Weird Dreams.... Post

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Weird Dreams.... Post

Weird Dreams.... Post your weird dreams here.

Ahem. Here I go. So this morning at approximately 4:43, I had a really cool dream that would make a great novel or something. There was me and 11 friends, 6 girls and 6 boys. Some people's names were changed though, one girl was called Blossom (what the heck?) and one boy was called Collis (like Collin but not). Oh and Blossom's brother in real life wasn't her brother, but two other guys were. And the whole thing pretty much took place at my old elementary school.

So I'm just living my average middle school life, all hunky-dory (don't you love that word?) but there is suddenly this new procedure thingamabob (don't you love that word too?) that occurs at recess. Very routine, you have to stand on this platform for a few minutes with a couple of other people, nothing suspicious at all. You have a turn every few days. Run by the goverment. Starts when you're in fourth grade. Nothing suspicious. But by the time the dream started, somehow our little band of 12 had figured out that the platforms are making kids grow older quicker and at the exact same rate. It also changes their personality. Girls become your steroptypical shopping/puppies/boyfriend loving type, while boys become your sterotypical video gamer/music lover. The sterotypical teenager. But one of us (I'm going to call him Jack, he's Blossom's "brother" along with Collis) figures out that by standing on the edge of the platform, you don't get "washed" (that's what the procedure is called). From there, we figure out that the goverment is injecting hormones into children to make them grow up faster. So of course, we have to go and stop this.

We've all been trying to avoid our "washing" turns but 3 of the guys are kidnapped and have to be "washed", but the effects wear off in a few days. So we figure out that the "washing" isn't permanent so it has to be done over and over, but it builds up a lot. Later, I get caught and and I have to undergo the "washing". This is such a terrible feeling as you can feel your personality changing, but I feel like I'm turning into another one of my friends who doesn't happen to be in this dream, which makes me start laughing. Instantly, the effects vanish. Laughing stops the hormones (don't ask me why). So I end up regularly attending the "washings" but I laugh inside so I'm fine. We've found a personal cure, but now we need to help everyone.

Blossom's  brother in real life says he knows an old neurologist who lives near his house, so we set out to meet the neurologist (why are we looking for him? I don't know.). He tells us that the goverment's plan is to make sure that all children grow and develop at the same rate, so there will be less bullying and fighting (hey, this is just a dream.).  He has created a solution that will stop abnormal hormone growth. I, being the most spylike, sneak into the underground chamber under the platforms and switch out the hormone solutions. Then we head back the old neurologist's house and he tells us something disturbung: laughing during the washing not only stops the artificial hormones, but hormones you have in your body. Less than 20 times will stunt your growth, but more than 20 times will stop you growing and developing all together. The others have been "washed" 6 times, so their growth will be stunted a little, but I've been "washed" 23 times. And because I've laughed during each of them, I will stop growing. But we are not going to lose hope! We end up blowing up a bunch of factories that produce the artificial hormone, and destroy the blueprints. Every one on Earth has had their memories erased about the "washing" except for us. At the end, I'm reflecting how in the past year we've all grown up so much (while some really reflective studio Ghibli style music plays in the background). And I know that I am growing too. Not physically, but mentally I have grown much and can continue to grow.  


The captcha says dmbd. Go Dave Matthews Band! 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Over the Rainbow
(August 11, 2012 - 5:45 pm)

My meganium. Which is a grass type. It looks kind of like a green dinousaur with a giant tropical looking flower around its neck. Meganium is my main pokemon in SoulSilver. So I guess my subconcious is complimenting you. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Ruins of Alph
(August 27, 2012 - 5:19 pm)

Okay my dream is just weird. 


I was at a museum and for some reason a lot of the rooms were showing live alligators but the alligators weren't behind a fence or anything they were just sitting in the middle of the room and when I walked in I was really scared but my whole family was telling to chill and that they wouldn't eat me so I just kinda walked around them. 

And this was a dream from two nights ago so I don't remember most of it.

So then later in the dream the aligators were chasing me around and I was running in zigzags because I guess they didn't turn very well and I went into another room in the museum and there were other aligators in there and they started chasing me.

And then I woke up after they ate my dad. And I almost started crying when I woke up because I love dad! 

submitted by Maggie S, age 16, St. Paul MN
(August 27, 2012 - 2:06 pm)

I get to be a tropical green dinosaur. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this...but since you say it's a compliment I won't get offended : )

submitted by Jess
(August 28, 2012 - 8:18 pm)

I don't remember how the dream started at all, but Ra's al Ghul was lying in a hospital bed, but he didn't look injured or something, and I think he told me to kill Batman. Awesome.

submitted by SC, age ALLONS-Y!, FOR NARNIA
(August 28, 2012 - 9:09 pm)

Why would you ever want to kill Batman?

submitted by Melody, age 14, The Black Pearl
(August 29, 2012 - 8:27 pm)

I don't know, but the very fact that Ra'z al Ghul was in my dream made it awesome.

Though, if you think about it, if I killed Batman, that means I had to have defeated him, and in order to have defeated him, I would have had to be a genius ninja kick butt person. Which would be awesome.

submitted by SC, age ALLONS-Y!, FOR NARNIA
(August 31, 2012 - 7:55 pm)

Although everyone would be mad at you because you just killed Batman.  

submitted by Melody, age 14, The Jungle Cruise
(September 2, 2012 - 11:54 am)

But if you're a genius ninja kick butt person, who needs friends? Besides, Batman has ridiculous little ears. I mean, seriously, who needs ridiculous little ears? Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you were off to save the world and your little ears got caught on the doorway? "Sorry I couldn't save your life, ma'am, I couldn't get here in time because my ears got caught on the doorway. Hope you aren't too mad at me."

submitted by Jess, age (trust me), fully under control
(September 2, 2012 - 3:58 pm)

I just had the wierdest dream(s) ever!! Bear with me. I must have had a lo on my mind last night.

Okay, so it started out that Johnny Depp moved to my town, and he decided to hire my mom to do his yard, (she's a landscape designer) and we all became really good friends. Then, he came with my parents to my play I was in, and afterwards, he was like, "You are a truly gifted actress. Would you like to be in the movies? I can get you into one." So thanks to him, I became a huge movie star. Love you, Johnny Depp!

Then, my dream switched to Hunger Games, where I was Prim and Katniss's middle sister, Anne. Sometimes, in my dreams, I have no idea where I am and what I do, like I was thrown into a play I wasn't part of, and there have been times characters in my dreams have looked at me like I was crazy when I say, "Um... where am I?" So I was pretty confused when Katniss Everdeen referred to me as "Anne."So anyway, Prim got reaped, and Katniss was about to volunteer, when I shoved her out of my way, and was like, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!" Apparently, Katniss didn't like me that much, because she was happy to let me go and stay with Prim. Then Effie Trinket said, "Oh, it looks like all our boys are late and can't make the reaping. Anne Everdeen is our only tribute." So Peeta never showed up. Then I got in a huge fight with Katniss's or um, my mom about shoving Katniss, because she appaerntly hated Katniss and would rather her go get killed than me and Prim. Then some dude was staring at us and I screamed DO YOU MIND?!?! STAY OUT OF MY KILLING GAMES! (Don't ask where the killing games came from. Maybe that's a term District 12 uses for the Hunger Games) 

I would have liked to see if I won or not, but my alarm went off and to give myself a treat since I only have a few days of no school left, I went back to sleep and dreamed about a scene in my book I'm writing. I am still very confused about the meaning of the Hunger Games dream.

submitted by Gigi
(September 6, 2012 - 1:10 pm)

Okay , I Had This Dream A Couple Months Ago , But It Applies.

So I Was Eating A Chocolate Bar , And My Best Friend Marissa Stole It From Me , So I Picked Up A Water Hose , Meaning to Spray Her , And Instead Of Water , Chocolate Came out ! She Got Soaked In Chocolate ! 

[ Yeah , She Liked That Dream Whenever I Told Her ]

Okay Another One , My Phone Is Like Super Cracked ( On The Inside , Not Outside ) And My Friend Asked To See It , So I Gave It To Her , And I Went Away , And I Came Back , And She Handed Me My Phone Back , And It Was Shattered ! Literally ! And I Said "You Broke My Phone !! " and She Says "Noo I Didn't. Marisssa Did. " And So Like Yeah.. Weird Dream...

submitted by ~Vida
(September 12, 2012 - 2:44 pm)

I had a dream a few nights ago, where one of the seventh graders in our school's recycling team had an airplane (just a little biplane, not a jumbo jet or anything) and crash landed in my neighbor across the street's yard which was a jungle for some reason. So then he had to fix it and he offered me a ride in it. Unfortunatly, I woke up before the airplane ride. I want to ride in a biplane with my friend sometime. That would be fun. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Dreamland
(September 15, 2012 - 12:54 pm)

You guys were finally in one of my dreams!  It was weird, though. Red was this girl who used to live on my street (which makes sense because she has red hair) who was (don't laugh) about to have a baby.  Even in the dream I was all like, "But Red's a guy."  And the girl was all like, "It's the Internet."  Sakura C. was this girl's friend.  (Note: the girl is not having a baby in real life) Anyway, she had this iPad with these notes that were handwritten by you guys about certain threads.  I think Ima wrote hers on purple and white paper from the Girl Scouts.  You were supposed to write on the notes then pass them onto the next CBer.  That's all I remember.

submitted by Melody, age 14, With Nemo
(September 15, 2012 - 6:53 pm)

HAHAHAHAHAHA Copy+Paste+Send to Red

submitted by Sakura C., age 13, Laughing
(September 15, 2012 - 8:43 pm)

Oooookay. That is definetly a first.

submitted by Red, age 13, Mildly Puzzled
(September 16, 2012 - 8:48 am)

I had a dream that I was being arrested for roasting chestnuts over an open fire. I was handcuffed and taken into the police station. I said, "I don't know what you're talking about, I've never roasted a chestnut in my life," but everyone was just giving me this look,  like "you horrible person, you juvenile delinquent, you."

submitted by Emily L., age 17
(September 15, 2012 - 11:54 pm)