CBer Picturings

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

CBer Picturings

CBer Picturings

Zach said we should do this again. So I shall picture Zach.

Green shirt, glasses, mussy brown hair, about 12 or 13, and as about 5 feet or so tall.


submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 15, Zach Vortex
(June 29, 2014 - 2:11 pm)

Joe the Stickfiddler - Pretty much exactly what Everinne said. Scary.

Theo - Sort of like JtS, but with black hair and clutching a comic.

Blond Heroines Rule - Shimmering, long, blond hair wrapped up in a ponytail. A T-shirt and jeans, with a homemade red cape affixed to the shirt. She also wears a cross necklace.

S.E. - Same cross and hair color as BHR, but with shorter hair (think Hazel in TFioS). Wears glasses, has freckles, and has a shy little smile on her face.

Bookbug - A little ladybug sitting in a book, but with a red-haired human face (it's not as creepy as it sounds). 

Watermelon - A girl wearing a short pink and green outfit.

Vida - A Hispanic girl with long black hair and a tank top. Sometimes she has butteflies fluttering around her.

Zach - A boy with short blond hair, fandom shirts, and blue jeans.

Magic Dragon - A shiny pink and green dragon with a tail with almost ceramic-looking spikes.

Maggie - A tall girl with bouncy orange curls, some type of Doctor Who shirt, skinny jeans, and long black boots. Her facial expressions range from discontent to extremely excited. Sometimes she wears a fez.

Nora the Singer - A tan girl with a thin black braid. She sits cross-legged and tell stories, which emerge as purple streaks from her mouth (I have no idea why).

Butterfly - A perky Hispanic girl with black hair and a multicolored neon dress.

Melody - Mahogany hair, Mickey ears hat, sparkling blue eyes. Average height. Always humming a song.

Everinne - Long black hair, ebony eyes, rosy cheeks, black dress with rushes of neon green. She is always surrounded by ice or on the Titanic.

Red - Short, bright red hair--again, extremely similar to Hazel's. Perpetually listening to Rush.

Ruby - Raven black hair in two braids, but also has bangs cut in the same way as Red's hair. They look nearly identical. When they post right after eachother, I picture them whispering conspiratorially and snickering.

Ivy - Pre-Games Katniss, but with a long green dress.

Blue Fairy - Ditto Everinne here too.

Moss - Very similar to Ivy, only her hair isn't in a braid. Sometimes moss hangs from her in a very pretty way, as though she's a nature spirit or something like that.

Captain Read - Red-haired, with a superhero cape and outfit similar to BHR's.

Corina - Long black hair in a braid, fancy dress outfit; name brings to mind the sound of a typewriter (perhaps because of the font Courier?).

Teresa - Very short--almost looks like a grade school kid. Has short orange hair and bangs, and wears T-shirts and skirts.

Tell me if I forgot you and I'll do you. 



submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 9, 2014 - 2:42 pm)

I know I haven't been on in a while, but can someone picture me please?

submitted by Owlfire, age 12, HOME! (after camp)
(July 9, 2014 - 6:19 pm)

Owlfire - An owl with piercing yellow eyes standing atop a flaming torch, who shape-shifts into a girl with long brown hair, freckles, a ragged outfit, and a tight red scarf.

submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 10, 2014 - 1:53 pm)

The last three words of that last sentence sounded a bit wrong...if you know what I mean...

submitted by Um
(July 9, 2014 - 6:39 pm)

Oh boy. I was really hoping the Chatterbox would be free of people thinking this every time they saw certain words...

Apologies to anyone I've heard, but also a friendly reminder not to try to dig inappropriate stuff out of everything

submitted by WritingWarrior
(July 10, 2014 - 10:02 am)

No offence, but NO PINK! AK! green, yes. 

submitted by Magic Dragon, age hrrr, flying in circles
(July 9, 2014 - 11:01 pm)

I forgot about this for awhile and plus Camp NaNo and writing. I'll write 300 an hour, I think. Not in a rush as much as before. I'm going to the eye doctor now, and will soon be on a car ride again so I don't have much time to write picturings.

I love your guys picturings of me :) I don't want to give anything away get hmm... but I will hint this: I'm not the fancy type. 

submitted by Moss, age 13
(July 10, 2014 - 8:31 am)

Butterfly: I picture you as a deep purple color.

True: You're a light blue color. I can't really describe it, because it's how I see the color "truth" and it doesn't quite look like any color I've seen on Earth.

Responses to the things you guys said about me:

Corina: Tall? Thanks. I'm the exact opposite of that, but I'll pretend to be tall anyway. I guess my skin is pretty dark... and smooth? It's kind of dry...

Zach: You forgot both of us.

Ivy: I'm not Asian, although all you people seem to think that. (Sakura much?) I do wear a lot of black, if only because people insist on giving you black T-shirts and black basketball shorts are common.

Bookbug: *waves*

Writing Warrior: My hair is brown and- I guess it's long enough to braid now? I think? We snicker conspiratorially all the time. We don't post seperately because it's such a pain in the butt to post at seperate times and then we always forget. So it's easier to just go around in one big swoop of the Chatterbox together.

What I look like, if anyone cares:

I am phenomonally short (five feet, two inches, and a quarter! Puberty, come on already!) and roughly medium weight. My hair is pretty long now, it's at my shoulderblades. My mom has been trying to cut it for a couple of months now. I'm sure I'll have to have it cut before the beginning of the school year. I don't know why I like long hair, I just do. It's not to bug my parents (although that's a great side effect), or to have people ask if another friend of mine is my brother twenty-five times a day (although that's a hilarious side effect), I just feel more comfortable this way. I wear T-shirts and shorts all the time and try not to wear shoes because my toes are so callused. I wear glasses as well. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 14, Somewhere
(July 9, 2014 - 6:18 pm)

@ Writing Warrior:

Thank you about the Titanic.

I love how you all picture me. I feel so beautiful. Especially Zach's Snow Queen description, and Ivy's pine tree association.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, RMS Titanic
(July 9, 2014 - 8:11 pm)

heh heh heh.. you are wrong about me. Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't.

Here are my guesses.


Moss: Tall, lanky, olive skinned, dirty shoulder length brown hair, moss green shirt, dirty jeans

BHR: Hermoine, but blonde and more fabulous

Corina: Short, dark-ish skin, black curly hair, great fashion sense (I don't know what is an example.. I am not a fashionista)

Owlfire: brown hair, light ish skin, rather smudged with soot, tough looking, holding a trident that resembles fire

WritingWarrior: Owlfire with giant quill pen instead of a trident and not smuged, and has glasses that are round

Nora the Singer: For some reason I think of Demi Lovato, but younger and with blonde hair.

Bookbug: Red hair, blue eyes, bottom of face hidden in book

Butterfly: Light blonde hair, light blue eyes, wearing pink and yellow

Gadzooks: small, ceramic dragon with pencil and notebook, or in human form, maybe David (not the statue because that would be embarassing)

I hope I did not offend anyone, but my mind has awesome powers

Puff the MagicDragon (AKA Magic Dragon or me)

Dragon form: Giant asian dragon, green and with wings; I also have fangs that are pretty awesome


Human form: Brown hair, Brown eyes, olive skin, proud, sarcastic, wears jeans too often and whines when not allowed to...


submitted by Magic Dragon, age heheheheh, Heheheheh
(July 9, 2014 - 11:16 pm)

YES! I'm a celebrity look-a-like! At least, in your mind.

submitted by Nora the Singer
(July 10, 2014 - 7:14 pm)

It is as if you scored a goal in world cup soccer. (I do NOT have world cup fever by the way.)

submitted by Puff the MagicDragon, age Is UNKNOWN, Flying around CB
(July 13, 2014 - 8:29 pm)

WritingWarrior: A silver wolf

Magic Dragon: A huge dragon with blue/green scales. 

Mag Fan: A shortish girl with straight, caramel colored hair. Carrying a Cricket magazine.


submitted by Ivy
(July 10, 2014 - 11:54 am)

Blu, Maggie, and Ivy are all wicked pretty.  

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(July 10, 2014 - 12:03 pm)

Thank you, but so are YOU!

submitted by Ivy
(July 13, 2014 - 9:37 pm)