Middle School

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Middle School

Middle School

Rough. Very Rough. 

submitted by S.E.
(September 26, 2014 - 5:09 am)

I've never been in a public school. What's it like? And what do you mean, ough? Can you give me examples?

submitted by Bookbug
(September 26, 2014 - 3:12 pm)

Public school is very fun because you get to see all of your friends, but it is also frustrating, because you have to do what the teacher assigns, and the stuff we are doing right now is exactly what we did last year so there's no point. :/

submitted by Madeline, age 13
(September 26, 2014 - 6:22 pm)

What's private school like?? I've never been to one.

Nyan says... GOIN! omg! are u moving, Nyan?

submitted by Little Sister, age 11, Middle School
(October 7, 2014 - 4:24 pm)

And I have high school next year! I'm questioning now if it's possible to have more work and still pass all classes. (Eh, I know the answer. But seriously, it feels like I'm about to explode with work). I'm homeschooled, but homeschoolers do work hard. We don't just sit around all day.

What grade are you in? And how much work do you have? 

submitted by True
(September 26, 2014 - 5:47 pm)

I am in grade 6. I am bored to tears. I can't talk about it. But I might as well say I've spent more time than I would have liked in guidance.

submitted by S.E.
(September 26, 2014 - 7:50 pm)

Totally feel the same way. Although last year it was better because the teachers actually tried to challenge me. But since it's the start of the year now...

submitted by Madeline
(September 27, 2014 - 8:56 am)

I'm in 8th. True, I'm sure you'll like seeing new people--that'll be a big thing for you. But it's going to be different, much different. You have to do exactly what the teacher says. You can't make lessons around what you're having trouble on or what you like (I don't know if you do that now, since I'm not homeschooled, but you know). I really do like school, but when we do things we've already learned just for kids in the class that aren't as... oh, I don't know...

it makes me kind of mad. 

submitted by Madeline, age 13
(September 27, 2014 - 8:58 am)

Was that a "Yes, you'll like seeing people," or a direct comment to me? ;) I've heard many jokes about my name (kindly) throughout my life, but it's gone so far that I stop and check when people speak or write.

I'm glad that I don't have to do public schooling. (I live caty corner away from a middle school, once a high school. They get out early! But, they start really early and have homework. It's almost evened out.) I would like the people aspect . . . to some degree. In my co-op there is a popular group at lunch, with kids my age or younger. I could join either of the two, if I wanted to. I don't. My small group barely eats with each other, but we are friends. We laugh, have great talks with each other. But I'm not into big groups. Especially that kind of popular groups. I'm the quiet studious one with a hidden laugh. Actual high school . . . too much peer pressure. 

submitted by True
(September 27, 2014 - 7:47 pm)

Oh my, don't get me started on middle school. I myself have taken away a lot of very happy memories, but bits of it were definitely rough. Homework goes in leaps and unpredictable bounds, for one thing... And it's generally a time where a lot of self-discovery and stuff took place for me, but while I sometimes wished I could just be done while I was there, I came away knowing a lot about both the world and myself, and having met my best friend in the entire world.

Just... Don't worry. Teachers will act like everything you do in middle school directly influences the rest of your life, and while getting good grades is important at every stage, it's not as earth-shatteringly awful if you bomb a few assignments as everyone says it is. That's counterintuitive, I guess, but whatever.

It's not really about academics, though. Middle school may be viewed as an academic foundation, but it's much more of a moral one.  

Again - grades are obviously important, but don't let them make you feel unworthy, and don't let teachers convince you that your future depends on one grade at some point in middle school. 

(My gosh, the CAPTCHA got funky while I was away.) 

submitted by Katia, age FQ and TW, coming back?
(September 27, 2014 - 11:35 am)

I like middle school better than my elementary school, but the social aspect can't help me out. I am slightly people-phobic (does that even exist?) and refuse to go to school dances or overly large birthday parties. I do like some people, but I also know a lot of thick-heads. I am also a huge expert at

a) getting lost

b) getting locked out of the twenty year old hunk of junk that they call a locker

c) dropping literally everything on the floor in the middle of the hall when I'm about to be late to class

in middle school. And cptcha has gotten really artistic all of a sudden! 


submitted by Book Wizard
(September 28, 2014 - 5:00 pm)

I totally agree with the locker thing. Our school campus is super old and our halls are tiny, so when we have locker break it's a total stampede in there!

submitted by Air
(September 30, 2014 - 9:56 pm)

I'm in seventh grade in private school. Seventh grade is when the private high school looks at your grades to accept you... so ARGHHH GRADES GRADES GRADES so stressed out about grades :-) jk not really that much


ladeda says topa. top air? 

submitted by Air
(September 29, 2014 - 10:08 pm)

Since I am bored, I can't concentrate and I'm doing terribly. I got an 89% on a paper about sentence or not a sentence. You think people would get te hint, right?

submitted by S.E.
(September 30, 2014 - 5:15 am)

I started sixth grade this year, and I don't think that it's THAT bad. I mean, I HATE dressing out, and I'm in our school art program, so I have to go an hour before everyone else to do PE, then I have art third period. They do that so that I can still have another elective. Mine is German. I really don't mind school, though. I did think homeschooling sounded more fun, so last spring I actually considered it. But the middle school I go to has an amazing art program, and I want to be an artist someday. So I just decided to go. My mom said if I'd rather do homeschooling for seventh grade, then that's fine, but I think I'm going to stay in public school. I do think we learn some pointless things. They say everything we learn will benefit us when we grow up, but seriously, do we really have to know who discovered the neutron to pass a pointless SOL test in May, and if we don't pass the SOL test, we get held back so we can once again learn who discovered the electron. I wish I could just go to school for an hour for art class and then homeschool for the rest of the day. That would rock. And also, SE, if you hate public school so much, then why don't you ask your parents if you can homeschool? You can start anytime, even if the school year already started. 

submitted by EarthGirl
(October 5, 2014 - 4:02 pm)

I did. It's really complicated.

submitted by S.E.
(October 7, 2014 - 5:32 am)