New HP Quiz 1.Which

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

New HP Quiz 1.Which

New HP Quiz

 1.Which house founder does Vold. not make a Horcrux of?

2.What is the name of Draco's son?

3. What is the name of Dudley's best friend?

4. Which student does Greyback attack in the final battle of Book 7?

5. Who are the Ravenclaw prefects?

6. Name all 7 DADA teachers.

7. What is Neville's job in the epilouge?

8. Whose last words are "Look at me"?

9. What does SPEW stand for?

10. What is Vold.'s middle name?

submitted by Reuben K, age 12.75, New Joisey-got
(February 21, 2009 - 8:56 am)

These are FUN!


1. Gryffindor, right?

2. Scorpius. Um, not to offend, all you Scorpiuses out there, but what kind of a name is that?

3. Piers Polkiss. JKR sure likes alliterated names.

4. Um... who?

5. Padma Patil and Terry Boot. And Hermione (just kidding)

6. Quirell, Lockhart, Lupin, Moody/Crouch, Umbridge, Snape, either Amycus or that other one; I get them mixed up

7. Herbology professor. Yay!!!

8. Snape's. :( Poor guy.

9. Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.  Have you sent in your annual donation, everyone?

10. Marvolo. See my answer to 2. 

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(February 21, 2009 - 12:25 pm)



3.Piers Polkriess

4.Oooh, I forgot!:(

5.Padma Patil and Anthony Goldstein

6.Quirell, Lockart, Lupin, Moody/Crouch, Umbridge, Snape, umm, I don't remember

7.Herbology teacher

8.Severus Snape:(

9.Uh, something something Elfish Welfware


That was fun and hard!!:):):)

submitted by Bekah P.
(February 28, 2009 - 5:11 pm)