Here's a quiz.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Here's a quiz.

Here's a quiz. A pokemon quiz for all you pokemon fans!

1) What are all the starter pokemon from Kanto?

2) Did Pickachue like Ash at first?

3) Did Pickachue fry everyone bike but iris.

4)  What is team rocket's delivery pokemon?

5)  How many pokemon are known of currently? 

6)  Who was Ash's first rival, and what was his first pokemon?

7) What happend that team rocket always are trying to get pickachue?

8) What pokemon did ash first catched?

9) Who did ash first travel with?

10) Who was May's first rival.

11) What was May's first pokemon?

12) How are May and Max famous?

13) What are the starter pokemon in Johto?

14) What are the starter pokemonin Johto?

15) What are team rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth.) Team rocket enemy's?

That's all now. I will do another one sometime.


submitted by Blue, Kanto
(April 15, 2013 - 5:36 pm)

1. Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. Easy!

2. Do pigs fly?

3. I don't know, haven't seen Black and White yet. Umm, Pikachu murdered Misty's bike, I think he commited bikeslaughter on Misty's bike, and I think Dawn's bike escaped unscathed. Not sure.

4. Their delivery pokemon? What do they deliver? Pizza? Either Wobaffet or Meowth.

5. 649

6. Gary Oak, he of the chipmunk voice. It was a Squirtle.

7. In episode 2, Pikachu showed itself to be very powerful, so Team Rocket spent 16 more seasons trying to catch it.

8. Caterpie. In episode three. 

9. Misty. "I want my bike back, Ash Ketchum!" 

10. Drew, I think. She has a lot.

11. Torchic.

12. I don't know, they have a whole TV show about them?

13. Totodile, Chikorita, and Quilava.

14. Ditto.

15. Ash and "the twerps." 

submitted by Red, age 13, Elsewhere
(April 19, 2013 - 10:28 pm)
submitted by tip top shape
(November 4, 2013 - 6:48 pm)