Alright! Here's the

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Alright! Here's the

Alright! Here's the plan:

This thread is going to be like a compliment tree. A place where when people have some bad days, they can look here and know that people see good in them.

Here's the rules:

Do not reveal who you are! Simply write, the name of the person you are giving a compliment to and the compliment. Just leave the name space as question marks or guess who or something along those lines.

Only positive things please! :)

Alright, let's give this a shot! (Admins, feel free to write compliments!) 


All Chatterboxers: You are so helpful to and supportive of each other.


submitted by ?????
(November 8, 2013 - 6:22 pm)

The Admins: Thanks for keeping the Chatterbox safe and fun. I love how we can share our thoughts in an openly, friendly manner but we can still be safe! Thank you for answering our questions, too!

The Chatterboxers: You guys are awesome! Without you, the Chatterbox is not complete. I mean, what's a Chatterbox with no kids sharing great ideas with each other? You always have something to talk about and there's always something new to discover each day. I love posting on here because the Chatterboxers make the Chatterbox a fun and entertaining place to be. There are always positive things coming from the Chatterboxers. 

Of course, I would also like to compliment the Cricket magazine team. I would not have known about the Chatterbox if it weren't for Cricket magazine. Thanks for creating a magazine full of fun ideas and stories/literature! I look forward to every issue I receive.

Thanks for creating a place where people can compliment others! It's a great idea. :) 

Thank you!!! Smile

submitted by Unknown
(November 8, 2013 - 7:08 pm)
submitted by Top
(November 8, 2013 - 8:46 pm)
submitted by Top
(November 8, 2013 - 8:49 pm)


submitted by Top!
(November 9, 2013 - 11:02 am)

The Admins-- I actually want to be an admin when I get older. ADMINS ARE AWESOME!!!!!

Chatterboxers--You guys make my life 20% better some days. ALL of you. You're all awesome, too! 

submitted by --
(November 9, 2013 - 5:46 pm)

All Chatterboxers: You guys are incredible and very helpful and I'm not good at giving compliments but just know that you are nice and very helpful.

submitted by me, age 12
(November 9, 2013 - 6:24 pm)

Melody - You're amazing . You give some great advice . And , you seem to be one of the people I engage w. the most on the Chatterbox ! You're close to my age . Thaanks for your help ! You're smart and I'm sureee pretty !


The Chatterbox - Yall are the most encouraging kids ever and supportive . Thanks guys.



submitted by ??? xD, age 13 <33
(November 12, 2013 - 1:34 pm)

I really couldn't narrow it down to just one or even a few people. You all help me, encourage me, and give me confidence. If I ever fear something, or get made fun of, or just struggle to do something, I remember there are people who have gone through the same things. They support me, and like me for me.

But I do want to specially thank True, cause you and I have had so much fun and have worked so well together.

Corina, cause you and I have revived each other from the dead more times than I can count!

Teresa, cause you've given me supportive but straight and honest feedback and really great tips!

Theo, cause we've had so many laughs about every random thing under the sun!

But really, this applies to EVERYONE! Thanks to all the CBers. You help give me strength to believe in myself that I wouldn't have had before!

submitted by ???
(November 12, 2013 - 9:46 pm)

Honestly, I want to compliment @????? for creating this compliment tree. I will know that if I feel bad, any day, I can just look on here and know that people care about me. So thank you for that. That's all I have to say.

submitted by It's a secret, age ?, ?
(November 13, 2013 - 12:38 pm)

Firstly, I would like to thank the Admins here on CB for all of your hard work and keeping CB a place where I know I can have fun and be safe.

I would like to specially thank Blonde Heroines Rule for just being so creative and inspiring. I have had ever so much fun with you, especially on a certain thread that you will know.  Almost a year with you in that thread, and we are not done yet. I am always hoping for a new post every day, and I must say that I loved every minute of it.

I would really like to thank Corina, as well, because you and I have been talking so much outside of CB, and you introduced Percy Jackson series to me. You have caused so much fun in my life. Each day I look forward to talking or replying you. 

I would also like to thank Blue, because even though I know she will probably not be reading this, she was the one to give me the idea, a character, and the plot of my current novel. She will not be forgotten to me.

These three are only my special thanks. Everyone of you out there on CB is awesome and amazing. I come on here each day and think about you at night. (Yes, really, I do.) Thank you for just being awesome.

submitted by Can't tell
(November 13, 2013 - 6:24 pm)

Alright, I want to first thank all of you: the Admins, the Cbers, everyone for being such good friends to me and creating a place I can just go to and be crazy and myself.

Secondly, I'd like to thank a few spetcific people:

Blonde Heroines Rule for one, because she taught me that virtual CPR is a thing you must know how to do when you have a major fangirl for a friend. And she has made me laugh so much. I look forward to each time I reply to her posts or messages. And I love fangirling about just about everything with her!

True, because she just such a amazing and awesome person. And she also makes me laugh all the time!

Moss, because she has helped me with my novel so much. And she's always on when I need to talk to someone.

And everybody else. Because you are all amazing people.


submitted by Nobody
(November 13, 2013 - 10:49 pm)

ADMINS- for being very nice to CBers and for letting us to do instant chat.

CBERS- for always helping me

FANTASY QUILL- for telling everything I needed to know when I first came here.


 Thanks for the reminder about Instant Chat. Tomorrow, Friday, beginning at 4 pm till 5 or 5:30. I've had a busy week and welcome the reminder!



submitted by You'll have 2 guess!
(November 14, 2013 - 5:19 pm)

If you can't figure out who I am, well then, you might be... actually, I'm so obvious that I don't even know how you could miss me. Now, this may take a long time, so I must warm up my vocal chords. *Hem hem*

Melody: Thank you for putting up with all of my silly teasing and nonsense I subject you to. You're awesome and have taught me so much random stuff about Disney. I'd randomly sing a song for you, except I'm a terrible singer, we're online, and I don't even know that many English singing songs anyway. Unless you'd like me to seranade you with some heavy rock music. That I can do!

SC: I must say, I have never had anyone so amazing poison me before.

Joe the Stickfiddler: Fellow awesome male, I am constantly amazed at your stickfiddling prowess, crazy HypQuests, and your endless creativity in general. Keep it up, my good man, keep it up.

Corina: I am enjoying your boundless energy that I've been obvserving over your time here. You're crazy. You're wild. You're the kind of girl who isn't afraid to paddle a barrel of fish over a waterfall. Clearly, we need more people like you in this world.

BHR: Fortunatly, we have you. Keep catapulting Barbie heads, awesome girl. And if you ever want to meet a fellow nutty, Top Gear loving archer, I'll put you in touch with my friend who I swear is you in male form. 

Theo: Thanks a billion for your amazing creativity and RP characters. I read all the RPs, even if I don't join 'em, and I love what you do. You're witty and grand and I think you should make a few more personas running around here because the more we have of you, the better.

Darn it, I need to get off the computer. I will continue this! Later! Au revoirrrrrrrr....  

submitted by Slightly Anonymous
(November 15, 2013 - 12:28 am)

If people don't guess who I am, I'd be very suprised. I made a post already, but I realized there are others I must compliment, so~

Ruby: I love reading your posts. You give such good advice and suport. And you're just such an awesome person. ^.^

Red: Because you make me laugh. A lot. And because we're both so crazy and insane. Yes, actually, you do sometimes remind me of myself. I shouldn't have said that, since it it's not really a compliment, but. . . 

Nina: You made us awesome threads! About books! Pure awesomeness! I <3 you!

Elizabeth: Your posts are always really interesting and cool! Thanks for being awesome!

Everinne: I could just compliment you solely because of your name. It's awesome. 

Theo and Lexi: You make me laugh so much! And I like talking about randomness with you. Like what to have for breakfast. Thanks for being such an awesome friend! 

Ivy: Because, for some reason, I always feel comfortated when I read your posts. That is really random, I know, but still.

Maggie: Because you're an amazing person. One of the most interesting and awesome people I've ever met.

AAAaaaannnddd I believe I used 'awesome' more then six times right there. I'll be back later!

submitted by Nobody
(November 15, 2013 - 4:52 pm)

First of all I'd like to thank BHR for being so carefree and natural on the CB. She doesn't mind being a fan girl, and she happens to love nearly all the same things as I!

Corina also, for being insane and not being ashamed to say it. I also am clinically insane, though I wouldn't always say it.

Joe the Stickfiddler for being a really cool dude.

The Admins for keeping us all safe. I wouldn't be able to hang out here if it weren't for your vigilance.

And, of course, a bow and salute to every CBer, who brightens my days and who never fails to be entertaining. 

submitted by I'm Nobody, Who Are You?
(November 16, 2013 - 5:43 pm)