Here's a quiz!1)

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Here's a quiz!1)

Here's a quiz!

1) What color shirt are you wearing?


2) What year were you born in?


3) What is your favorite season?


4) What is your favorite number?


5) What is your favorite holiday? 


6) How long have you been getting Cricket?


7) What's your favorite song?


8) Do you like candy canes?


9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)?


10) What is your favorite color?


I'll reply to you answers as soon as I can.


submitted by Olivia, age 9, Pensylvania
(December 10, 2010 - 10:21 pm)

1) What colour shirt are you wearing?


2) What year were you born in?


3) What is your favorite season?


4) What is your favorite number?


5) What is your favorite holiday? 


6) How long have you been getting Cricket?

Since I was in fourth grade, I think. 

7) What's your favourite song?

Currently? Soul Cake, by Sting. 

8) Do you like candy canes?


9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)?

Yes; tae kwon do. 

10) What is your favourite colour?


submitted by ZNZ, age Lucky 13, Death's Domain
(December 11, 2010 - 2:43 pm)

1) What color shirt are you wearing?


2) What year were you born in?


3) What is your favorite season?

Winter, my fav holiday is in it, my fav weather is in it, my birthday's in it. ;-)

4) What is your favorite number?


5) What is your favorite holiday? 


6) How long have you been getting Cricket?

I think almost a year, but I was borrowing it from a friend for several months before that, so around two years I suppose.

7) What's your favorite song?

Impossible question, there are too many.

8) Do you like candy canes?

Well, I have to be careful about my sugar intake, because I'm hypoglycemic (I have no idea how to spell it :-P) and I don't care for sugar too much anyway, but yes, I do like an occasional candy cane.

9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)?

I dance.  Yes, it is a sport.

10) What is your favorite color?


submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Lost in my mind
(December 11, 2010 - 5:48 pm)

1) What color shirt are you wearing? A green sweater.

2) What year were you born in? 1997

3) What is your favorite season? Spring. I LOVE spring.

4) What is your favorite number? 5. For some reason I really like 5. Always have, always will.

5) What is your favorite holiday? My birthday (does that count?).

6) How long have you been getting Cricket? Umm...4 years, maybe?

7) What's your favorite song? In Dreams and The Edge of Night from LOTR, and The Call from Prince Caspian

8) Do you like candy canes? Candy canes? Where? Point me to them!

9) Do you play a sport? I ride horses.

10) What's your favorite color? BLUE! BLUE! BLUE! 

Spammy says fuwp. Um... 

submitted by Jassiana, age 13, Middle Earth in
(December 11, 2010 - 8:55 pm)

1) What color shirt are you wearing? I'm not wearing a shirt. I'm wearing a nightgown. It's red with a white plaid pattern.

2) What year were you born in? 1998

3) What is your favorite season? Winter!!

4) What is your favorite number? 14, but I don't know why. It's just been my favorite since I was 7 years old...

5) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

6) How long have you been getting Cricket? Actually, I don't get it at all. I used to, though. I did from May 2009 until  May 2010. I've been getting Muse ever since, but I've actually been considering resubscribing to Cricket (as in, getting both. I certainly have no intention of quitting my Muse subscription! That would be bad.), though,  because it's a good magazine, too.

7) What's your favorite song? I don't know. Actually, I really don't listen to much besides The Looking Glass Wars Soundtrack (My favorite song on that is either Thru The Looking Glass or Puddles) and Symphony of Science (I have no idea what my favorite song of theirs is--We Are All Connected or The Poetry of Reality, maybe?), so it's probably between those songs...

8) Do you like candy canes? Yes!! I can't eat them anymore because of food sensitivities, though.

9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)? No (and n/a)

10) What is your favorite color? Anything I can't see. My original answer was just ultraviolet, but then I remembered Fairest and read A Color of Magic, so that's three colors I've never seen, and I don't know which I like best, since I can't see them! It's now between ultraviolet and octarine and htun..

submitted by Ima
(December 11, 2010 - 11:21 pm)

1) What color shirt are you wearing? Black

2) What year were you born in? 1996

3) What is your favorite season? probably fall.  Though I do like summer and winter.

4) What is your favorite number? 16 and 689. 

5) What is your favorite holiday? definitely Christmas.  I prefer it to even my birthday!

6) How long have you been getting Cricket?  I got it for 2 years, but now I'm getting Cicada.

7) What's your favorite song?  Argh, way too hard.  I like a lot of songs. 

8) Do you like candy canes?  Yummalicious!

9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)?  I used to play basketball, soccer and softball, but I quit all those and do cross-country instead!

10) What is your favorite color?  a teal color of blue or a lime-ish green.  (not quite lime, a bit darker). 

@Ima: I would really like to see htun!  I just finished reading Fairest actually.  So thankful for you guys-- I'm very happy you all turned me on to GCL.  Genius writing!  Oh, and I'm so sorry about your food sensitivites!  That must be terribly difficult.  What do you like to eat?  :)

submitted by R~D~
(December 12, 2010 - 6:28 pm)

What do I like to eat? Do you mean candy/dessert-wise? Unless you say otherwise, I think I'll assume you do, because I don't want to bore you with a detailed account of all my day-to-day meals... Anyway, I can't actually have sugar at all, but I can have maple sugar, which is different but still good, and beet sugar, which doesn't really sound very good but actually tastes just like regular sugar, which is excellent. Since I can't have sugar, though, I can't really have sweet candies and things that we buy, but then, I think that applies to most things and not just candy/desserts at this point...Anyway, there's this cranberry-apple cake-like thing that's really good, and chocolate icing to put on biscuits and bread (because it really doesn't go with the cake at all, but breads and biscuits can be made so that they taste good with chocolate...), and cookies (oatmeal or chocolate, mainly) are always good... Oh, and yes, GCL is excellent; you have no idea how much I'd give to see htun, or any of the colors invisible to us, really. I really need to reread one of her books...

submitted by Ima
(December 13, 2010 - 5:24 pm)

Well I just meant whatever you wanted to tell me, so thanks! :D  Oh that's interesting. I've never tried beet sugar.  It sounds good, as does the chocolate icing.  Yum! ;)  Do reread!!!  I love Fairest, especially.

submitted by R~D~, age 14
(December 14, 2010 - 4:58 pm)

Off subject, but my dad used to work at a sugar beet factory.

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Lost in my mind
(December 16, 2010 - 1:23 pm)

I'm trying to cut sugar out of my diet!  Or at least refined sugar.  Reading what you said really encourages me to try it.  

I love maple sugar and beet sugar.:) 

Ever tried agave nector? It's a good natural substitute for sugar! -Admin

submitted by Kenzie
(January 26, 2011 - 11:49 pm)

1) What color shirt are you wearing? Black, but sort of multi colored. It's a Percy Jackson movie T-Shirt. (yes, i'm obsessed ;)

2) What year were you born in? '99

3) What is your favorite season? WINTER <3

4) What is your favorite number? 35

5) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

6) How long have you been getting Cricket? I don't actually get Cricket; is that a crime, Admins? My friend told me about his web site, and I've been asking my mom if I could subscribe.

7) What's your favorite song? Dynomite by _____

8) Do you like candy canes? No

9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)? Yes, Softball, Soccer, and Volleyball

10) What is your favorite color? Blue


No, it's not a crime if you don't subscribe to Cricket. This Web site is for anyone. But if you don't subscribe, you're missing some good stories!


submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:)
(December 12, 2010 - 11:19 pm)

1. I am wearing a green shirt, but it currently has a black hoodie over it.

2. I am fifteen, feel free to figure out what year that is. :) 

3. My favorite season is definitely summer, living in Iowa where every other season is cold. I hate cold. I only like winter for Christmas and plays, and the rest is ugh. I do like spring as well, though only mid-April or later.

4. I like 64.

5. Christmas is my favorite holiday, closely followed by Easter and then my birthday. I like New Year's too, because among my family/friends it's a big deal. 

6. I have been getting Cricket since May 2005, but the subscription just ran out and no one has renewed it yet. I think I might start getting Cicada instead. I'm sorry, but since Cricket was reduced from 64 pages to whatever it is now, it just hasn't been quite as good.

7. Hm, I don't have a favorite song but I tend to like movie soundtracks and sort of haunting melodies, with the occasional action-packed instrumental piece (think Pirates of the Caribbean type song) and very silly songs, mostly from the 50s and 60s. :D 

8. Sometimes I like candy canes, but I much prefer the softer peppermint sticks.

9. I don't play a sport, but I do act. I am involved both in my local children's theater and in the community theater.

10. My favorite colors are purple and various shades of greenish blue. 

submitted by Brynne
(December 13, 2010 - 3:24 pm)

1) Well, I am wearing a dress . Red. :)

2) 1998

3) Autumn

4) 17!!!!

5) Christmas.

6) Oh, gosh. Looong time.  I love it.

7) Into the West (Lord of the Rings) or Puer Natus. (Christmas Carol)

8) The fruit-flavored ones--not the peppermint ones. Ugh.

9) Ah, no. But I play a little volleyball.

10) Turqoise!!!

Inya says hhdh. Haha. She likes it. (Or she thinks its ridiculous, which would be mean.)

submitted by Mattie
(December 13, 2010 - 10:51 am)

1) What color shirt are you wearing?

Dark grey with a rainbow rose on it.

2) What year were you born in?


3) What is your favorite season?


4) What is your favorite number?

That's a rather impossible question.

5) What is your favorite holiday? 


6) How long have you been getting Cricket?

Um... maybe three years? Maybe more? *is uncertain*

7) What's your favorite song?

That is also an impossible question.

8) Do you like candy canes?

Only if they're not mint.

9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)?


10) What is your favorite color?

Varies. Blue is nice. Purple and black are, too.

Spammy says iwyt.

submitted by Cara, Somewhere in yo
(December 13, 2010 - 4:48 pm)

1) What color shirt are you wearing? Pastel pink. Ugh. I don't like pastels, but it matched my pants which had other colors besides pastel pink.


2) What year were you born in? 1996. Year of the rat-or mouse. I forget which.


3) What is your favorite season? Winter!


4) What is your favorite number? 3,5, 7.


5) What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Thanksgiving and Easter.


6) How long have you been getting Cricket? I think this was my second year. But! I! Won't! Be! Getting! It! This! Year!!!!!!!!! :(


7) What's your favorite song? Right now, Bulletproof, Love Story, and Speak Now.


8) Do you like candy canes? Yeah! (Even though I never eat all of mine)


9) Do you play a sport (and which one is it)? I did play tennis, but I guess I'm taking December off...


10) What is your favorite color? Dark purple. And certain greens.

Peacing out for now,

-Hannah ☺☻

submitted by Hannah, age 14, Who cares, cuz
(December 13, 2010 - 8:04 pm)

Why won't you be getting Cricket in the future if you want to?

submitted by Ima
(December 13, 2010 - 10:59 pm)