Dreams!I had

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Dreams!I had


I had a dream with Chatterboxers in it last night. Or this morning, actually, but that doesn't really matter. I was IM-ing Joe Dosie Doe and Theo about trivial things because I was actually quite scared. I was Sakura from Naruto (well, I was my own psudonym Sakura but I was a ninja on a team with Naruto and Sasuke so that's close enough) and we had to fight this giant... thing. It had a humanoid shape but it was about forty feet tall and was most definitely not a human. It was called a Reaper and it was the Reaper of Fear. Naruto and Sasuke got knocked out (unconscious) and so I had to kill it myself and it was so scary and hard to beat. And then my brain said, "Let's have five reapers! And one of them can be the reverse image of yourself!" So I told it, "No way! One was more than enough!" It was drawn in an anime style. Which was odd.

Have you ever had dreams about members of the Chatterbox? When ever you have interesting dreams, you should write them here. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Dreamland
(June 21, 2013 - 11:51 pm)

These threads:

Dreams ...


submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, Dream Vortex
(June 22, 2013 - 9:31 am)

I have had dreams about the Chatterboxers. I haven't had one in a while, so the details are too vague to explain. 

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(June 24, 2013 - 3:08 pm)

I have the strangest feeling that BHR was in a dream last night. That's very odd. I can't remember what the dream was about, though I think Professor McGonagall was in it.

submitted by Red
(June 24, 2013 - 4:22 pm)


Have you read Manga Man? 

submitted by Theo W.
(June 24, 2013 - 5:01 pm)

Who's the author? Googling it produces about three million results.

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(June 24, 2013 - 7:31 pm)

Well, Barry Lyga. There's one part I didn't like, but it was an overall enjoyable book. 

submitted by Theo W.
(June 26, 2013 - 8:45 am)

I had this dream last night where I was at the park at my elementary school. I was playing this riddle game on my iPod and Sam was helping me on it. The riddle was something involving (if I remember correctly) "they don't have this in Georgia" and "love" and the answer was "truth."

submitted by Maggie(broken), age 12, Charlotte
(June 25, 2013 - 5:55 pm)

Last night I think the CB became part of my mob dream. Go figure.

So, yes, I have mob dreams. They usually go like this--A few groups of collective characters come together and try to mob me and one other person from their group. So last night, there were the basic three groups for mob dreams: my friends, the characters from a book I'm co-writing, and the cast from Powerless. So that makes me, Louisa (powerless), and Micheal (co-authored book). There was also the CB in general. I think Blue Fairy was the one running with us, but I'm not sure. Lousia turned to me at this point and said, "We can't do it like last time--they'll remember where we hid." And that's about where that dream stopped.

Then I had this follow-up dream where I was at this mall with a person from my day-camp last week (two things that would NEVER happen to me) and we went to this store that I swear I've been to before, but perhaps only in dreams. I feel like I've been there with my dad. Anyways, we went in there, and the sell random stuff. It's kind of like Ax man, just less stuff. And the store was across from a Caribou Coffee. I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out WHERE that store was from and why I was so sure I'd been there and my dad had gotten a coffee at Caribou.

The store was called "Yew Tracks" in my dream, but I think it meant an animal that starts with a "Y" because there was a big, fuzzy animal on the sign. And Yew is a type of tree, so that doesn't work.

I also think that the mob dream was a follow up to another CB dream, but I can't remeber it. This is probably the most I've remembered of a dream(s) in a long while.  


I think Yak Tracks is a kind of ice-cream.


submitted by Theo W., age 12, Dark, dreary places
(June 26, 2013 - 8:55 am)

@Admin, I think that's what the sign meant, but it was a kind of strangegift shop ax-man, so why would it be clled an ice cream flavor? Hmmm. I guess we'll never know. 

submitted by Theo W.
(June 26, 2013 - 9:25 am)

I don't remember everything from my dream last night, but there were some things I do remember:

-walking around a fair-type thing with my best friend and her boyfriend where a psychic read us our fortune and gave me an earring because she thought I was psychic

-At the fair, which was on a spiraling ramp, the very top of the spiraling ramp was a bookstore with discounted prices, but either I'd read the books or they were saccharine-sweet kids' books.

-Either me or my sister getting either chased or possessed by a ghost as we stood in front of a mall built on the site where there used to be a mental hospital.  Don't worry, we figured out how to get rid of it. 

-We were in some sort of open air vehicle getting away from the ghost and then there was something about my mom.  She went missing?  The ghost got her?  I have no idea.

-I was sitting there playing my clarinet for the school band and the music looked like an original of one of the songs we're actually playing (Second Suite for Military Band) but it wasn't.  It had a lot more pages (Second Suite's four pages) and it had these slots for you to make designs with squares of fabric.  Apparently there were two people who were supposed to act out the song, a guy and a girl, because it was a love song.  The guy sitting next to me (who looked kind of like the younger guy on Jeopardy last night) was the guy and I was the girl and we ended up holding hands (?!).  I don't even think this guy was playing an instrument and I've never met him in real life so that was a little creepy.

submitted by Melody, age 14, Muppet Studios
(June 27, 2013 - 3:54 pm)

I had this dream a few nights ago. I was on the seventh grade hallway and it was the first day (or maybe it was an open house?) and I went to classroom 709 (idk why because it's the Latin classroom) then 710 then 711. And I think Sam might have been there.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(June 30, 2013 - 7:42 am)

Last night, I dreamed I got interested in Pokemon. That's pretty much all I remember.

I don't know where that came from. It's not even an interesting thing to dream about.

submitted by Ima
(July 1, 2013 - 2:15 pm)

Hey, there's a lot of worse things you could be interested in. Pokemon is fun!

submitted by Red, age 14!Woohoo!, Kanto
(July 7, 2013 - 10:36 am)

Once I had a dream about a tsunami in Chicago.  I have a lot of disaster dreams.  And the next day, in the newspaper, there was an article about scientists finding evidence of a tsunami in Lake Geneva that occurred thousands of years ago.  So maybe there could be a tsunami in Chicago.  Creepy!

submitted by Bounty, age Immortal, ?
(July 16, 2013 - 5:42 pm)

I had another strange dream this morning. The first bit doesn't really have much to do with the main story line, so I'm picking it up from the middle of the dream.

My sister and I went to a camp. The camp was mostly like any other camp except it had this giant tree growing in the middle of it. The tree had five levels or platforms on it that you could climb up on. The first four platforms were pretty big but the fifth was quite small. The first three platforms were easy to get so most people just played around on those platforms. However, my sister, my friend (I'm going to call him Mafia), and I figured out how to get up to the higher platforms, so naturally, we went up to the fourth platform. I climbed up to the fifth platform faster than Mafia and my sister and found that the front was empty. However, when I went around to the back, I found a bunch of chests with toys and stuff in them. I went back around to the front to show my friend and sister the chests. As I was showing them the chests, I noticed that one was missing. I looked down and saw that I had accidentally knocked it off the platform, crushing a purple snail.

I went down the tree to pick up the chest and put it back on the platform when I saw a bunch of bugs running towards me. They were small and pink but there were a lot of them. I mean, a lot of them. As in, I like bugs but there were so many running towards me that I freaked out. So I ran. And ran. And ran to the cabin where I had my bed. For some reason, the rooms had locks on them and I told my roommate, who was standing outside, "Unlock the door! Please!" (I didn't have my key with me). My roommate started unlocking the door but it was taking too long and the bugs were getting closer so I ran to the counselors' office and barricaded myself in there and told them what happened. The counselors said that knocking the chest off was stealing. I protested that it was an accident and I fully meant to put it back if the pink bugs hadn't intervened, but they insisted it was still stealing. Then, the pink bugs started to go after something else. There were some black bugs as well that started going after the something. The counselors told me the creator of the tree was coming (it seemed to be a real tree to me. It probably was a real tree, as you'll see later). and I should go to meet him. This guy scared me and so I ran away from him. I tried climbing the tree, but he found me and told me to come with him. So I did. (Did I mention that this guy was really scary? There was just something about him. Perhaps it was the fact that the bugs followed him, nd the only reason they gollowed me was to avenge the death pf the snail, or so I thought. Perhaps it was his bushy mustache and eyebrows. Perhaps it was the fact he was the creator of the tree. Anyway, everything about him scared me.)

He towed me to the chest and told me to "help him carry the mirrors". (I didn't realize this until after I woke up, but in the Mothy universe, mirrors are one of the epitomes of the sin of vanity. The keepers of the mirrors are possessed by the demons of vanity.) The chest was no longer a chest, but four objects (it may be noted that there are four mirrors of vanity), two black and two gold. Two of the items were serving platters, but the other two were statues without heads or legs of, of all things, the Pokemon Mewtwo. I took the gold platter and statue and the man took the black ones and we started walking to the counselor's cabin and he started talking to me. First, he asked if I was aware of the "myth of Mewtwo". (It isn't really a myth. Mewtwo was created in a laboratory. It was created to be a clone of the Pokemon Mew (and Mewtwo was made out of a small piece of Mew's DNA) but the scientists who created it didn't have enough DNA to complete it, so they used a bit of human DNA to finish it. Eventually, Mewtwo was created and used as an ultimate fighting machine. Eventually, it got annoyed at its creators, destroyed Team Rocket (they created it), and escaped.) I said yes, I was. He asked if I thought it was real. I said it was just a myth, and myths are real to the ones who believe in them and not real to the ones who don't believe in it. He was very interested in that, but he started talking for a long time about how anyone who created Mewtwo would be the ultimate human (I'll say. It's a Pokemon, for Pete's sake!) and how if he did it, he would be considered the greatest man of all time, better than Einstein and Newton and everyone. (He also went on a lengthy discourse about Mewtwo's tail for some reason. Anyway, he seemed very sure of himself, as if he could create Mewtwo.) 

We arrived at the counselor's cabin and he told me that he was going to show me a great story and then I would have to help somehow. So he showed me a video. In the video, there was a great sorcerer who loved a beautiful woman who would have nothing to do with him. She loved another man. (He was using Chrono Trigger characters for images and the pretty woman loved a frog. A giant frog. I laughed at that and he got snappish and said that wasn't the point.) So the sorcerer cast a magic spell that switched the bodies of him and the man the woman loved. The sorcerer then married the woman and there the tree creator stopped the video and told me he would show me more in my next dream because I was going to wake up soon. I wanted to see more, so I got to see a preview of the next part. These people went on vacation at the beach, and later on, Aragorn and Arwen were in the preview. And then I woke up.

I really, really want to continue that dream. I'm almost entirely positive the sorcerer was the man who created the tree. What I think is going to happen: The man is possessed by the demon of vanity (really, he's quite sure of himself) and he did something wrong or he will do something wrong and I'm going to have to fix his mistakes. The other two mirrors of vanity are going to posses me in an alternate way (there's a way in the Mothy universe. The servant of evil is vain for his sister while his sister is vain for herself. It's hard to explain.) and I think I'll end up taking the punishment for the guy but eventually I'll be rewarded while he will be punished. I bet I'm going to get my head chopped off. Oh well! I'll get my head chopped off and be stuck inside a doll for a really long time and then I'll end up as... I don't remember what that character ends up as. He ends up as master of something, I think. Maybe. I don't remember. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 14, Somewhere
(August 5, 2013 - 8:34 pm)