Rant about Ontario

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Rant about Ontario

Rant about Ontario schools
...I'm not sure if this is happening anywhere else in Canada or America. But if it isn't, you're very lucky. 
First of all- this just has to do with my school- my new English teacher is recovering from a surgery so we have had a substitute teacher since the first day until Thanksgiving. We get grade in letters: A, B, C, D, and R (not F) but they're in number form: 95, 87, 83, 75 etc. etc.
So last year I got 95s. This year I get a 75 because I forgot a comma that wasn't even necessary. I have done my fair share of fanfic writing on boards that don't like consistent grammar mistakes so I think my mom (who also checked it over) and I would notice that mistake.
Then I get a C because apparently 1000 word essays need more relating and reflecting. And we're reading Schooled by Gordon Korman so reflecting is a bit hard- for the first few chapters anyway.
Then I get a B+ and there were no mistakes pointed out, just a Good job!
Did I mention we didn't get a rubric? :/
Now about Ontario schools...
Dalton McGuinty the Ontario MP or some other high-up government position decided to, instead of negotiating with the teacher's union about bankable sick days, just make a law that says they can't strike so no negotiatons for them. And only ten sick days. So now my English teacher is at home, recovering from one of many heart surgeries and he isn't getting paid because he used up all ten sicks days.
And because teachers' union can't say anything, they decided to take away all extra-curriculars that they aren't being paid for: sports teams, clubs, dances, school trips, and GRADUATION, so parents would notice and stand up for them. Except my school just said they're putting ex-cs on hold and not why...
So school is really boring now- pretty much all public schools in Ontario I think. But some public high schools still have teams- I say some because it was on the news that a high school in Brampton had a rally.
murp. This might be over in time for graduation, so we'll still have one (I'm going to high school next year) but it might take years.
Now I'm going to write to Dalton McGuinty and Andrea Horwath. And I'm very tired and angry.
submitted by Olive
(September 22, 2012 - 12:49 pm)

I'm really sorry to hear that. That's tough. I wish there was something I can do, but unfortunatly, I only own hypothetical Canada. Frown

The captcha says ywhh. I think that means why did Dalton McGuinty do such a thing? 

submitted by Red, age 13, Canada
(September 22, 2012 - 3:37 pm)

I'm not sure. And his campaign last year said he would respect teachers' rights... :/

submitted by Olive
(September 22, 2012 - 7:37 pm)

Oof!  *falls over* Oof!  *smashes head against the ground* Oof!

Sorry to hear that!

In my district, we have redistricting.  Which means they pack us into a tiny room like cows.  Nyarsh.

submitted by Holmes, Mooseflower
(September 23, 2012 - 7:35 am)

Oh, I feel really bad for your teacher. Seriously.

Our classes are pretty full, but it's not terrible.

submitted by L
(September 23, 2012 - 4:35 pm)