Chatterbox: Down to Earth



So this is like a CBER picturing but with fantasy picturing! I am a druid, queen of the forest. Anyway, I will start with some people I know. 


Joe the Stickfiddler: He is a bard, someone who plays enchanted music (in this case on a fiddle). He has sleek shoulder length brown hair tied back in a dashing ponytail and has a mischievous grin on his face. He has blue eyes and pale skin. He is a bit mischievous looking. He has a red shirt with cream-colored sleeves and black pants.


Everrine: She is a paladin, an elite warrior ninja person. She is petite but strong, her hair is braided back and their is a ninja like face covering on her face. Her eyes glitter, knowing she can defeat anything in her way. She wields two knives ahead of her, defending her king to the death.



submitted by Brooke E., age 11, CBER PICTURING PLANE
(July 24, 2014 - 7:55 pm)

Yahoo! Thanks Indigo!

You're... Aa elf with Indigo tinted skin and indigo hair in long waves and a braid down to the ground. You have blue eyes with a cunning expression and you wear a dress of white linen with clouds. You hold a crossbow covered in flowers, as you hunt to find food.


You got the brown hair part right! It's more shoulder lengh though... sheesh, I wish it would grow that long!

submitted by Little Sister, age 11, New Hampshire
(October 10, 2014 - 4:38 pm)

I haven't gotten very acquainted with any of the new CBers, but I'll try! These are probably not creative at all, and mostly based off of your names. They are also going to be strange and not resembling established fantasy creatures at all. 

Brooke E. is a water nymph, with light blue flowy clothes and a laugh that sounds like River bubbles; she sits in streams and smiles a lot and her teeth are v white and her eyes are blue.

Winter Firefly is a warm yellow glow, floating outside a Chicago window in the midst of a storm. She's got a short, floaty sort of yellow dress and her hair is kind of like Sophie's at the end of Howl's Moving Castle.

Indigo K. is mysterious; she wears a long white cloak and her hair is long and purple-ish and almost gravity defying; it tumbles around her as she rides a horse through the night.

BookBug is small and quick; she's got red hair and a cap and ears pointed at the tips, and she scurries along library shelves, putting the books where they belong.

Nora the Singer is light and graceful; she's thin and tall and has long silvery hair and a robe that looks vaguely Greek; in fact, she's got a laurel crown as well.

Madeleine is elegant; perhaps a spin of light pink butterfly wings and dark red frills

Daffodil is a bright yellow cap and tilted head; sharp chin and jet-black eyes, grinning at you from within a flower. 


And now for some oldies! (Sorry if any of the above are oldies, the following are just the people I recognize)

BHR is an elf, with blond (DUH) hair in braids pinned atop her head, and  a long blue dress that touches the floor. 

True S. is midnight blue and stars and bright eyes; a constellation and a shooting star, piercing yet comforting

Theo W. is fire; she's got short black hair and a crown of burning flowers, and she dances a lot


This really made even less sense than when I set out to do this, but such is life. I can do more later, I'm pretty sure I forgot some.  

submitted by Katia
(October 9, 2014 - 10:21 pm)

Close but my eyes are turquoise!

(Like REEEALLY close) 

submitted by Brooke E.
(October 12, 2014 - 7:53 am)



Have you seen the movie? Book? Yes? No? 

submitted by Danie
(November 11, 2014 - 9:28 pm)

Wait - I knew I'd forgotten a few. 

SC is a dragon slayer. That is gloriously uncreative, but I can't help it. She wears armor and her hair is black and cut short; she has an ornate sword and a dark blue cloak.

(Later, I should imagine all of you as lady knights. That'd be cool. Except the rare boys, who will be of course normal Knights, I just like lady knights a lot.)

Little Sister has soft fluttering wings and glows faintly; her blue eyes are almost hypnotic and she sings a soft tune

Maple Syrup is in a tree, and she has long auburn hair and freckles and a plaid button-up shirt. Her hair is in two braids down the sides of her neck, and all of the animals of the autumn forest do her bidding if she so chooses. 


(And now you guys had better do me bc I'm incredibly curious.)  

submitted by Katia
(October 9, 2014 - 10:33 pm)

Wow. I did used to go by True S., didn't I? I dropped it a year or so ago,because it used to be that everyone was doing first name, last initial. That fad has feded out with many of the CBers who keep coming back. I haven't realised how long I've actually been on CB. 

Katia: A petit girl with soft brown eyes, and braided dark brown hair. Wearing a once colorful, now faded scarf/shawl over your head, with a dress that has amazing detail and looks as though it will keep you warm. Braclets and necklaces jangle on yyour wrists and neck. You're a gypsy child, with a vivid imagination. But this image is faded - like an old faded yellow picture. (Actually, I imagined you like a child from Russia or Poland who was coming to America as an immigrant, but realized this was fantasy picturing, and changed it around. The picture was based on your name.) 

As Fantasy Quill and Tiffany, you're a knight with tarnished armor, a red plume our of your open helmet, the trace of golden curls, and blue sparkling eyes. A wall of books sparkling by some magic power surrounds you, and you're smiling, happily. It's the perfect battle for you.

submitted by True
(October 10, 2014 - 11:00 am)

Somebody do me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Grace
(October 10, 2014 - 5:39 pm)

Lil' Sis, you're a mischievous pixie, with a yellow dress and golden hair, twisted up in a bun.

Piester: You are a brownie (For those of you whom have read Fable
however, you don't fit in, you were a cape with a P on it, high-tops,
stretchy pants, and a bag full of pies! Oh and you invented Mountain


submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 11, 2014 - 10:11 am)

Brooke E.- Frost elf with long silver-blond hair and turquoise eyes. She is good at ice and water magic. A bit short for an elf. She's a druid. (thought you'd like that, Brooke)

Winter Firefly- Sun elf with golden hair and brown eyes. Good at fire and lightning magic.


submitted by Jiffy Jim Joe
(October 12, 2014 - 7:56 am)


submitted by Brooke , age aka Earane, the druid frost elf
(October 12, 2014 - 8:05 pm)


submitted by Forrest
(October 13, 2014 - 11:23 am)

Forrest is a wood elf with dark brown hair, deep brown skin, and deep brown eyes. She looks exotically beautiful.


submitted by Jiffy Jim Joe
(October 15, 2014 - 8:52 pm)

Ohhh, I like that, I might have to go as one of these for Halloween!!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 13, 2014 - 11:47 am)

Forrest : You have eyes the gold-green of a leaf lit from behind by the last rays of a setting sun ; hair a chocolate brown, tangled with twigs and leaves which never fade; soft honey-brown skin, and a dress woven of tree-fibers and leaves. You whisper in the langugue of the wind-through-the-branches as you stare at the intracite, curling patterns of bark from your perch high in your tree. 

submitted by Indigo
(October 15, 2014 - 9:49 pm)


Lottie T: Lottie is a kind-natured Victorian girl with a poofy frilly pink dress, blue eyes and tumbled golden curls.

Mag Fan: an enchanting Japanese geisha, holding a feathery tastled maroon fan. Mysterious and cunning, disappears in a poof.


Any others to add to *Memorial*?

submitted by Little Sister, age sigh. 11., here
(October 18, 2014 - 12:39 pm)