Chatterbox: Down to Earth



I'm pretty sure we've all had to deal with stereotypes. I personally hate them. Emo is the worst stereotype in my opinion. People regarded as emo may actually be depressed and calling them things like that isn't going to help. Regardless of whether someone meets the criteria of a stereotype, stereotypes are very cruel and...just...ugh. Stereotypes are awful; it's judging someone based on music and their fashion choices.

This ended up being a rant on just one stereotype but whatever. Post stereotype rants in the comments. And (unrelated) in eighth grade we have to write a paper on eating disorders. Mine will probably end up being a rant littered with "foul language." I can imagine what that will be like...heheh

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(July 31, 2013 - 4:07 pm)

Yes. I hate sterotypes. Blonde sterotypes. This one kid in my grade, we'll call him Bob, said something like, "You're so blonde," as an insult to somebody.

I have dark blonde hair, so I felt the urge to speak up. "Bob, using the word "Blonde" in the place of "Idiot" is not cool."

"Well you're a blonde genius!"

That's what he said. Honestly. Just because I'm goodish at math.

"Does it matter who I am?"

Because it doesn't. It's just offending. 

Gah. Bob needs to learn something called "STOP USING THE WORD BLONDE IN PLACE OF IDIOT." Sure, I told him. He kept doing it. And that wasn't the first time either.

submitted by Lexi, age 12, Comic
(July 31, 2013 - 4:18 pm)

@Theo/Lexi are you a Homestuck nerd? I don't know if you mentioned that but I dunno maybe I'm confusing you with that guy on Instagram...

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(August 1, 2013 - 6:00 pm)

Nah. I have no idea what that is. And I am NOT on Instagram. Unlike the rest of my grade.

submitted by Lexi
(August 2, 2013 - 3:21 pm)

In my school there's this special kind of weird that the in crowd that doesn't admit it's an in crowd are, and if you aren't like that, you're either copying them or normal.  You can't be a different kind of weird.  And it just makes them look stupid.  This year, I just stopped trying to hang out with them, because they think I am a walking dictionary.  So this is sort of a stereotype, but not really.

submitted by Gollum
(August 2, 2013 - 8:28 am)

@ Lexi:


And another is that homeschoolers are only homeschooled because a) their parents want to keep them with them (seriously?) b) we're slower or are failing in our education (Oh COME ON) c) just want to hide away from the world, or d) are "sheltered" to an extreme where we don't talk to anyone. Listen people, all of the above is SO NOT TRUE!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(August 2, 2013 - 3:24 pm)

Speaking of stereotypes, i was talking to a friend of mine about Disney sitcoms, and about how they remake ripoffs of the originals in India that are word for word episodes of the originals translated into Hindi, when she said, 'Oh i think it's cool how Zack and Dody destroys all stereotypes. I mean, the blonde is smart, the Asian is dumb.'


submitted by the doctor, the tardis
(August 3, 2013 - 11:03 pm)

What I really hate is if you get an A and the kids start saying: "Oh, you're such a nerd.", "It was so obvious that you'd get an A." I don't know if this counts as a stereotype or not but I really hate it. I mean, being a nerd isn't a bad thing but people make it into some sort of swear word. I'm just glad that I don't wear pounds of make-up on my face. 

I also hate it when people make fun of overweight kids. For example, there's a girl in my school who is overweight and maybe 2 years younger than me. I was getting ready to go home when a friend of mine was like: "Does she really have to wear those?" I looked over and saw that she was wearing shorts. I got really mad and told my friend that she has the same right as everyone else to wear shorts if she wants to. Just because she's overweight doesn't mean that she has to walk around in pants all through summer because some mean kids made her feel self-concious.


submitted by Elizabeth, age 14, Germany
(September 13, 2013 - 4:22 am)