the Chatterbox was patterned on I believe.  Anyway, that has to do with Cricket

Mythical creatures: Lock Ness Monster?  Leprechauns? 

submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 5, 2010 - 7:36 pm)

Looks fun! I'll use Olive.

1. Mammals: Ostrich

2. Birds: Ostrich

3. Book titles: Oracles of Fire

4. Things that are round: Orange

5. Things found at the circus: Dunno...

6. Things found in a medicine cabinet: Again, no idea...

7. Things that have to do with writing: Dunno...

8. Things found on a beach: Orange beachball

9. Authors (first or last names): Kenneth Oppel

10. Halloween costumes: Orange knight. 

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself): 

12. Painting (interpret that however you like):

13. Food: Oreos (thanks Wikipedia)

14. Things that have to do with the CB: Um, opportunities?

15. Mythical creatures: Ogre

I got most of the answers on Wikipedia. Sorry if that's considered cheating. *blushes* 

submitted by Olive
(August 17, 2010 - 12:57 pm)

That's fine. At least you said so. Though the last time I checked, ostriches weren't mammals...

submitted by Ima
(August 18, 2010 - 11:06 am)

1. Mammals: Monkey

2. Birds: Mocking bird

3. Book titles: Missing Mabel (never read it, but I saw it at Wal-

Mart last week...)

4. Things that are round: Marbles

5. Things found at the circus: Magicians? o.O

6. Things found in medicine cabinets: Medicine XD

7. Things that have to do with writing: Mystery...?

8. Things found on a beach: Magazines, maybe

9. Authors (first or last names): Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

10. Halloween costumes: Mummy

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be

in at the moment (besides yourself): Mirrors

12. Painting (interpret that however you like): Mona Lisa

13. Food: Macaroni

14. Things that have to do with the CB: Music? Sort of, I guess,

because that's been a topic before... :\

15. Mythical creatures: Medusa


submitted by Megan M. , age 15, Ohio
(August 31, 2010 - 11:42 am)

Sounds fun! Here's mine:

1. Mammal: Skunk.

2. Bird: Sparrow.

3. Book: Sisters Grimm.

4. Round thing: the Sun. (?)

5. Thing @ the circus: Scary stuff.

6. Thing in a medicine cabinet: Skin moisturizer.

7. Things related to writing: Shadow blue-colored crayon!

8. Beach things: Swimsuits.

9. Authors: Maurice Sendak. (Shakespeare is too obvious.)

10. Halloween costume: giant Squid.

11. Things in this room: Sheet of paper.

12. Painting: the Swing. (Renoir, an impressionist)

13. Food: S'mores!

14. CB stuff: I dunno... oh! Spam boy.

15. Mythical creatures:Scylla.

That was really fun. We should do another of these, with other categories. 

submitted by Sasha B., age 12, Berkeley, CA
(September 9, 2010 - 10:51 pm)

This sounds sooooo fun. I'm going to try it!

1.Mammal:  Pygmy  goat (ha!!) 

2.Bird: ummm Parrot?

3.Book:  Pollyanna (Polly is my nickname xD)

4.Round thing: Pillow (They can be round OK!)

5. Things at the circus: Uhhh........................Parakeets? [Admin—popcorn]

6.Thing in a medicine cabinet: Penicillin 

7.Things related to writing: Pencils (does that count?) 

8. Beach things: Purple towels!

9. Authors: .....Lemme go look... Mark Pawlak (IDK OK???)

10.Halloween costume: Pill or Pillow

11. Things in this room: Paper!!!!

12.Painting: GAH! I DON"T KNOW!

13. Food: Pulled pork

14.CB stuff: Hmmm.... Pudding's place

15.Mythical creatures: Purple Pine tree! (I've heard of it before!) 

submitted by Paulette K., age almost 13, Indiana
(September 11, 2010 - 8:43 pm)

1. Mammals: Hampsters (Quinn got one recently. His name is Munch. He's cute. I prefer rats, I think.)

2. Birds: Herons.

3. Book titles: Harry Potter (I win. *evil laughter*)

4. Things that are round: Hula hoops

5. Things found at the circus: Hecklers? (It could happen. You never know. They could throw peanuts.)

6. Things found in a medicine cabinet: ...Huge pills?

7. Things that have to do with writing: Hot packs (you know, for when the writer's cramp gets so bad you can't really bend your wrist much... or does this only happen to me?)

8. Things found on a beach: Hot sand!

9. Authors (first or last names): Hilari Bell

10. Halloween costumes: Horrifying (well, they are in theory I guess. Most of them are pretty cheesy though, I think.)

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself): Handkerchief(s) (from Survivor Day at camp, of course.)

12. Painting (interpret that however you like): Horrendously time consuming (sometimes)

13. Food: Haggis!

14. Things that have to do with the CB: Happy colour scheme? (I... guess... if that's your thing. The yellow at the bottom is painful for me)

15. Mythical creatures: Heffalumps. (Winnie the Pooh monsters count!)

submitted by TNÖ, age 17, Deep Space
(September 12, 2010 - 6:12 pm)

I'm going to use A, from my original CB name. 

1. Mammals: Antelope

2. Birds: Albatross

3. Book titles: Adventures Of A Cat Whiskered Girl (I love that book!

4. Things that are round: Apples

5. Things found at the circus: Acrobats

6. Things found in a medicine cabinet: Antibiotics

7. Things that have to do with writing: 

8. Things found on a beach: Adults

9. Authors (first or last names): Jennifer Allison (Gilda Joyce series) 

10. Halloween costumes: Astronaut

11. Things you can see in whatever room you happen to be in at the moment (besides yourself): Art

12. Painting (interpret that however you like): Awesome!

13. Food: Asparagus

14. Things that have to do with the CB: Analesia (I hope that's how you spell it?

15. Mythical creatures: Ashling

Thanks, Violet

Sorry SpamBox, but I can't use you in every post. Sometimes that part doesn't fit in.

This was hard, and so is a rock. Unlike a feather. 

submitted by Violet, age 10 1/2, Where ever
(May 28, 2012 - 5:25 pm)