Sooooo... H

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Sooooo... H


How many different CB names do you all use? I have three that I rotate around from...

I am commenly known as Magic Dragon, but I am also Puff the MagicDragon, (how obvious is that) and Dr. Pseudonymous. I rotate because I feel like it. I am the type that gets board with just ONE. 

submitted by Magic Dragon, age Gauge? Huh, YOU STALKER, YOU
(July 16, 2014 - 11:27 pm)

I only post as Ivy, but I was Hannah A. when I first started coming on here. Wow, that was over 3 1/2 years ago!

submitted by Ivy
(July 18, 2014 - 12:40 am)

I only have the one name.

submitted by EarthGirl13
(July 26, 2014 - 2:56 pm)

I went by/ go by ( In CB )

- Catori

- Indigo Keli

- Headmistress ( For a RP . Breifly. Don't judge )

- Indigo Kli ( By Accident )

- Christie M.

For Crowd Scocery :

- Christie M.

- Transelator

By the way, whoever commented on my first post, Thnx a lot ! It was sad I lost it, though... Anybody know what I'm talking about/mean ? Unlikely. * Sigh... *

submitted by Indigo K., age 10, CB, Name Archives
(July 30, 2014 - 1:08 pm)

I post under many names. It's fun, like acting, which I love. You get to be different people. Even I don't keep track of all of them. But I will tell you I'm also Lavender, if you remember her. I don't post as her much anymore, but it's actually me, me being the person in real life, who is and speaks French.

submitted by Nora the Singer
(July 31, 2014 - 9:45 am)

Yeah, I remembered Lavender. I thought she disappeared from the CB pretty quickly, but if she was you, then that makes sense now.

submitted by Everinne, age 15
(July 31, 2014 - 10:13 pm)