My wisdom's gone!! 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My wisdom's gone!! 

My wisdom's gone!!  Just had my first surgery... the removing of my wisdom teeth.  Anyone had this done before?  It wasn't that bad, probably just because I can't remember a huge chunk of the whole ordeal.  I remember the doctor putting a needle in my arm and telling me "You have a nice sleep and we'll see you when you wake up." And I was like, "what, I'm not even tired." And then I passed out. ;)  Anyone have funny stories when on laughing gas?  I didn't say anything that bad, I just told my sister she looked ugly (apparenlty). ;)  I still have gauze in to stop the bleeding. But overall I think everything went well and the pain hasn't been too severe... yet.  I'm on a lot of medications. :P


I had two wisdom teeth pulled and it wasn't bad at all. They had grown in, they were not impacted. My other two never developed, or they're up inside my gum but not causing any trouble.


submitted by R~D~, age 16
(May 17, 2012 - 5:25 pm)

That was an eye-catching title! Haha.

I'm lucky, I don't have to get my wisdom teeth removed. They seem to be doing just fine where they're at. I've never had to have any major dental work done really- I had a sort of wire retainer when I was 10, that was for like 6 months and it sucked but it means I don't even have to get braces. So yay for good teeth!

submitted by Emily L.
(May 17, 2012 - 6:19 pm)


submitted by Emily L.
(May 17, 2012 - 6:27 pm)

And top again, because I inadvertently sent it to the bottom.

submitted by Emily L., age 16
(May 17, 2012 - 10:01 pm)

Both my parents had their wisdom teeth removed, so I guess I'll have to.

Although my dentist hasn't said anything about that, probably because she was too busy saying,

"Oh you have a small tooth! Your kids will lose that compeletly," and, "you have a funny groove here," or, "you have the kind of mouth that gets plark all the time."  

Tobi says dryr.

submitted by Saz
(May 18, 2012 - 4:45 am)

I had mine out... um... a few years ago. Only three, because my upper jaw was lopsided and stuff. 

Mine were super impacted and coming in almost sideways... and it was right after I'd had a root canal so I still had this MASSIVE ABSCESS beneath one of them (and when I say massive, I mean "it left a noticeable dent in the underside of my jaw" massive. Yay!), so that one hurt when they pulled it. I didn't go under, just had lots and lots (and lots) of novocain injections (four, four, and five if I recall correctly). [for the record, this is not because Idaho (where my oral surgeon practices) has backwater dental care, but because I was paranoid about going to sleep and novocain was an option that I asked for.] Mind you, I have a *ridiculous* tolerance to novocain, and where I know other people who get one shot and it wears off *finally* five hours later, I was completely non-numb inside of two.*

I took one super-size tablet of ibuprofen at the office because the doctor refused to let me leave without it, then nothing else because they didn't hurt except for muscle strain from biting down on the gauze (it took them two days to stop bleeding). Um... didn't have any swelling but I did get a dry socket in one... 

*which caused problems THIS year when the crown from the above-mentioned root canal fell off and I had to leave it for a week before I got to the dentist—the gum had started to grow over the tooth and they had to burn it off with a laser (which smelled TERRIBLE). They gave me one shot of novocain and, half an hour later when the laser was ready, it had worn off completely. So they had to give me another one. Fun times! 

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(May 18, 2012 - 7:17 am)

My sister was reading this over my shoulder, and she just ran upstairs looking very sick.


Your descriptions are quite... amazing.

Chickuu say gdgg. Well then.

~Ash out~

submitted by Ash, age 14, A galaxy far away
(May 21, 2012 - 4:31 pm)

My wisdoms haven't even grown in yet. I think. But when I got three of my teeth pulled out (one- an incisor- never grew in) I didn't get laughing gas, just some numbing stuff. But my brother had a cavity and got gassed. He was all quiet afterward and it was so peaceful.

I had braces for almost two years. I got them out in January though, a week before my birthday! And I had these horrible elastics that went on incisors, molars (top and bottom) and my front teeth and I couldn't eat without taking them out. A guy in my class thought it was spit on the first day of school. :/ 

submitted by Olive
(May 18, 2012 - 3:43 pm)

I have friends who've had those.

Shortly before I had my retainer, (like a few days) I had to have spacers. If you don't know what that is it's like a little piece of rubber that you put between your teeth. It's like having a corn husk stuck in your teeth, and not being able to get it out. I had 2 but one fell out accidentally-on-purpose.

I said I didn't have any major dental work but that doesn't mean I never had any annoying dental work. Like that one time I had to get this sealant brushed onto my molars (and because the sealant was not good to swallow I had like a tongue depressor thing and a mouthful of cotton balls) and it took like forever and the whole time the dentist had his fingernail jabbing into my gum and he didn't even know he was doing it.

But on the upside, I got a cookie afterwards. Otis Spunkmeyer's. Yes, our dentist office gives out cookies. Go figure.

submitted by Emily L., WA
(May 19, 2012 - 3:02 pm)

I'm not even sure whether I will need to get wisdom teeth pulled.  I might not need to, but I'm not sure yet.  I had to have braces for two years, though, and now I have to wear an icky retainer all day, every day. 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(May 18, 2012 - 9:05 pm)

Yeah, my wisdom teeth were pointed straight at my back molars and would have totally messed up my smile and the work of my braces. 

TNO, wow, fun times for sure. ;) 

Melody, I know, retainers are so gross.  I've have mine for over a year now and it's just... nasty.  I only wear mine at night now, though.

submitted by R~D~, age 16
(May 19, 2012 - 1:49 pm)

Hey Robyn! You totally confused me when you said your wisdom was gone. Huh? I've always wanted to be put to sleep (with medicine). But then I think I might start babbling about a bunch of weird stuff.

BTW, did you get your driver's license yet???? I did!!! And exactly a month after I got my license,  I got in a bad two-vehicle accident. :( Argh. To make it worse, it was my fault. At least I didn't hurt anyone.

submitted by Mary Jo, age 16 ;)
(June 5, 2012 - 10:18 am)

I'm not sure if I will get my wisdom teeth out, I don't even know if I have them. One time when I was a little bit younger (like one or two years) my health teacher was talking about them and how her son had to them out and he was fine. But I still left the room scared. Hopefully if I do get them out it won't be like in Victorious. In it A girl gets her wisdom teeth out and she goes all looney, like can't walk screaming looney.


TNÖ, I really hope your teeth are pretty and straight now because of all you've been through!Laughing 

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 11, Flowers
(June 19, 2012 - 5:58 pm)