Becoming Vegetarian

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Becoming Vegetarian

Becoming Vegetarian
On becoming vegetarian- any suggestions? I am going to go veggie for a month, but any suggestions on recipes or anything? I'm a total rookie!
submitted by Book Wizard, Veggie land
(September 15, 2014 - 6:06 pm)

I'm not vegetarian, but I don't eat pig. I guess I can't help you because when I substitute things for pig, I just eat chicken or something.

submitted by Indigo
(September 15, 2014 - 7:45 pm)

Thanks anyways!

submitted by Book Wizard
(September 19, 2014 - 3:28 pm)


submitted by Book Wizard
(September 19, 2014 - 3:28 pm)

*breaks into song* Toooopoooopooooopoooopoop! You are so beautiful!

submitted by Book Wizard
(September 19, 2014 - 3:30 pm)

I'm not vegetarian, but I can recommend the book Sneaky Chef. It's all these recipes were you puree vegetables and fruit and put them in bad-for-you food. You can't even tell! There are a total of four books. You have to check them out!

submitted by Bookbug
(September 19, 2014 - 4:06 pm)

I will!

submitted by Book Wizard
(September 20, 2014 - 7:50 am)

Okay. So, I used to be a vegetarian for two and a half years.

Then I was diagnosed with celiac disease. And I kind of HAD to eat meat to get the nutrients I need.

So now I eat meat.

And here's my opinion - going vegetarian doesn't really save animals. Not that it's the reason why you went veggie, but if it is, that doesn't really work.

I LOVE animals, and this sounds so heartless, but it's the truth: the animals are already killed. Not eating them won't do anything to save them. You might as well eat them because once they're dead and cooked and given to you, there is nothing you can do to keep them alive.

I'm sorry, it's horrible, and now I feel like crying as I type this, but it's the sad truth. Once an animal is killed, it is food. And if you don't eat it, it's just going to be a dead animal. 

submitted by Nora the Singer
(September 20, 2014 - 4:45 pm)

That's true, but you don't have to give any more money to an already rich industry. Obviously if you've got to do it for medical reasons (my old friend did, too, Nora), then there's nothing you can do about it, but if it's choice, I still think it's more humane to not be a part of the whole chain.

And even being vegetarian won't cut it all the way, because the dairy industry is just as bad--killing all the baby cows and all. 

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Not eating
(September 20, 2014 - 5:57 pm)

If you buy the meat, it will encourage the slaughter of those animals. I live in the country, and we have cows. We send the old cows to slaughter. It is actually more humane than letting the cow starve to death. Cow fact: They lose teeth with age. They cannot swallow without chewing, so, a cow without teeth in a field of nice green grass can't eat. It is sad.

submitted by Magic Dragon
(September 20, 2014 - 9:01 pm)

I wanted to be vegetarian when I was 7 but then I asked my mom if it meant I couldn't eat bacon or alligator. ( We were going to New Orleans.) That ended me becoming vegetarian.

submitted by Forrest
(September 20, 2014 - 5:49 pm)

I've been vegetarian my whole life and its actually pretty awesome. You do have to make sure to get in a lot of protein, so eat at least one serving a day of nuts (or nut butter) and tofu, otherwise you will bonk BIG TIME. Trust me, I've done it. I also have protein powder that I put in smoothies that helps, but that mainly because I'm allergic to nuts.

Tofus are really good in stir-frys, with lots of veggies, ginger,soy sauce and maplesyrup. YUM. also, they're great if you cook them in some type of sauce- I love maple-balsamic tofu, look it up.

Hope you enjoy it!  

submitted by Abigail A., age 13, VT
(September 22, 2014 - 7:13 am)

I already eat tofu several times a week. I do not eat very much meat right now, which is why I might as well give it up. And yes, I do love maple-balsamic tofu. Yum!


submitted by Book Wizard
(September 22, 2014 - 5:39 pm)

I'm a vegetarian! I. Hate. Meat. I have only had tofu once. It's good, however, I think I'm mildly allergic to it. And I think I am becoming allergic to bread :/ bleh.

submitted by Winter Firefly
(November 25, 2014 - 2:27 pm)

Ok, I know this is a bit late but I tried being vegetarian, but I wasn't allowed to be.  I recommend that you be partially vegetarian.  If you are offered meat, eat it because it can be impolite and snobby if you are a guest at someone's house.  Also, it breaks my heart to say this, but you aren't making a difference.  If you want to make it better, be an animal rights activist when you are older, change things, because it is horrible out there, but I think being a vegetarian is useless.

submitted by Echo, age Dunno, My Room
(February 5, 2016 - 10:12 pm)

I read this thread with shock and joy at the fact that all the oldies had returned, then noticed that the date was 2014......

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 5, 2016 - 10:54 pm)