
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



I personally don't think forgiveness is an actual thing. People don't forgive, they choose to not think about it for a while. Several people have been really mad at me over the past couple months, and I'm worried that they're going to bring up what I did to make them mad. They're just biding their time waiting for the right time to yell at me.


Maggie, I believe in forgiveness. Many/most religions teach forgiveness. No one is perfect. We all do things for which we may ask others to forgive us. And we can learn from these things what not to do or say next time.


submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(November 1, 2013 - 10:33 am)

No, like my friend will get like REALLY REALLY REALLY mad at me and then she'll just not talk about it and I'm stuck worrying about it

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(November 1, 2013 - 12:03 pm)

I've forgiven people for stuff before. I tend to forgive and forget most small stuff. The only things I don't forgive have to do with my secret. There's a girl at my school who thinks we're quite good friends but I actually hate her. I will not forgive her for what she said. Honestly, I'm pretty bad about forgiving. I can hold vendettas for extraodinarily long times, but people tell me that's not normal, so don't worry about it. People do forgive and even if people don't, I really don't think they're biding their time for whole months. I'm still mad at a girl I know for something she did half a year ago, but I treat her normally. People's temper burns out pretty quickly. Whenever my dad's mad about something, he only yells for a couple of days at the most than he simmers down. I don't think you need to worry.

submitted by Ruby M., age 14, Somewhere
(November 3, 2013 - 7:38 pm)

It's just that in my experience people will "forgive" me for something I said/did and then they remember and they get mad at me all over again.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(November 5, 2013 - 8:13 am)

I can relate to your problem with your friend. I have a friend who used to do that, too. Tell her you are sorry and hopefully she will forgive you. If she brings it up again, just tell her you don't want to talk about it anymore - I told my friend that and she dropped the subject. When someone is mad at me, I usually dwell on it a lot. I found that writing my problems down or even writing a letter to this person can help (of course, you don't give the person the letter!). Personally, I think there is such thing as forgiveness. And in a way it is forgetting about what the person did and giving them another chance. BUT if the person brings up the problem again, then I think they never truly forgave you and you need to talk. 

submitted by Elizabeth, age 14, Germany
(November 6, 2013 - 10:48 am)

Forgiveness is real . Jesus died on the cross so we could be forgiven by God .

forgave me . And trust me , I have done things no 14 year old ( or
teenager for that matter ) should EVER do . And I got alot of emotional
scars . I've hurt people , people have hurt me . i've said the meanest
things in the WORLD to my best friend , and she's said some of the
meanest things to me . I've done some terrible things to her . I've said
bad things . She's said bad things . We've gotten into fights . We've
both cried . But you know what ? We're still bestfriends because of
forgiveness . We've both forgiven each other for the horrible things . 

if it bothers you SO much that it's eating you alive , then you need to
go to that person . Trust me , it wasn't easy calling my best friend
and crying on the phone and telling her how sorry and wrong I was . That
it was all because of me some really hard stuff was happening . 

But you have to humble yourself . Go to that person , or those people and simply say sorry . Whether or not they forgive you is their own thing . Do what you need to do to make it right . It's one of the hardest things ever . 

I mean , girl you're 12 . You don't want to start in this path . Please please please trust me . I'm almost gonna be 14 and I'm still walking out of stuff that happened when I was 12 .  Stuff that I reeeeaally regret .

And , if you forgive yourself and apologize to them AND to you , then it shows them that you're the mature one . Junior high is a trip man . Just waait till you get to highschool . But if they can't forgive you , they're the immature ones . 


So yeah . Forgiveness is real . It's very real . And , you haven't  truly forgiven till you've forgotten .

submitted by Vidaaa
(November 12, 2013 - 1:12 pm)

Do you go to church , Maggie ? ( an unrelated question I know , but just wondering ) .

submitted by Vida ^.^
(November 12, 2013 - 3:07 pm)

I am an atheist

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(November 14, 2013 - 7:27 am)