Compliments Tree

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Compliments Tree

Compliments Tree

I think I remember a Compliments Tree on here a few months ago. I liked the idea, so here's a NEW compliments tree!

Please say nice things about any of the Chatterboxers: why you admire them, what qualities you like about them, etc. Admins deserve good comments, too, so don't forget about them!

You can choose whether to leave your name Anonymous or post your regular name. Either way, it is you choice.  

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 19, 2014 - 6:57 am)

Why, thank you, Everinne!

Everinne: I think you're a wonderful friend, and we have a lot in common!

Joe: Your HypQuests are awesome, you have a vivid imagination, and you're super cool.

Red: You haven't been on much, but you're a very interesting person with many cool ideas. 

Melody: You're very smart, and you can be practical one moment and funny the next!

Maggie: You're very amazing. We both have the same tastes in Doctor Who! Yay!

Nina: I can't thank you enough. You're book club was very fun! Please do more!

TNO: It's wicked cool to have someone your age on the Chatterbox! You're a great literary inspiration!

Blonde Heroines Rule: You're skilled in World Domination, and that of which calls for stealth and wit. 

All Chatterboxers: You guys are the BEST!!!! You make the Chatterbox so interesting it's insane!!!! KEEP ON ROCKIN GUYS!

Admins: No one can thank you enough for all your hard work you do on this Chatterbox! You not only moderate and stand-by, we actually get to know you. Which is something I was surprised and delighted to discover when I first came here. 

Motto of my life: Everyone's awesome! (Seriously. Really.)


submitted by Blackberry E., age 14
(January 21, 2014 - 5:25 pm)

Maggie- You're an amazing poet! I love your poetry club poems!

Blue Fairy- You're a great CBer!

Melody- You pick hilarious songs for the Ski Lodge!

BHR- You have quoted a lot of my favorite Bible verses, and you rock at writing!

Nina: Your clubs are so interesting! I can always look forward to a fresh idea!

Ruby: You do a great job on the Murder Mystery!

Red- You are hilarious!

Admins- You do so much for us CBers. *clap,clap,clap. Go, Admins!

SC- The only difference in your name is a C!


Corina- You're a fabulous CBer

Everinne- You are an Aragorn fan, so you are wonderful!

Vida- You're a spectacular CBer. 

Violet- You are the sweetest, kindest nicest person.

Joe the Stickfiddler- Your question things are hilarious.

Theo W.- You are a fantastic CBer!

the doctor- You're a worthy CBer! 

Evan S.- You are kinda persuasive. I almost joined your RP even though I've never read the hunger games before.

True- YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Butterfly- You posted the funniest jokes from the newspaper!

Elizabeth- You are awesome!

Nora the Singer-You make me think..... 

Mag Fan- Your idea for a song game is epic!

Ivy- You are an interesting person! 

Gollum- You have excellent tea tastes.

Blackberry E.- You're a great, intelligent CBer.

Moss- I love your name! 

Teresa- I like you a lot. Meesa don't know why. 

I was going to do Tovah, but I don't know her.


submitted by S.E
(January 22, 2014 - 7:04 am)

*modest smile* Why, thank you, S.E. I'm flattered.  =D

submitted by Mag Fan
(January 22, 2014 - 12:09 pm)

This made me happy. Thank you, S.E.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 22, 2014 - 6:30 pm)

Thanks, S.E!!!!

submitted by Abigail A., age 12, VT
(January 23, 2014 - 8:59 am)

Thanks so much :)

submitted by Moss, age 13
(January 23, 2014 - 4:28 pm)

TNO, you rock.

submitted by S.E.
(January 22, 2014 - 7:06 am)

I kind of want to say who I am, but I also kind of don't.

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(January 22, 2014 - 12:51 pm)

thank you Everinne, Person and S.E.!

a few compliments of many!

You are so nice, friendly and easy to like! Also, you are the only other
Merlinian on the CB!

My fellow ballet dancer! 

I just really like you. I think you’re a really nice, interesting person! Plus,
your name is AWESOME!

The biggest bookworm! I wish I could read as many books as you do! Also, for
always guessing each other on SIs :)

the Stickfiddler: You are so imaginative and creative! 

You are both so funny, creative and supportive of other CBers.

Of course I can’t leave out the Admins! Without you guys there would be no

have more compliments to post, so I’ll try and do more later!

submitted by Ivy
(January 22, 2014 - 2:04 pm)

Thank you, S.E, for saying that you like me because I'm an Aragorn fan. That must be one of the most fandom (but funniest) things anyone has ever said to me!

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Narnia
(January 22, 2014 - 5:05 pm)


submitted by S.E.
(January 22, 2014 - 8:41 pm)

Gilraen: You like Legolas more than Aragorn, but I still think you are great!

submitted by S.E.
(January 22, 2014 - 8:45 pm)

Whoo-hoo! Complimenting time! This is enormously long, so I'm cutting this into two parts. Part two will be up... later.

Admins- You're really awesome for putting up with me and some of our weirder ideas, like that mafia/wild west robber kudzu plant. In our defense, it's getting really hard to come up with original deaths, which is why this ski lodge has been so bizzare. Plus, I find the idea of a gang of invasive species plants hilarious. Thanks so much for always supporting us and allowing me to post here even though I'm not a human.

Nina- I love all the weekly clubs you come up with. They're really cool, and I'm always amazed at how many awesome ideas you have and how willing you are to step up and be a leader. You inspire all of us Chatterboxers and I hope you continue to come up with really cool ideas.

Melody- When I look up "Melody" in the dictionary, I find "Melody, n. Pure awesomeness (and Disney mania) condensed into a (short) human form, who completely denies her shortness. Also a murderer, but denies that too. Shhh. You didn't see anything." Either that or "a sequence of notes that is musically satisfying".

TNO- If I had an umlaut, I would umlaut all over the place, but I don't. Random tangent aside, I really, really respect you for your awesome art skills and long discourses on the arts and fangirling. I think it's amazing you still post on this website even in college, long after many others have deserted Cricket. I hope you get a chance to post soon!

Blonde Heroines Rule- Despite our different attitudes towards world domination and large, heavy books about petite females, you're really, really cool. I love your spunky attitude and your willingness to say, "Hey, look, a flamethrower! Cool!" I also think it's really sweet of you to pray for various CBers when we or loved ones are in trouble and I think your love in God and your cheerful religiousness is amazing. You have such a powerful faith, but you're kind in sharing your beliefs and not trying to force your beliefs on others. You would be so fun to meet. Now, let's roll some Barbie heads, shall we?

Blackberry- Thank you so much for being such a devoted world domination follower! Someday, we will be the champions. Even if we don't win, we wil sing "We are the Champions" over and over annoyingly until they yell at us all to be quiet. I would say remember to keep being awesome, but you don't need to be told that, as it comes naturally. Stay a devoted LotR fan and remember to watch out for glitter!

Ivy- Ivy! Whoo! Talking with you is always so fun. You're really pleasant, sweet, funny, and always informative. I love your zest and humor and I wish you could be around more often.

Maggie- You're seriously awesome. Really. Your sarcasm makes me laugh and I really, really care about you. Even Ruby cares, and he only cares about money. I think you're really courageous to keep going and to ask for help. I think you're strong to admit your shortcomings, because so many people won't do that. So many people say, "Well, I'm super smart, and gorgeous, and I have a hot Italian model boyfriend," (actually, I've never heard anyone say that, but you know what I mean) but never actually admit that they have problems. 

Joe the Stickfiddler- Chances are you won't read this, but I'm not stopped! Stickfiddling brother, you help prove that not only does the CB have awesome girls, but they are actually awesome guys out there, too! We are proving that the whole male population doesn't just sit around all day and think "If I got up, I could get a soda. But that means I'd have to get up. Instead, I will yell for someone to bring me a soda. Yes, that sounds good. Oh, hey, look, football!" I love your creativeness, your awesome imagination, and your willingness to admit you need or want help. Keep Stickfiddling, and we're always waiting for the next HypQuest. (And I did read the whole Finkleberry story, but the sheer amount of text nearly killed me, which is rich, considering this post is approximately the size of the Seine River.)

Blue Fairy- If I pull out that dictionary again, it says "Blue Fairy n. A very, very cool girl who really ought to show up here more often, because we are severly lacking in awesomeness of the Blu variety. She may also be a murderer in hiding. Shh. You didn't see anything." 

submitted by Red, age 14, Elsewhere
(January 22, 2014 - 10:38 pm)

I'm really happy to see that people actually appreciate my sarcasm. The fact that you guys care about me makes me insanely happy (and also makes me sound self-absorbed. Gah.) 

I really appreciate all of you more than I could possibly put into words. 

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 22, 2014 - 11:54 pm)

Wow, thank you Red! You just made my day! 

submitted by Ivy
(January 23, 2014 - 1:12 am)