Chatterbox: Down to Earth




I have noticed that there have been a lot of stereotypes recently towards young people, especially in music and magazines for parents. So I am starting a stereotype survey. I'm trying to get as many replies as possible! Just answer the questions below and post your responses on this thread. If you can, try to spread the survey to friends and family and post their answers on here. Thank you!


1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 19, 2012 - 6:50 am)

1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

I feel there's a lot of stereotypes towards everyone, to some extent. But yes, a lot of stereotypes of young people from other young people and from adults. 

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

Er... "Theatre Kid," mostly. You know. Sings showtunes all the time, has strange fashion sense/wears strange hats, keeps odd schedules, forever hanging around the theatre/scene shops, squeals over a bunch of actors no one else on the planet has heard of, swears by gaff tape instead of duct tape, et cetera...

Which, not gonna lie, is actually pretty accurate.  

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

Well, yes. It's a quick—if nasty—shortcut. The trick is to catch them consciously and stomp on them before they can take root. 

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

Pretty people = shallow, ugly people = smart (which I find rather ridiculous because... honestly... I don't actually know any ugly people because I somehow missed out on learning the societal cues for determining whether someone is pretty or not) seems to happen an awful lot, most of it subconscious and NOT AT ALL HELPED by the media/Hollywood et al. Er, also republicans get stereotyped as racist, sexist, homophobic, uptight, hypocritic religious people a lot, at least in areas/groups that are largely democrats. 

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?

Teased? Everyone I know gets teased, to some extent, some more than others. Happens. Bullied? ...Look, to be frank, I probably wouldn't notice if I were being bullied, unless it was of the being-beaten-up-and-shoved-into-trashcans variety, let alone if other people were. It's... one of my larger blindspots. But I know it happens a lot, even if I don't see it. 

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

Nope. Human nature being what it is, there's always going to be an "us" and "them" mentality, which is a breeding ground for new or reinforced stereotypes.  

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(July 19, 2012 - 7:57 pm)

Thank you! TOP!

submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 20, 2012 - 6:43 am)


While I am totally a theater kid, I was a DI kid first.  DI mentality makes me think duct tape can fix anything.:) 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesomE
(July 20, 2012 - 10:00 am)

Gaff tape > duct tape. :P

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(July 20, 2012 - 6:56 pm)

Oh, another infuriatingly pervasive stereotype is the one that Overweight People = Lazy, Unhealthy Slobs, which is blatantly false and a nasty symptom of the whole skinny=healthy mentality so many people have because they don't realize that (a) weight is determined as much as, probably more than, genetics, and that (b) it is possible to be either healthy or unhealthy at any size. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(July 20, 2012 - 7:06 pm)

1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

Here I agree with TNO 

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

Teacher's Pet, always gets good grades, doesn't care who she works with, always asking questions, doesn't have many friends (untrue!)....

The other one I sometimes see is,"writing excessive amounts of poetry?" "Well, you must be... depressed!" I have told people (mostly people who I share my work with). I AM NOT depressed, and tell people to stop thinking that poetry = depression 

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

Occasionally (I am embaressed to admit this), when I don't have enough information on a person, a stereo type may slip in the place where I don't have enough facts about them. 

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

Here I agree with TNO, and you can also see that stereotype reversed in some places though, where people think that you are dumb if ugly, and smart if pretty.

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?

In this respect I am clueless, I heard there was an incident at my school, but thats all, people wouldn't tell me anything, and since I run away (to the colledge counselor's office) at Lunchtime, I miss alot of that gossip and possibly bullying. 

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

No, when the stereotypes that are common now leave, new ones will just take their place. 

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(July 20, 2012 - 8:52 am)

 1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

Um... I guess. Not only young people, though.

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

They don't use anything to describe me, but people do assume things that I do things because I'm from Russia. Like, at lunch we were talking about foods we didn't like, and someone mentioned beets. I said that I don't like beets, and this girl said something on the lins of, "Of course you do! All Russians like beets, they make everything out of them!" Apparently she'd seen this movie involving Russians and beets. 

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

I try not to, and I haven't noticed myself, but that doesn't mean much. Maybe I do and haven't noticed. But I hope not. 

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

Nationality-related, including but not limited to 'Italians love pizza," but often not as simple as that.

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?

Hm. I know people who've been hurt by them, but not intentionally, just because people didn't know better. 

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

No way.  

submitted by Tiffany W.
(July 20, 2012 - 9:17 am)

1) I think there is some, but not seriously.  I think kids don't really believe in stereotypes, just use them in jokes.

2) Whenever I don't use common sense (I.e. "Hey Mom, this paper smells like paper!"), my parents say I'm having a blonde moment.

3) I tease my Mom like she teases me from the last answer, but other than that, not really.

4) Blondes aren't smart.

5) None, really.  Most of the kids at my school know stereotypes aren't really true.

6) Totally. 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(July 20, 2012 - 9:58 am)

1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

Yes, there's alot... it can get quite annoying sometimes.

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

I don't actually know... except some people stereotype me because my dad is Mexican ( I'm half Mexican and half white ). Others probably stereotype me because my mom, brother, sister, and I are very strong in our beliefs. I don't really know though.... when I was in public school, some stereotyped me because of it... now people stereotype me cuz I'm homeschooled... but other than that I'm not sure... haha it's gonna bug me now.

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

I try not to, but yeah sometimes I do. If I do, I can't actually say which ones....

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

Um, ok, so for homeschoolers, they stereotype public schoolers. For public schoolers, they sterotype homeschoolers. Other most commonly used stereotype I've noticed is racial stereotypes. Like some white people stereotype Mexicans as low lifes, or Mexicans stereotype Blacks as gang bangers and drunks. ( I'm not saying this to offend anyone of any race in the chatbox ! I'm just saying this out of experience. )

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?
Um........... ? No one, I don't think...

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

I'm sorry, but the Bible says the world is just going to get worse... evil will be more apparent in the coming days... no, I don't think they'll disappear.


Great quiz, WW ! It reallly got me thinking !

submitted by Vida(:
(July 20, 2012 - 11:18 am)

1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

Yes, certainly, especially teenagers who are often viewed, I think, as lazy, disrespectful, and rebellious.  Which is definitely not true for all teens.

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

Oh, that Catholic equals prudish and narrowminded, that German equals Nazi, that Southerner equalr redneck, etc.  I also wear skirts instead of pantts, so many people judge me based on that.  Very, very annoying.

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

Sadly, yes.  I'm still working on that.  I tend to stereotype Asians after reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.  But not much else.

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

I think the Asian stereotype mostly, simply because Asians- at least in my limited experience- don't protest it.

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?

In my experience, it hasn't become that serious.

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

Nope.  Sorry, human nature is pretty stubborn.  But please bear in mind that that's not the end of the story.  Mankind may continue to see stereotypes, but God sees each person as they are.

submitted by Mattie
(July 20, 2012 - 12:03 pm)

1.) Yes...

2.) Nerd-girl, but I like that one. Lots of religious stereotypes, but let's not get into those.

3.) Sometimes, but I have a hard time defining the word. I don't always know if I'm using them, or if I'm actually making a valid observation.

4.) Being a long-time homeschooler, I have not actually had very much exposure to stereotypes until more recently when I started going to an alternative school. So really, I don't know. Maybe "nerd". Maybe I just think that because our school is full of nerds and I'm one. Who cares? Nerds rock!

5.) None. I guess we sometimes jokingly tease our friends about their red hair, but they don't mind.

6.) I dunno.

submitted by Emily L.
(July 20, 2012 - 1:10 pm)

Thanks for all the posts! I would share pictures of the pie chart with all the replies! TOP!

submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 20, 2012 - 6:19 pm)

Oops. I meant to say that I do like beets -facepalm- -headdesk- 

submitted by Tiffany W.
(July 21, 2012 - 9:52 am)

1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people?

Sure...I think there are a lot of stereotypes towards everyone, not just young people. Except maybe sometimes that they don't know as much or aren't as capable as someone older would be, but that's often true.

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you?

Homeschooler, theater geek

3) Do you ever use stereotypes?

I try not to, but it's hard to avoid them entirely, especially if I don't know the person very well. I compete on an improv team, and we often use stereotypes in improv because they are funny.

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype?

Racial stereotypes and smart people/dumb people (nerd or geek) stereotypes.

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes?

Not many...I've witnessed some teasing, but it was mostly in fun and didn't get very serious.

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world?

No, I think that stereotypes are part of how people "judge" one another, and even though it's certainly not the best or most accurate way of doing it (really, no one should judge anyone else), it cannot be completely avoided. It's just part of human nature. 

submitted by Brynne, age 17, A magic carpet
(July 21, 2012 - 2:06 pm)

1) Do you feel like there are a lot of stereotypes towards young people? I agree with, well, the vast majority of people who have answered so far in that there are lots of stereotypes about young people but not necessarily more than about anyone else.

2) Which stereotypes do people use to describe you? Um... well, I rarely actually hear people explicitly describe me with a stereotype, but I'm probably stereotyped as a nerd because I really do have most of the qualities associated with that (but like Emily, I'm perfectly fine with that, since it's not even inaccurate or bad). I imagine I'll find people will stereotype me because I'm an atheist (simply because pretty much every atheist I've heard of or met has been stereotyped), but since I've only been one for a few months, I haven't actually experienced any of that yet. Other than that, lots of people have been rude to me due to xenophobia (and I mean it in the sense of fear of strangeness, not fear of foriegners, because I live in the country where I was born), but that's not stereotyping, just generic prejudice--in fact, it might be the opposite of sterotyping: they were uncomfortable with the fact that they couldn't put me in a box they could understand.

3) Do you ever use stereotypes? Well, certainly not consciously. Obviously, if I'm doing it subconsciously, I can't know--but I do have clues. I know that I tend to generalize less often than most of the people I know; most people tend to jump to conclusions based on prior experience that may or may not apply, but I tend to reserve judgment. That isn't always a good thing, although it has its advantages; plenty of people get really annoyed because I have to* be so precise in the way I speak, which takes forever, and people can also get annoyed because I won't realize something that's obvious to everyone else. That can be really frustrating because sometimes they assume that since I'm fairly intelligent, I somehow can't not get something they find obvious, so they think I'm lying or trying to get attention or something even though I would never do that. Maybe that's another stereotype people use for me--that because I'm really intelligent in some areas, I must never fail to pick up on the things everyone else notices even if I personally have never shown skill in those specific areas. Anyway, what I was getting at was that since I tend under-generalize rather than over-generalizing, I'm probably less prone to stereotyping, even if it can be inconvenient sometimes.

4) What do you think is the most commonly used stereotype? Oh, I don't even know.

5) How many people do you know who are often teased or bullied because of stereotypes? I think I share TNO's blind spot. I have noticed being bullied 4 times, but although I was never physically harmed, it was pretty blatant: 2 times involved people actually killing other creatures in order to upset me and not stopping even if it made me cry, one involved several direct references to the one of the aforementioned 2 times, and one involved people who were so desperate to upset me that they actually did things like trying to trip me and throwing erasers (it was so pathetic it was almost funny; fortunately, they never did figure out how to actually bother me). Furthermore, I have also been bullied at least 3 times without having a clue it was going on until someone trustworthy told me about it. There have also been times when I have seriously wondered whether someone is bullying me but not been sure how to ask; considering the fact that I have repeatedly been completely surprised by the revelation that someone was bullying me, I imagine my suspicions have been correct at least once. By the way, I really have no idea whether any of the bullying I've received was because of stereotypes.

Despite this blind spot, I do know one person who switched schools due to bullying (I didn't think it would be polite to ask what they bullied her for), and I know one person who says that because she's from the Middle East, some people (middle schoolers) have assumed that she was somehow related to Osama Bin Laden (she isn't, of course, nor does she support that sort of thing; I don't know her well, but she's nice, likes biology, and great at acting). I've seen too many instances of teasing to list, but I really have no idea how much of it was serious.

6) Do you think there is hope that harmful stereotypes will disappear from the world? Individual stereotypes that are harmful? Sure. All harmful stereotypes as a whole? Certainly not.

*Obviously, I don't have to, but it is kind of a compulsion.

submitted by Ima
(July 21, 2012 - 7:22 pm)