Timeline of the

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Timeline of the

Timeline of the Chatterboxers

Post what's on your mind, or what you did today (or all subsequent days hence or prior), or something you want to say but can't find a place to say it.  And then most likely discussions will ensue and it will be a Chatterboxian madness.  I think this would be an interesting thing to see what we thought was important on a certain day and there will be a sort of time capsule of what happened to Chatterboxers in such and such a time and it will most likely be interesting, because everyone on here has interesting things happen in their lives.  So, henceforth post your thoughts and whatnot and the winds of the Chatterbox and time will decide what happens.

submitted by Gollum
(January 25, 2014 - 6:49 pm)

I'm really into architecture, and I'm working on a fort type of building, complete with beds, a desk, and a balcony. And probably a tv.

Any tips?


submitted by Legion I., age 13, SD
(January 26, 2014 - 1:00 am)