Fantasy Dictionar

Chatterbox: Crowd Sorcery

Fantasy Dictionar

Fantasy Dictionary

Writing a fantasy story often involves world-building: creating the setting in which your story takes place. Physical location is an important part of this phase—the house, cavern, mountain, forest, town, ship, island, or any other space your characters inhabit. But it is more than just a place. Building a world may mean thinking about the history, art, music, language, clothing, and customs of the story’s people—how they earn a living, what they do on holidays, and what everyday objects they use.

Of course a writer can’t design every aspect of a culture. If you did that, you’d never get around to writing the story! But here is the key: you want to think carefully enough about these things so that the reader believes your fantasy world goes on beyond the edges of your story. You want this imaginary world to feel real. And you do that with some well-placed, clear, creative details.

So let’s do some world-building! Please come up with objects, places, words ... any ideas for a fantasy story’s world. Tools, animals, types of clothing, dwellings—any of these and more may become necessary elements in our story! You may suggest as many as you like, or even post a strange word and let others suggest meanings. If you want, you can also write a sentence using the word or describing the fantasy place. Here are two examples:

haloris – a lantern that gives off both light and a pleasant scent. It is used by people who live near the swamps to counter the odors of mud and decay.

“Quill’s boots sank into the moss, deeper at each step, and ahead she could see a swamp, moonbeams glittering on pools that lapped around the tree roots. Catching the stench of stagnant water, she pulled the haloris lamp from her pack and set it alight.”

gnawk – a large, black bird with a raucous cry and uneven feathers that always look ruffled and untidy. Gnawks have a fondness for pecking and chewing on rope, and they are notorious for setting free dogs and farm animals tied with ropes. They unmoor boats tied to docks, and have been known to free certain fortunate prisoners.

Can you see how story ideas practically ooze from your Fantasy Dictionary, once you get your imagination going?

submitted by Fred Durbin
(April 23, 2014 - 10:11 am)

A magical stone found at the end of the rainbow that is shape of a skull and has the ability to stop time and death.


submitted by Lee Z, age 10, Orange County
(October 19, 2014 - 10:09 pm)

ladlarea- a spoon that enhances the taste of your favorite food and adds it to the food your eating with that spoon

ililioii- a tree that is used to make beds. If a person sleeps in one, the bed automatically flies out of the house and to wherever that person's dream is happening. It can fly to any place, even if it's not real.

njono- a word used to describe someone who lives outside of the town.

brekn- a ship that can travel on land. It's usually very large, larger than a ship on the sea.    

submitted by Zachary T., age 11, Valparaiso, IN
(October 21, 2014 - 5:57 pm)
Carester: A blue dragon, whose  egg hatched under a chicken and ate only frogs for the first 6 months. Exceedingly dangerous, this dragon can kill mentally.
submitted by Young Writer
(October 23, 2014 - 10:09 am)

Gurva : A sticky hard candy that has the consistency of tafty when melted.

submitted by Indigo
(October 23, 2014 - 5:44 pm)

Hi. I have three words to submit.

1) Stelakea - a magic spell that is used for altering the shape of anything. 

2) Telinera- a double sword that has a glowing handle.

3) Selappe - a special scale from the akina dragon. 

I hope to see my words in a book someday.  

submitted by Lyra t., age 11, Lubbock TX.
(October 25, 2014 - 2:00 pm)

If I could write well at all, I would definitely use your words!

submitted by Emily M, age 12, Virginia
(October 28, 2014 - 4:15 pm)

Narisina - A mythical spirit that is fabled to have created the flowers. She has the power to brighten colors and restore beauty of plants, and aphids are deadly to her.

submitted by Emily M, age 12, Virginia
(October 28, 2014 - 4:13 pm)

Nice. What else have you written? 

submitted by Lyra T, age 11, Lubbock TX
(November 4, 2014 - 6:44 pm)

1) Uama - a deadly illness if you get it you are fine one day then you falls aid the next day. 

2) Tura - a magical creature a cross between a cat and a rabbit. It's blood is highly prized and can make people invisible. 

3) Ada - a roll of traveler's bread.  

submitted by Cassandra D., age 11, Lubbock Tx
(November 4, 2014 - 6:39 pm)

Can I improve on the definition of a youldon -- a dragon's egg laid at midnight on a blue moon? I think the egg should have special powers that differ from dragon to dragon.

submitted by Maggie H., age 10, Up north
(November 4, 2014 - 6:41 pm)

How does this sound?

Lasrix -- a cursed amulet 

submitted by Maggie H., age 10, Up north
(November 4, 2014 - 6:47 pm)

Nice job Emily!

Oh, uh, Admin, erm, sorry to keep asking this question but how do I submit a letter to the 'letter sending' link? I know I asked you guys that question on the other link, but I can't find it. (if what I just said makes any sense)


You can just type a letter as a comment on Chatterbox. Or you can send a regular email to:


submitted by Will T., age 14, GA
(November 4, 2014 - 7:13 pm)


submitted by Will T., age 14, GA
(November 5, 2014 - 9:55 pm)

Quillow pen-a magic phoenix quill pen whose ink almost ever runs out. Whoever wields it can write very fast because of the pen's magical effect. These pens are very rare artifacts.


submitted by Willow tree, age 14, GA
(November 5, 2014 - 10:37 pm)

Fable should use that. 

submitted by Lyra Telles , age 11, This Galaxy
(November 6, 2014 - 9:51 pm)