Bucket Lists

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Bucket Lists

Bucket Lists

What's on yours? I just watched Men in Black 3 last night, and I've decided that I seriously want to go into school normally and comment about some nonexistent person and what they did yesterday. I'll wait for people to be all weird, then exclaim that he was totally here yesterday, what are you even thinking?! And I'll drink a lot of chocolate milk. And time it until somebody figures it out.

Other, more normal things:

-Go to Ireland/England/Europe in general

-Get in a taxi and say "Follow that car!"

-Et cetera.

Yava: ezxz. You want to eat zillions of xenophilic zebras?



Go to Sun Valley, Idaho, and see the outdoor ice show.


submitted by L
(March 9, 2013 - 3:29 pm)

SWEET! I've been waiting for someone to start a thread like this!

1.) Eat a pound of butter and fudge

2.) Go to Prince Edward Island Canada and see Green Gables

3.) Stay a week at Cinderella Castle

4.) Meet Meagan Follows and Jonathen Crombie

5.) Visit Ireland, Scotland, England, France, the Parthanon, and many historical places here in the USA that are too numerous to mention here.

6.) Ride around my neighborhood wearing reindeer antlers in my wagon (or sled if it snowed) with a great dane pulling it singing Jingle Bells at the top of my lungs, and shouting WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS at 6:00 in the morning! HAHAHAHA! It would be SO fun!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Armageddon
(March 9, 2013 - 9:30 pm)





submitted by top
(March 10, 2013 - 7:39 am)

Six sounds FUN!!!!! I'll join you!

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, Neverland
(March 11, 2013 - 5:42 pm)

Six sounds FUN!!!!! I'll join you!

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, Neverland
(March 11, 2013 - 5:42 pm)

Thank you! I can always use companions to make my voice doubly loud! hehehe!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 13, 2013 - 6:29 pm)

1) Ride on Phantom Manor

2) Go to Europe

3) Go to every Disney park

4) Sing It's A Small World on Pirates until the person next to me gets annoyed

5) Go to Disney Quest


7) Finally go on the Haunted Mansion:/  True story: I got in line, saw Mdm. L's eyes move on her gravestone, and freaked out.  Then I made a CM smirk, because it's not every day you see a 13 year old sobbing in the HM line.  The CMs CAN'T SMILE.  So that's a major accomplishment.

8) Find one of the paint brushes on Tom Sawyer Island

9) Go on a kiddie roller coaster at Six Flags and act like it's the best coaster ever!  Non-Disney goal finally, haha.  Although I already did this with my friends on a field trip.

10) Go on the Goliath at Six Flags

11) Get lost somewhere and then get unlost with the help of only a subway map and 50 whatever-the-currency is.

12) Meet one of my favorite authors.  Kristen Cashore lives in Cambridge, Ma, so I think she's the best candidate.

13) Talk to someone in Germany at Epcot in German.  And not just the "Ich heiße Kyra." I pulled last time. 


submitted by Melody, age 14, Backside of water
(March 10, 2013 - 11:11 am)

I've been to Epcot! I didn't get into any conversations with people in Spanish, though. It would've been cool. Going on my bucket list.

submitted by L
(March 10, 2013 - 4:20 pm)

I forgot. Adding to my list;

7.) Become a Laura stalker

8.) Blow up a giant goldilocks doll (seriously, the bears SO should have eaten her.)


Cappie says zbey. Is that like ebay? OOH! Can I but dynamite on ebay? Hmm...

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 10, 2013 - 7:10 pm)

Erm.  I don't know.

Somehow end up with reading for a job.

submitted by Gollum
(March 11, 2013 - 6:57 pm)

My teacher asked us what we would do if we didn't have to go to school. My classmates replied:

- Sit around and watch TV all day

- Play video games and eat cheese puffs

- Take online classes and go to college

- Go to France, England, Italy, Greece

- Buy a TARDIS and meet the Doctor

- Go to bookstores and libraries and eat chocolate

- My friend said she would go to Ireland and be a weirdo 

Spammy says megu.  Meg you. No Spammy I am not Meg.

submitted by Maggie the Whovian , age 11, Charlotte
(March 12, 2013 - 6:37 am)

I've never thought of having a bucket list. (Actually, I've never heard of one before!)

1. Get a pen pal from a foreign country.

2. Travel around the world and learning the countries' cultures.

3.  Finish and publish a novel.

4. Go to and complete college and possibly get a master's.

Hmm... I'll have to think about it more. 

submitted by Teresa, age 13, Michigan
(March 12, 2013 - 6:43 pm)

A bucket list is basically things you want to do before you die (which should really be obvious, unless you believe in reincarnation, and then everything's up for grabs).

Oh yes! I do want to publish a book as well!

submitted by L
(March 13, 2013 - 2:37 pm)

Thanks for letting me know.

submitted by Teresa, age 13, Michigan
(March 14, 2013 - 4:45 pm)


submitted by Top!
(June 10, 2013 - 2:26 pm)

5) Learn sign language

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(June 10, 2013 - 2:27 pm)