A new SI?

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

A new SI?

A new SI? How? Why?

It's time again for a new SI

Where we make new identities on the fly!

But wait, oh wait, just listen to this!

This happy game now has a twist...


If you have been so utterly sly 

That nobody guessed you last SI

Then come back again- it'll be a treat

To see some old competitors meet! 

I never was guessed -- I was clever like that,

Making up rhymes at the drop of a hat.

But now, this twist -- I was living the dream

Now they'll see that there's more to me than it will seem...

submitted by Rosie M., age Old mold, In a house with
(April 2, 2011 - 1:30 pm)

I thought that one person would post at the most,

But it looks as though this thread is toast.

submitted by Rosie-Posie M., age Old mold, Not anywhere, w
(April 4, 2011 - 6:33 am)


submitted by TOP, age TOP, TOP
(April 4, 2011 - 6:33 am)

I'm reviving this thread!

I'll take it to the top!

I will end its descent!

The legacy won't stop!

Please, people post! :(:(:(

1 or 2 at the most....

Tippity top top!

Don't you ever stop!

We will stop playing on the 31st,

Oh, that day will be the worst!

Because we'll have to end the game

And just remember the glory and fame!


submitted by Rosie-Posie.M, age 7 or 11, Alone with a bone
(July 22, 2011 - 9:58 am)


submitted by TOP
(July 22, 2011 - 10:00 am)

Hello! I am Top. There are lots of people who use me as an identity! I suppose I could post on this thread, seeing as how nobody's really guessed who I am. So, I think I'll do just that. In fact, you'll have to guess who's posing as me! Ha, ha, ha! And if anyone wants to copy this, then they'd better put a 2 or 3. Although, if you didn't like my marvelous idea, I'd be deeply chagrinned. :) Oh, hooray! A smiley face! I haven't been on for a while, but I'm happy I found the Chatterbox again! OH, RISE TO THE TOP, AWESOME THREAD!

submitted by Top
(July 23, 2011 - 8:16 am)

Hooray! Thanks to that fellow Top,

This thread's legacy will not stop!

I still remember the SI I was in,

With Alanna and Dramastila, they gave me a grin,

I had a big rhyming machine,

And my aunt came. So fun! She wasn't that mean! :)

There are SIs with sharks and origami too,

I wonder which one could be you?

submitted by Rosie-Posie, age New as dew, Flying and crying
(July 23, 2011 - 8:20 am)

Oh, hello! I'm the blue piece of origami sitting on the table. Last time, this girl came and folded me into a shark to show the shark playing that he was appreciated. Now I'm watching my sister, the green piece of origami paper, get folded into a tulip base. She's getting jammed into my friend, the pink piece of origami paper, to form a tulip. There's that girl again. She has a plate of cookies with her. What's she up to.....

submitted by Blue origami paper, age Used, On the table
(July 23, 2011 - 8:23 am)