Family stories

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Family stories

Family stories

This thread is for interesting stories that have happened in your family's past. Here's one story from my family's past:

My dad can ride a motorcycle. He doesn't have a motorcycle. Obviously, he doesn't ride a motorcycle!

Why does he not have a motorcycle? Well, many, many, many (okay, not that many) years ago...

My dad DID have a motorcycle! (Actually, I think it might have been his parent's motorcycle, and he just had permission to ride it. I forget some details.) So, he had a motorcycle, he could ride the motorcycle, and his dad (my grandpa) could ride the motorcycle to run an errand.

Which is exactly what he did.

I forget what the errand was for, but my grandfather took the motorcycle, and took my dad's bro (my uncle, whom I've never met) on the bike to ride with him. My uncle saw something either on the way there or on the way back, got my grandpa's attention to whatever he saw that caught his eye, and they crashed. 

Well, it was some sort of accident, not sure it was a crash, that made the motorcycle unridable from that day on.

Anybody else have an interesting family story? How about you, Admin? 


My grandmother had diptheria when she was three. She had twin baby siblings, a boy and a girl, and an older brother. The house was quarantined with her mother and the children inside. Her father was not allowed in; stayed somewhere else and went to work, for probably two or three weeks. Great-grandma had to leave a pitcher on the back porch, and the milkman would pour milk into it. He would not leave his bottles at the quarantined house. How hard women had to work in those days! Four children, including two babies, one of the others very ill. No disposable diapers, I doubt there was even a washing machine (if there was, it was the old hand-wringer kind), and certainly no dryer.


submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, Questionably strange
(May 2, 2013 - 9:10 pm)

Well, this happened yesterday.

I forgot to print out a homework assignment and so as soon as we picked up the other people in my carpool, I had to run back. I ran in through the garage door (a huge door that slides up and makes lovely dying-cat noises), closed the garage door, ran to the computer, turned it on, turned on the printer, printed the thing (my printer makes a heck of a lot of noise. It clangs. It clanks. It sings.) and then ran out the front door with a bang.

My dad was at home at the time and he didn't know I had come in. He was in the bathroom at the time and heard a heck of a lot of noise. He assumed it was our cats. Then he heard a big bang. He thought it sounded like the front door, but then dismissed the idea because he thought the cats were still on their rumpus and they had broken something. The house was then dead quiet. He went our of the bathroom and found both cats looking very innocent (A cat's innocence is directly proportional to it's badness. Chewed on your flowers? They look very innocent. Broke a vase? They look positively angelic. Burned the house down? They will be wearing togas and playing harps and have little wings and halos.) and wide-eyed. He looked around the house but couldn't find anything broken, so he ignored it and went to have a shower. 

I ended up telling him the story when we were both home again after school. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(May 4, 2013 - 10:25 am)

I asked my dad yesterday, and he said that the motorcycle was his motorcycle, and cost him like 1200 bucks he spent the whole summer working to earn so he could save up for it. Then he had to pay for the insurance and stuff.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, Question World??????
(May 4, 2013 - 10:57 am)

Do you mean your family only or can it also be about you? If it can be about you then here is one.


My aunt  was trying a back handspring off a diving board, when her dog wanted to do one to. What's about to happen to her is rather awful. Her dog ran over the diving board when she was about to jump. The dog ran into her and she landed on her head breaking her neck. (gasp) She lives. Next time I will tell you a non almost death story! Kay!

submitted by Blue, Kanto
(May 4, 2013 - 9:22 pm)

Okay, here's a weird one about me. Something I must let absolutely everybody know.

When we were living in our very first individual house, we had a backyard with a sandbox and a tree with a treehouse in it. It was a pretty forested backyard, for Oklahoma. So because of the sandbox, a.k.a. litter box, our neighbour who lived behind us had a cat, we named it and everything because we saw it so often. We also had other stray cats come into our house. So we got cat food to feed them. 

And we had a huge, windowy, carpeted room to play in that had a door to outside. We also had a couch right next to a built in shelf-thing that wasn't completely against the wall, it was out by maybe 6 feet. And so next to the couch we had this little hiding place, it was like a shelf alley. We used to keep the cat food on the backside of the shelf. 

So I used to go back there . . . and eat the cat food. Eventually my mom found out and had to move it so I couldn't get it, but IT WAS SOOOOOOO YUMMY!!!!!!!! I crave it sometimes!!! To this day, we make jokes about it, see cat food in the store, and I'll start drooling and stuff.  Cool

submitted by Blackberry E., age 13, Michigan
(June 3, 2013 - 6:11 pm)


submitted by top
(June 4, 2013 - 10:27 am)

This morning, my stupid cat (I have two cats, one who is diabolical and plotting and one who is stupid and loving) was standing underneath a low coffee table we have. My mom moved her foot and startled the cat so she jumped, forgetting she was under the coffee table. She hit the coffee table with a really loud bang (the coffee table came off the ground, even) and then ran out from underneath it, looking slightly dazed.


Ooooh, poor cat . . . I startle easily, too.


submitted by Ruby M., age 13, My House
(June 18, 2013 - 9:09 am)