Chatterbox Country

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Chatterbox Country

Chatterbox Country

Okay, this is an example of the newspaper I want to make. The next issue I can have with works by all of YOU!

From the Editor's Desk:

Welcome to the first issue of Chatterbox Country. I have got this issue started, but over the week please send in your submissions! I am opening a new thread in Inkwell especially for that. Hope you enjoy!


If you have any comments, please write and I’ll post them HERE!

In the News:

The biggest news of the Chatterbox this week - TNÖ, who we thought had disappeared forever, is back! Everybuggy is so glad to see you again, TNÖ. You're awesome! :)

[your article about news HERE)


What is your favorite way to spend winter?

a.    Playing outside in the snow!
b.    Staying inside, cozy!
c.    Watching the snow fall
d.    Where I live, there is no winter!


The recent ID game has ended, and we all want to know who you were! I was Almira. She’s in my latest novel. :)


Keep up with all the great fiction stories in the Inkwell! There are so many. [your story HERE]


Never brush coconut butter off a horses’ mane and smear it on your calendar because you had better watch if the books don’t want to spill on you and erasers will dance the tango if you don’t watch out this is a story
Where are you?
Oh yes
I thought you were in the ballroom
Never play games and sing if you don’t want to be happy just live life randomly


[Your nonfiction HERE]


[Your announcements HERE]

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(February 23, 2009 - 1:02 pm)

Looks great, lena! I can do polls! Or games?
Or maybe a section with stuff, like suggestions not for the Admin. but for US to do. Do you know what I mean??

submitted by Grace♥, age 13, SC
(February 23, 2009 - 2:18 pm)

Either one would be great!

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(February 23, 2009 - 6:11 pm)

Aha! I was right! You were princess Almira! :)

submitted by BellaTrix
(February 24, 2009 - 8:53 am)

I'd LOVE to do the news!!!!! :D:D:D I'll do some digging around the, *GASP*, old threads to find information!!! :D:D:D Do you want what I wrote about TNO (the new and improved version!)?!?!?She was gone.  We searched and searched, but it was in vain.  Was this the last that we would ever hear from our friend, TNÖ, also known by her true name, Haley?On January 28, 2009, we received our last comments from TNÖ.  Little did we know, that these few comments would take us on a journey.  A very dark and mysterious journey.The Chatterbox was slowly becoming normal.  Nobuggy knew what to do.  Nobuggy, that is, except for Paige. [no offense, or anything!!! :D:D:D]On February 9, 2009, Paige gave her good friend NatashaRox the treacherous journey of traveling across dangerous lands to the MuseBlog.  What she did not know, was that she was being followed.The following day, NatashaRox was warmly accepted by the inhabitants of the blog.  They answered her questions kindly, yet unfortunately stated that they had not heard from TNÖ since January 20, 2009.  One blogger informed her that she had heard from her in a hazardous area called "Pie Isle."  Later that day, NatashaRox typed in "Pie Isle" on the search engine [ooh! A search engine!  Just kidding! :D:D:D].  Clicking the link that came up in the results, she eventually found TNÖ on the Pie Isle.  Only, she had not posted since February 8, 2009, and that was the last they had heard from her...Even so, NatashaRox left her a comment, pleading TNÖ to tell her why she left.  That was when Natasha found out that she had been followed.  Not by an enemy, though, but by her good friend, Zoe!Both Zoe and NatashaRox posted their comments, yet neither were answered by TNÖ, only by other bloggers, who, in turn, thought they were completely crazy.  Sad and defeated, the two girls returned to Cricket Country, afraid that they may never hear from their friend again.Suddenly, on February 19, 2009, we received a comment from TNÖ!  The threads started popping up out of nowhere!  “TNO you are…”, “TNO For everybody who…”, “TNO’s BACK!…” are just few of the many threads made to welcome her.TNÖ then explained that her computer was acting up, and not allowing her to use the internet, which means no Chatterbox or MuseBlog.We are now extremely happy to hear from TNÖ, and yet, slightly embarrassed, too…

submitted by Paige
(February 23, 2009 - 5:18 pm)

I'd love to use it! Thanks!

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(February 24, 2009 - 8:24 am)

That is SO AWESOME!!!!!:D:D:D I would enter stuff to put on it!:):):) GREAT idea!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!:), California
(February 23, 2009 - 10:20 pm)